Viktor Schauberger's Microscope Evidence

Biomagnetism is quality. Its adversary is all forms of over-illumination, over-heating or centrifugally engineered increase in pressure. In this case bio-electricity is produced, which, in the form of an atomic force of excess pressure, possesses energies that function electrolytically and over-acidify, decompose and kill all forms of life and growth. In the light of this, the deterioration of rivers and lakes becomes quite understandable. Since biomagnetism is quality, it follows that there is no constant conservation of energy in the presently accepted sense. There is likewise no equivalence between mass and energy and no insuperable force of gravity within the atmospheric envelope. All there is, is a rhythmical interplay between bipolar component forces, which ultimately inaugurates the final degeneration. In their interactive function as atomic pressural or suctional forces and through the biological vacuum thereby created, they also produce the best and cheapest driving force for machines. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]
"While the ratio of 1:2 corresponds to rest, and to the force of gravity, the ratio of 2:3 corresponds to motion, and to the centrifugal force. The prime 2, by any of its powers, never produces a new note. The prime 3 always produces a new note, and on this account its powers are limited to the first power, the square, and the cube, and each of these powers of 3 produces one new note." [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 27]
"The prime 5, like the prime 3, produces new notes. One of these, namely A5, is derived from unity, i.e., the note produced by the ratio of 1:2; the second note is produced from the note derived from the first power of 3, namely E15; and the third is produced from the note derived from the second power of 3, namely B45. The notes thus produced by the prime 5 are the middles, that is, the thirds of the chords. As it is the second and third powers of 3 which possess great centrifugal force, and not the first power of that number; and as it is only the first power of the number 5 which Nature employs in this business, so this makes the character of the notes produced by the prime 5 to depend on the character of the notes from which they are derived. One of the 3 notes produced by the prime 5 is derived from unity, that is the note produced by the ratio of 1:2, and like that note it is strongly acted on by the force of gravity.1 A second note produced by the prime 5 is derived from the note produced by the second power of 3, and like that note it possesses increased" [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 27]
"centrifugal force. A third note produced by the prime 5 is derived from the note produced by the first power of 3, and this note by the first power of 5 having being slightly acted on by the force of gravity, and the first power of 5 having only a little centrifugal force, the result is that this note E in the scale of C, derived from the first power of 3 by the prime 5, is balanced between the two forces. It is the only note in the system which in the octave scale has not a large interval on the one side of it nor on the other, and consequently it is the only note which attracts and is attracted by two notes from proximity. Thus it is that the musical system is composed of three notes having specific gravity and three having specific levity or bouyancy, and one note, E, the center of the tonic chord, balanced between these two forces. As the attractions of notes from proximity take place when the notes with downward tendency meet the note with upward tendency, had the notes been animated by only one of these forces there could have been no system of resolutions of the notes either in melody or harmony; they would all have been by gravity weighing it downwards, or by levity soaring upwards." [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 28]
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