In the days when Keely was doing his research it was commonly held by the science community of that time atoms could not be divided, split or dissociated. The awareness atoms were composed of electrons and protons did not exist. Small wonder then as Keely demonstrated over and over again his dissociation of atoms into finer particles was not understood or believed. But split the atom he did. Hence his statement atoms could be infinitely subdivided and enormous quantities of latent energy be released in that dissociation. Today, since 1939, we know this to be undisputed fact.
Yet Keely's conception of the structure of the molecule and atom was significantly different than our own. He did not view it as a coordinated collection of sub-particles but of dynamic forces and energies held in dynamic balance. The atom could be caused to disassemble by upsetting this balance. In simplistic terms the centripetal and centrifugal forces held each other in a balance against themselves. Each of these two forces could be accentuated or amplified at will using his marvelous instruments until it over came the influence of the other thus causing the balance to be destroyed.
![Keely's Morphology, Infinite Subdivision of Matter](
Figure 7.7 - Keely's Morphology, Infinite Subdivision of Matter
(click to enlarge)
See Also
"Keely has proved by demonstration (prior to 1893) that the subdivision of matter under different orders of progressive vibration evolves by such subdivision entirely new and distinct elements, too multiple to enumerate. He has systematized the proper vibratory chords, progressively, from the introductory molecular to the interetheric, embracing seven distinct orders of triple subdivision. He has elaborated a system of inducing sympathetic negative attraction on metallic masses, with great range of motion, and instant depolarization of the same, by vibratory change of their neutral centers. Keely controls the transmission of these Sympathetic Streams by a medium of high molecular density, viz. drawn wires of differentiated metals, gold, silver, platinum, German silver, etc." [Bloomfield-Moore see Part 01 - Overall General View, Figure 1.9 - Keelys Molecular Morphology]
Since Albert Einstein's famous formula E=mc2 in 1905 it has been established Keely's proposition to be absolutely correct. Keely's work was suppressed and not broadcast hence he did not receive credit or recognition.
Chart of Matter and Energy Reading counter-clockwise from right to left.
- Showing cyclical nature of syntropic and entropic forces continuously creating and decreating matter from the Void, Aether, Scalar Potential or Compound Interetheric.
- Tenuous dispersed Matter integrates or forms syntropically from right to left going counter clockwise.
- Solid dense Matter disintegrates entropically from left to right going counter clockwise.
see Rhythmic Balanced Interchange and Law of Compensation and Equilibrium
In today's world of ubiquitous atomic energy this statement seems contrite and obvious. Such a statement made in 1893 was revolutionary. That Keely liberated force from matter in the 1880s working by himself without the support of a nation-funded Manhattan Project boarders on the incredulous.
"Again: Take away the sympathetic latent force that all matter is impregnated with, the connective link between the finite and the infinite would be dissociated, and gravity would be neutralized, thereby bringing all visible and invisible aggregations back into the great Etheric realm.
"Here let me ask, what does the term cohesion mean? What is the power that holds molecules together, but electro-magnetic negative attraction? What is the state that is brought about by certain conditions of sympathetic vibration, causing molecules to repel each other, but electro-magnetic radiation?
"It must not be understood that the character of the action of the latent force liberated from liquids and gases is the same, in its evolution, as that of the latent force existing in metals. The former shows up an elastic energy; which emanates from the breaking up of their rotating envelopes; increasing, at the same time, the range of their corpuscular action: thus giving, under confinement elastic forces of an almost infinite character. By liberation from the tube it is confined in, it seeks its medium of concordant tenuity with a velocity greater than that of light." [Keely, Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships, MOLECULAR DISSOCIATION - Snell]
Another seemingly obvious statement from our 21st century post-atomic energy viewpoint. Such a statement was not so obvious in the 1880s.
A precursor statement of E=mc2 showing where matter and energy may be converted from one state to another.
A state of sympathetic concordant harmony exist between all things. This concordance may exist on any of the seven subdivisions but always on the seventh or Compound Interetheric subdivision. [see Law of Sympathetic Oscillation and Law of Attraction]
![Molecules as Tuning Forks in Sympathy - As one vibrates so do all](
"These same researches have enabled Keely to pronounce definitely as to the nature of what is recognized as gravity, an ever-existing, eternal force, coexistent with the compound etheric, or high luminous, entering into all forms of aggregated matter at their birth. Keely thinks that gravity is the source fro m which all visible matter springs, and that the sympathetic or neutral center of such aggregation becomes at birth a connective concordant link to all neutral centres that have preceded it and to all that may succeed it, and that disturbance of equilibrium, like gravity, is an ever-existing force." [Bloomfield-Moore, Keely and His Discoveries, Chapter XI, Part II See Celestial Radiation]
In Walter Russell's worldwide acclaimed book, The Secret of Light, is the following fragment quoted from The Message of the Divine Iliad:
"Again I say that all things extend to all things, from all things, and through all things. For, to thee I again say, all things are Light, and Light separates not; nor has it bounds; nor is it here and not there. See Celestial Radiation
"Man may weave the pattern of his Self in Light of Me, and of his image in divided Lights of Me, e'en as the sun sets up its bow of many hues from divided Light of Me, but man cannot be apart from Me, as the spectrum cannot be apart from Light of Me.
"And as the rainbow is a light within the light, inseparable, so is Man's Self within Me, inseparable; and so is his image My image.
"Verily I say, every wave encompasseth every other wave unto the One; and the many are within the One, e'en down to the least of waves of Me.
"And I say further that every thing is repeated within every other thing, unto the One. See Fractal
"And furthermore I say, that every element which man thinketh of as of itself alone is within every other element, e'en to the atom's veriest unit.
"When man queries thee in this wise: 'Sayest thou that in this iron there is gold and all things else?' thou may'st answer: 'Within the sphere, and encompassing it, is the cube, and every other form that is; and within the cube, and encompassing it, is the sphere, and every other form that is."
![Three Overlapping Rotating Etheric Envelopes](
Keely considered density somewhat different than we do. For a brief description of Keely's density see section 9.1 - Propagation Function and Rates as also here. "Range of oscillation" may be determined by varying combinations of syntropic and entropic summation. For "composing units" see Figure 8.14 - Some Basic Waveforms and their constituent Aliquot Parts and Figure 1.9 - Keelys Molecular Morphology
![Step 3 - Sphere Forms Orthogonally
Triple Compressing Shell Layers of High Velocity Ether contracting to Center](
Figure 7.3 - Step 3 - Sphere Forms Orthogonally Triple Compressing Shell Layers of High Velocity Ether contracting to Center
(click to enlarge)
artwork from Dashed Against the Rock, coloring added by author to show relative relationships.
See Also
electron shells
Etheric Capsule
Etheric Elements
Figure 1.9 - Keelys Molecular Morphology
Figure 19.03 - Hollow Shell 12 inches ID
Figure 20.03 - Hollow Shell 12 inches ID
Figure 4.12 - Keelys Formative Structural Dynamic Morphology
Figure 7.1 - Step 1 - Wave Vortex Crests at Maximum Polarization
Figure 7.2 - Step 2 - Vortex Formation about a Single Axis
Figure 7.3 - Step 3 - Sphere Forms Orthogonally Triple Compressing Shell Layers
Figure 7B.03 - Dynaspheric Shells and Attractive Compressing Equators
Negative Attraction
Rotating Envelope
rotating envelope
terrestrial envelope
terrestrial magnetic envelope
7B.03 - Dynaspheric Shells
Keely's model holds the molecule shell is a spinning and compressing band of Etheric substance rotating around a centering shaft. This spinning shell or envelope forms around a hollow center into which hollow the three rotating atoms are held. The above graphic shows these three shells sealing each other as equators contract to the center. In the image below right we see the three vectors around which the three spinning shells form.
We are familiar with modern chemistry that claims to deal with molecules composed of large numbers of atoms which in turn are made of a nucleus surrounded by spinning electrons. This is the standard model and is opposed to Keely's statement "There cannot ever be more or less than three atoms in any molecule." Can these two models be reconciled? First off there are grave doubts as to the veracity of the orbiting electron theory, the perpetual self-energy of the electron, etc. A search in the internet reveals a considerable number of papers challenging various aspects of the electron theories. Given these arguments and many others it appears the discussion revolves mostly around definitions. As example of such definition confusion can be seen in Keely's quantum (atomole) world where three atoms combine to create a SIMPLE molecule. These simple molecules may assemble into larger COMPOUND molecules. For those who fall back on "experimental evidence" it is suggested a read of Feynman's Cargo Cult Science paper which can be found on the web.
Figure 7.11 - Russell's Vacuum becoming Mass / Matter on Three Vectors contracting to a Center of Sympathetic Coincidence
(courtesy of University of Science and Philosophy)
![]() Libertation of atomic and nuclear energies. Using his Compound Disintegrator (at right) Keely could progressively dissociate molecules to their atomic constituent parts; then dissociate those atoms into their constituent parts and so on. This is to say Keely could "slow release" a chemical (molecular) explosion under full and safe control at whatever speed he desired that release to be. Likewise he could "slow release" an atomic explosion and even a nuclear release at will. He did all this (and more) using a fine and masterly control over oscillation and vibration through his marvelous analog machines. This particular device at right is in the American Precision Museum. |
![]() (click to enlarge) More photos of this amazing device can be seen here. |
Figure 7.12 - Keely's Compound Disintegrator - an analog Complex Signal Generator
See Also
Compound Disintegrator
This model presented by Keely is a multi-dimensional holographic projection of nested similar states of being and motion. [see Laws of Being for a description of these states.]
![]() |
"For behold, My imaged universe is mirrored to infinity; it is repeated to the endless end; yet there are but multiples of three in all My universe. And again I say to thee, two of those very three are naught but My imaginings, for My Trinity is but One.
"The two are in Me, and they are of Me, but they are not Me, nor am I them." Russell, The Message of the Divine Iliad, The Secret of Light, page 138 The "two of those very three" are of course the positive and negative polarities which we call entropy and syntropy. Chart showing the triune arrangement of the different atoms and corpuscles of matter as contained in their respective envelopes (free of intensified vibration). Drawn by John W. Keely. |
Figure 7.13 - Keely's Chart showing how Molecules are made of three Atoms made of three Quanta made of three sub-quanta, etc.
See Also
Atoms are composed of (created from and with) this atomolic (sub-atomic, quantum) substance as per Keely's and Russell's paradigms. We know today atoms are composed of so-called sub-atomic or quantum particles or as I prefer to call it: centralizations. It is this, our quantum soup, the Victorians referred to as "ether". As there are many different kinds of quantum entities there are likewise different kinds of ethers which accounts for Russell's twenty-five classifications of ether (pre-hydrogen elements) and the varying and many descriptions of ether from different scientists of that time period. So to say "there is no ether" denotes ignorance, arrogance and the worst of all negative personality traits - unquestioning conformity to self-referenced and arbitrary authority. Unquestioning conformity to arbitrary authority is a disease of the mind and Will. Should anyone make the blanket statement "there is no ether" ask them "which ether are you referring to?".
"For the rest of my life I want to reflect on what Light is." [Albert Einstein]
"What is Light? That from which, through which, in which may be found all things, out of which all things come. Thus the first of everything which may be visible in earth, in heaven and in space is of that Light, IS that Light." [Cayce (2533-8)]
"The universal substance of light is a material substance of variable motion which is due to the variability of opposition set up by the two apparently opposing forces of action and reaction which constitute the thinking process." [Russell, The Universal One]
"In the beginning: God moved and said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light; not the light of the sun, but rather that of which, through which, in which, every Soul had, has, and ever has its being." [Cayce (5246-1) (see Celestial Radiation)]
Keely's atomolini are what current science recognizes as quarks or those sub-quantum entities that are constituents of all quantum units. For instance it is accepted that photons are constructed of quarks. (Are quarks then a higher form of Light alluded to by the mystics?) Thus photons are not light but do refract (demodulate) that which is then perceived as light. [see Scalar]
"Luminiferous ether," Keely writes, "or celestial mind force, a compound interetheric element, is the substance of which everything visible is composed. It is the great sympathetic protoplastic element; life itself. Consequently, our physical organisms are composed of this element. This focalizing, or controlling media, of the physical, has its seat in the cerebral convolutions; fro m which Sympathetic Radiation emanates. This sympathetic outreach is mind flow proper, or will force; sympathetic polarization to produce action; sympathetic depolarization to neutralize it. Polar and depolar differentiation, resulting in motion. The true protoplastic element sympathetically permeates all forms and conditions of matter; having, for its attendants, gravity, Electricity, and magnetism; the triple conditions born in itself. In fact, it is the Soul of matter; the element fro m which all forms of motion receive their introductory impulse." [Keely and His Discoveries, Chapter XIV, Part I, Mind and Matter]
"The light moves on in time, in space, and upon that skein between same are the records written by each Soul in its activity through eternity; through its awareness... not only in matter but in thought." [Cayce (815-2)]
"Natural laws are God's laws. Everything in the earth is ruled by law. He said, 'Let there be light' and there was light - by law. What law? Of the spirit of truth, of light itself moving into activity thus becoming creative by law." [Cayce (3902-2)]
"All matter is light. This universe is one of light. Solids of matter, heavy, dark, and cold, are as much light as flaming Arcturus.
"Luminosity is but a state of intensely unequalized and opposing motion sustained in its state of unequalized motion by the generation of high pressures. It is but one state of the substance of Mind in motion, a state which is within a limited range of electro-magnetic charge, temperature, and opposition; a range which varies in intensity in each octave, but which runs the whole gamut of its limitations in the ten octave cycle." [Russell, The Universal One]