

""Demonstrating the overcoming of gravity, Keely used an airship model weighing about 8 lbs., which, when the differentiated wire of silver and platinum was attached to it, communicating with the sympathetic transmitter, rose, descended, or remained stationery midway, the motion as gentle as that of thistledown floating in the air." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3], [MECHANICAL INVENTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS]

"You have a great deal of rose, and it becomes a very pretty aura. You judge most things by the material results that you get. I don't mean that you haven't any spirituality, but there is more of rose in your aura than the other colors. It changes, as rose would - or in coral - the changes sort of dash in and out. You smear it over, and then you streak it white and smear it over; then there's a streak of blue and smear it over. That's the way you work." (Edgar Cayce lecture. Auras read by Edgar Cayce at Tuesday Night Bible Study Group Meeting, August 26, 1941. Supplement to reading (5746-1))

See Also

12.40 - Color
Figure 12.03 - Scale Showing Relations of Light Color and Tones
Figure 4.16 - Break-out of Colors Tones and Attributes
Figure 4.17 - Musical Relationships of Colors Tones and Attributes
Figure 7B.01 - Colors Represent Relative Frequencies
Figure 7B.02 - Colors and Tones
Harmonic Vibrations and Vibration Figures
Harmonies of Tones and Colours - Developed by Evolution
music note or sound colors
Table 12.02.01 - Wavelengths and Frequencies
Table of Roots Powers of Two and Indig Numbers
The Physics of Love - The Ultimate Universal Laws
The Scientific Basis and Build of Music
The Secret of Light
The Universal One
Visible Sound

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday January 17, 2023 03:10:26 MST by Dale Pond.