"The master-tone of each octave is the inheritance of the original motion of the thinking process of Mind. These master-tones are the "inert gases" which are classified in the zero group of the Mendeleef table.
The state of motion of these inert gases is that of motion-in-inertia."
"Motion-in-inertia is that state of pressure equilibrium which lies between any two masses.
"The inertial line, or plane is that dividing line, or plane, toward which all masses discharge their potential.
"It is the line, or plane, of lowest potential of two opposing areas of potential, where opposing pressures neutralize. This is the plane of minimum pressure of two opposing areas.
"The master-tones which represent a state of motion-in-inertia and are the inert gases, bear the same relationship to the elements that white bears to the colors. They are a registration of them all. White is not included in the spectrum, it has no place there. The inert gases should not be included in the elements. They have no place there. Of this more shall be written later in its proper place." [Russell, The Universal One]
"Gravitative and Radiative intensity increases with motion-in-opposition and decreases with motion-in-inertia." [Russell, Chart Classifying Locked Potential Points and Tones of Bound Energy According to their Octave Numbers]
See Also
6.14.1 - Mirror Cube
Chart Classifying Locked Potential Points and Tones of Bound Energy According to their Octave Numbers
Cube Sphere
Direction of Motion
List of Synonyms for Scalar
movement of Creation