
upsuctional force

The product of this involuting motion, which always converges to a point while at the same time curling in upon itself, is biomagnetism. That it is also contingent on the presence of catalytic influences will not be further discussed here. As such, biomagnetism extends itself longitudinally and radiates its surplus energies vertically and, for example, draws the trout along in its wake. The trout can so regulate this upsuctional force with its gills that even its motionless stance and equally well-known mastery of gravity becomes understandable in the light of the above. The weight of physical masses only exists in the atmospheric living space. Above this the force of levitation prevails as inverted gravitation. Consequently, all pressure- and heat-intensifying motion must inevitably function all the more irrationally, uneconomically and development-impedingly, the more it is accelerated and strengthened. To this end raw materials are squandered to such a degree that a growing dearth of them is unavoidable. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]

The simplest effect of catalytic opposites, i.e. fine-structured opposites with inner interuniting properties, or more properly having a 'marrying' tendency (ur-procreation), can best be observed in the generation of electric current, which is normally only successfully achieved with so-called dynamos incorporating rotors made of paramagnetic metal.

Conversely, if diamagnetic catalysts are used in dynamos constructed in exactly the opposite way (so-called Repulsators - see fig. 7 & figs. 24 ->26), then an upward flowing diamagnetism is produced, which viewed biologically is to be understood as 'levitation' (resurrective or upsuctional force), during which the follow-up pressure mentioned elsewhere plays a subordinate role. If the developmental process is initiated in reverse order, where the pressural components predominate, then super-strong gravitational forces are freed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday July 9, 2022 05:16:36 MDT by Dale Pond.