

The one most important thing to burn into your consciousness is to realize that wherever motion is it is centered by stillness, and that stillness is its CAUSE. The universe is composed of electric thought-rings of motion. Each thought-ring is centered and controlled by the Creator of that thought-ring. God creates His universe that way. You create your universe that may. It is God who sits there. It is the Magnetic Light of all-knowing, all-powerful Mind which sits there. We call that centering point gravity. The reason why we call it gravity is because there are adjacent thought-rings which have united together so closely that we think of them as mass, instead of rings. Each added ring of the mass has its Mind-center in its own plane. In a mass, therefore, there are seemingly so many Mind-centers of stillness that they constitute a shaft. The word gravity arises from this fact. Gravity is a shaft of Mind-controlling stillness. In that sense, gravity and God are one. Now you have the whole story except for one thought to complete it. Every point of that gravity point is the same point, for God's zero universe is omnipresent. [Atomic Suicide, page 177]

"Electricity records Mind-thought in rings of light which spin around a Magnetic center of still, invisible light. All motion in all the universe spins around Mind-centers which become shafts as motion extends." [Atomic Suicide, page 220]

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
"Questioner: It is very difficult to give up this attraction to the bodily identity.
Maharaj: You have to find out what this body is, then the job is done. Initially, the body is very minute. The consciousness appears in the body, and then the tiny body changes into a large one. That causal body, which is very minute, needs to be known. By meditation you can know it. The quality of that causal body takes on the appearance of the consciousness and the form. In this world there are many species, in all sizes; initially what was the size of each variety? At the point where you first feel knowingness, consciousness is not static; it is a continuous state, just like a wheel moving. The center of the wheel, the axle, is not moving.
As you proceed from the center of the axle outwardly, the movement increases, does it not? Similarly, the beginning of consciousness is like the center of a wheel; that point is steady, constant. In a human being that is the most constant principle. Since the day I was born until I am dead, that consciousness principle is there at that center. As you merge into the world, the movement increases. Watch that center point, watch that movement of consciousness. Chaitanya and Chetana, that central, stationary point of the wheel watches the movement of consciousness.
The one that observes the movement is almost stationary. To bring about the actions of the world — the movement — consciousness must descend. If there is no consciousness, there is no worldly movement. Similarly, you must become stabilized in a more stationary position, near the center. When you leave that center point, the movement takes over." [February 5, 1981, Consciousness and the Absolute, The final talks of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj]

See Also

center of high compression pressure
center of induction
Center of Neutrality
center of the mass
centering zero
Chapter 4 - The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe - part II, page 80
Chapter 4 - The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe - part III, page 80
Chapter 4 - The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe - part IV, page 82
Chapter 4 - The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe - part V, page 83
Chapter 4 - The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe - part VI, page 86
Chapter 4 - The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe - part VII, page 92
gravity center of control
Gravity Defined by Russell
Magnetic Light of all-knowing, all-powerful Mind
Magnetic White Light of Mind
sympathetic concordant focalized neutral center
zero universe of Mind

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday May 10, 2024 03:57:26 MDT by Dale Pond.