"The same thing will happen in your laboratory if you wind coils too densely. Every electrical engineer knows that he is limited in the amount of current he can send through a coil by the size of the hole he leaves in it. If a physicist or electrical engineer places a solid core at the center of his coils it will heat and polarize, but not strengthen the current: If he places iron filings there they would not remain in the center, nor could they be compelled to remain there. They would either line the inside of the coil or extend to its poles. If they were tied there they would become incandescent if the current was strong enough. That proves that the core of electric motion is intensely resistant to any attempt to disturb its zero rest condition. It also proves that Nature never creates material nuclei for her spiral cyclones, which constitute the electric current or electric waves of Nature. It also proves by the very fact of the heat which is generated there, that it resists instead of attracts, for heat is the basis of all outward explosion." [Atomic Suicide, page 130]
"Magnetic poles are "created" by coiling a wire around a bar of steel in such a manner that the compressing rings of the electric current will produce these so-called magnetic poles at the ends of a bar of steel. That is what electricity does. It produces a potential of electric motion around a still center, but the still center is gravity. To be correct these poles should be called gravity poles, connected by a gravity shaft. They control the sex-division of Nature. The Magnetic Light is sexless for it is in equilibrium. Its electric division into pairs creates the dual sex condition which we know as male and female. When these two conditions unite they become ONE. Gravity poles are TWO, when divided by the electric current. When they unite they become ONE CENTER OF GRAVITY. We have always called them magnetic poles when they were TWO but when those two were united we have then called them a center of gravity, and that is not consistent.
"Electricity, therefore, produced the poles by compressing the holes out of the rings. They did not come there in any other way. Electric motion does not create gravity poles. It merely locates existent points and makes them identifiable. It makes the invisible become seemingly visible. However, it never occurred to early observers that the division of God's stillness into sexed pairs would have to have a measure of balanced control over such a division. In other words, if the one condition of balanced stillness in the zero universe is divided into two unbalanced conditions, it is then necessary to have two controlling points of stillness around which motion can spin while thus divided." [Atomic Suicide, page 181-182]
See Also
Center of Motion
centrifugal spiral motion
Chapter 6 - The True Nature of Electricity and Gravitation - I, page 129
concept of motion
Continuous Motion
Curved Wave Universe of Motion
cyclotronic motion
electric action
electric action-reaction
electric division
electric effect
electric pressure
electric process
electric pulsation
electric recording
electric thinking
electric wave
electrical compression
Figure 14.06 - Mind and Electric Thought Rings of Motion are Closely Connected
Figure 4.3 - Single Mode Electric Vector Generating Circular Motion also Shown within Triple Vectors
motion is electric
multiple universe of motion
pressure condition in motion
simulated motion
theory of motion
two-way motion
units of electric motion
4.8 - Centripetal Orthogonal Motions
4.9 - Triple Contractive Motions
5.2 - Vortex Motions in Resonators
5.3 - Vortex Motion in Ether and Atoms
7.1 - Matter is centralized motion
8.3 - Conventional View of Wave Motion
8.5 - Wave Motion Observables
9.37 - Harmonized Motions
9.38 - Enharmonized Motions