
List of Synonyms for Scalar

The One Source

“Our creative thinkers in the laboratories of the world must look primarily to light (scalar potential), which is the foundation of the universe, and to the wave (polar expression), within which the secrets of creation lie, and to what electricity does with light, and to the why of it, and to the why of energy electrically expressed instead of to substances to perform tomorrow’s miracles.” [Walter Russell]

Excellent video presentation by Dale Pond on this topic:

Perhaps the most important idea or thing in SVP to study are the synonyms for God, Universal Consciousness, or Scalar. The alphabetized list below is NOT a complete list.
Not all of the following terms are 'exact' matches. Some are verbs, adverbs and some are nouns. But they all refer to the One Source of all motion while it itself is non-motion. It is pure Potential from which all else is derived. This list should be studied along with List of Synonyms for Polarity or Duality to derive the essence of 369.

NOTE: If you are not technology minded do not start to study this list with Bearden. He writes exclusively in high technology terms. Most won't get right off what he is saying. Begin with Russell is recommended.

See Transforming Scalar to Kinetic



Boehme, Jacob

Clara Bloomfield-Moore

Bohm, David

Egyptian, ancient

Buckminster Fuller






Le Bon


Jacob Boehme


Wallace Wattles



Thomas Valone

Religion, Alchemy

Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth


Galvani potential
Volta potential
electrode potential
standard electrode potential
thermodynamic potential
electric potential
gravitational potential
Coulomb potential
van der Waals potential
Lennard-Jones potential
Yukawa potential

Eric Dollard

Ancient Egypt


Dale Pond

'God' is a synonym for Scalar
[Not an anthropomorphic god but the Creative Force in the universe.]
“In the beginning there was only the Absolute, the One Absolute, there was no other.” - Chandogya Upanishad

Arcanum I of the Sacred Book of Thoth rises above all other Arcana, for it speaks of the First Cause of everything that exists, of the transition of the Absolute from pralaya and His revelation of the Active Triune Deity, and therefore it contains all the principles of the Manifested World. In this pure Nature it is inaccessible to knowledge, and we must descend from these heights and consider this Arcana in its lower section, when it is a member of the primus inter pares of the Arcana system. [See laya]

"The Absolute is Mind, Mind in Its Own Essence; It is because It is, but not because It is supposed; It is or nothing exists." - Eliphas Levi

"None of our thoughts is able to understand God and no language is able to define Him. That which is incorporeal, invisible and formless cannot be perceived by our senses; that which is eternal cannot be measured by a short measure of time; therefore God is inexpressible. True, God can impart to a few chosen ones the ability to rise above natural things in order to join in the radiance of His spiritual perfection, but these chosen ones do not find words that could translate into ordinary language the Ethereal Vision that plunged them into awe. They can explain to humanity the secondary causes of Creativity, which pass before their eyes as images of cosmic life, but the Primary Cause remains undisclosed and can only be comprehended on the other side of death."

This is what Hermes Trismegistus, the Teacher of Egypt, said to his disciple Asclepius thousands of years ago. Universal The First Cause of the World, the Infinite and Inaccessible Absolute, the Almighty, “Whom no one has seen anywhere,” Ein Sof, the Ineffable Unknown God of Hellas, True Being, the One Reality - Sat of the Hindus, Zervane-Akéréne ("Endless", "Circle of Times" ) Zend-Avesta, He Who is, Who Was, Who Will Be - ό έστως, στησόμενος - Gnostics, Divine Essence, is perceived by our consciousness as absolute denial of any definition. The Absolute is explained as “Not This”, “Not That”, etc. only through denial. - God is Existent, who cannot have a Name - 'Εστε γάρ δ ών άνώνομος, for - He is Abstract Being.

“His Glory is too sublime, His Light is too brilliant for the human mind to understand Him, for the mortal eye to behold Him.” - Zend-Avesta

"God is One; That which is One has no need of a specific name." - Lactance

“In general, a person cannot know what God is. He knows one thing well: what God is not: and then a reasonable person rejects it!” - Meister Eckhart

“All things before birth are hidden in the One and Great Being; From where they come at birth, plunging into It again after death.” - Bhagavad Gita, II, 28

It is “Not That” (neti, neti), the great teachers of India commanded us, and we, following them, to every word of someone who dares to say anything about Him, we must answer only this eternal “Not That”, for - “He hides His Name” He hates to have His Name spoken” - as the ancient Egyptians said, - and this commandment was kept inviolably throughout the centuries, invariably confirmed by all thinkers, regardless of the difference in conditions and time of their lives.

"Do not pronounce the Name of your Lord!" - Exodus 20:7

“To define God is to deny Him!” - Spinoza

When a person encounters an idea, two cases are possible. If an idea is finite, he can, depending on the degree of his development, rise or fall to it; Having felt it with his spirit, he can embrace this idea with his mind so that the case embraces the object enclosed in it. If the idea is infinite, and there is only one such idea - the idea of ​​Existence, then no matter how high a person stands, he is not able to rise to it.

But man himself is Divine, since his Atman is a ray of Divinity; through this emanation of the Existing, a person can penetrate into spheres forever closed to his mind, and all his efforts should be directed only to translating the revelations of the spirit into the consciousness of the mind. Thus, the Great Teachers of humanity, having comprehended themselves, translated their heavenly revelations into earthly language, and just as the beam of a lighthouse shows the way to a suffering ship, so the light of these Giants of spirit and mind reveals the way to everyone hungry and thirsty for Truth.

“Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni - that’s what they call Him, and He is the golden-feathered Garutman. The wise speak of the One as many; they call Him Agni, Yama, Matarishva.” - Rig Veda, I, XIV, 46

“Let us ascend in spirit to the Being, from Whom flows the creation, continuation and destruction of this universe, because He embraces all things and at the same time remains Undivided.” - Bhagavata Purana
“It is difficult to find the Creator and Father of this universe, but even having found Him, it is impossible to express Him in a language understandable to everyone.” - Plato

The highest truth, which in its supreme dignity lies at the basis of all Initiations, is the doctrine of the Trinity of the Spirit and the Trinity of all Its manifestations; The first turn of the Great Arcana speaks about this Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible. The Trinity of the Spirit determines His Substantial Nature, the Absolute and Perfect as the Spirit Himself, with Whom She is identical in principle. The inner, hidden Nature of the Spirit is a synthesis of Its substantial categories, which determines the appearance of the Spirit in the mind at the final stages of its development. Reason is not the final goal and the primary source, which is given the great gift of being a mirror of the Absolute Being and Its Beginningless Truth.

The mind cannot penetrate into the innermost depths of the Spirit, but it can be imbued with It, be saturated with Its Luminous Nature, and therefore can itself become a light-bearer. This is the supreme goal of reason; he cannot explain the Spirit, but with the perfection of the splendor of His reflection, the mind turns into the tablet of the Supreme Testament, and the prophetic words of the Verb inscribed on it burn the hearts of people and cause a reciprocal flame in them." [Vladimir Shmakov, The Sacred Book of Thoth, c. 1916]

ChatGPT Explores the Ubiquitous nature of Scalar Potential in Science, History and Philosophy [2/22/25]: [1] https://chatgpt.com/share/67b9bc40-878c-800d-87aa-65a45e2f93ab

See Also

AI Interpretations of SVP
Disturbance of Equilibrium
List of Synonyms for 369

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday February 22, 2025 05:01:01 MST by Dale Pond.