
The Physics of Love - Volume 2

Also known as SVP Cosmology 3.0
(first section of this work is: The Nature and Dynamics of Vibration and Toroids)

see file /Self Print/Physics of Love/12 - Polarity.rsg page 7, add figures from HSC, unit 4

Introduction The "Why" and "What" of this book.

Pol - Chapter 1 - Groundwork

Pol - Chapter 2 - Ultimate Constitution of Matter and Action of Force Regulating its Phenomena, Keely

PoL - Chapter 3 - Laws of Being, Brinton

PoL - Chapter 4 - Modes of Vibration

PoL - Chapter 5 - Keely's 3, 6 and 9

PoL - Chapter 6 - Sympathetic Streams

PoL - Chapter 7 - Chord of Mass

PoL - Chapter 8 - Wavefunction and its Variables

PoL - Chapter 9 - Electric and Magnetic Currents

Accumulate the "Summaries", etc. as section of the new book.
Basic Principles
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments
Keelys Accomplishments
Was Keely a Fraud?
Eye Witness Accounts
The Nature and Dynamics of Vibration and Toroids
The Physics of Love - Volume 2 References
The Physics of Love - Volume 2 Index

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday May 24, 2015 03:50:22 MDT by Dale Pond.