1+ | Polarization and Square Law ends | 1- |
Return to Table of Transformation Polar Interchange - Part II.
Description - T1|T1 (Time-one) is the beginning of polarization into Duality, where the One Undifferentiated Substance or Scalar Mind Force first differentiates into two states: Syntropic and Entropic.
These two states become streams where one concentrates to a center while the other radiates from that center.
Syntropy - The syntropic state occurs when there is harmony or sympathy between centers drawing them (Law of Attraction) together. The syntropic state is the result of Sympathetic Vibration and Sympathetic Oscillation. These states of concordant motion are governing conditions of the Law of Sympathetic Vibration and Law of Sympathetic Oscillation.
Entropy - The entropic state occurs when there is discord within the centralizations causing mutual repulsion (Law of Repulsion) and dispersion.
These two streams wind around each other as stria forming a dual stream vortex pattern. The other mating dual streams are formed at the opposite pole of the two mating vortices (opposite sides or planes of the virtual cube).

Figure 3.25 - Celestial Seeks and Condenses at Center
(click to enlarge)
"Taking into consideration even the introductory conditions of the etheric stage, etheric vibration has proved to me that the higher the velocity of its rotating stream the greater is its tendency towards the neutral center or centre of sympathetic coincidence. Were it otherwise, how could there ever be any planetary formations of the building up of visible structure? If a billiard ball were rotated to a certain velocity, it would separate in pieces, and the pieces would fly off in a tangent; but if it were a ball of ether, the higher the velocity of rotation the stronger would be the tendency of its corpuscles to seek its centre of neutrality, and to hold together." [Keely and His Discoveries] [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
See Also
etheric seeks center
Figure 2.11 - Center Seeking and Center Fleeing
Figure 3.25 - Celestial Seeks and Condenses at Center
Figure 3.33 - Syntropy Seeking Center - Entropy Fleeing from Center
inwinding rotary current
When the predominance be given to syntropy the streams will contract or concentrate according to the Inverse Square Law. When predominance be given to entropy the streams will disperse according to the Square Law. Predominance is repeatedly and intermittently one then the other polarity, polar or depolar. See Polar and depolar intermittent accumulator

See Also