
Universal Mind

See Mind of God, One Substance, Undifferentiated Mind.

"God is Light. God is Universal Mind. Mind is Light. Mind Knows." [Russell, The Secret of Light, page 12]

"Future generations of enlightened men will cease thinking of this electric universe as being matter and substance. They will know it for what it is, which is motion only. When the idea of substance has passed out of our thinking, and simulation of substance by motion will have taken its place, mankind will then comprehend his Mind-unity with the Universal Mind. And he will know his body for what it is - merely an instrument for creating form-images of Mind-thinking." [Atomic Suicide, page 83]

Arthur Eddington
"The idea of a universal mind or Logos would be, I think, a fairly plausible inference from the present state of scientific theory." [Arthur Eddington]

R. Swinburne Clymer
"Paracelsus, the greatest of all Alchemists, tells us that: "We should know who and what God is, but we can learn to know God only by becoming wise. The works of God will become manifest to us through Wisdom, and God will be most pleased if we become like him.
But to become like God we must become attracted to God, who is the universal fountain of all; and the power that attracts us is Love. The Love to God will be kindled in our hearts by an ardent love for humanity, and a love for humanity will be caused by a love to God.
Thus the God of the Macrocosm and the God of the Microcosm act upon each other, and both are one, for there is only one God and one Law and one Nature, through which Wisdom becomes manifest."
"Spirit passes into the body, and out of it, like a breath of air passing through the strings of an Aeolian harp. If we succeed in binding it here, we will create a source of undying Harmony, and create an Immortal being. But to bind spirit we must be able to bind thought. Man is a materialized thought; he is what he thinks. To change his nature from the mortal to the Immortal state he must change his mode of thinking; he must cease to hold fast in his thoughts to that which is illusory and perishing, and hold on to that which is eternal.
The visible universe is a thought of the eternal mind thrown into objectivity by its will, and crystallized into matter by its powers. Look at the everlasting stars, look at the indestructible mountain-peaks. They are the thoughts of the Universal mind, and they will remain as long as the thoughts of that mind do not change. If we could hold on to a thought, we would be able to create.
But who but the enlightened can hold on to a thought! Are not the illusions of the senses continually destroying that which we attempt to create? Men do not think what they choose but that which comes into their minds. If they could control the action of their minds, they would be able to control their own natures and the nature by which their forms are surrounded."
"Thought is the Basis of Life. Thought clothed in the atom attracts to itself, as a Magnet (by that law of affinity called in the natural world gravitation, in the Spiritual, love) elements that correspond to itself. These atoms, drawn together, form the molecule, an aggregation of which builds the cell; the cells grouping around the mental image, till lo! the form is materialized, and a statue of flesh and blood, throbbing with life, appears.
'The Thinker' has sculptured the statue after his own 'image and likeness,' galvanized it into life, and in his own work the artist stands revealed. This is the Temple in which 'neither hammer, nor ax, nor any tool of iron' was heard during its building."
"That which animates and governs the body, absolutely, is thought. In order then to keep the physical frame healthy, the thought currents reflected upon the molecules composing it must be pure; free from discord and disease.
The Universal Mind, before referred to as the true and only source of Life, is pure and perfect, enduring and beautiful, the principle of principles, the Truth of truths, the Law of laws, the Life of lives, and he who has awakened to the Consciousness of being in harmony with this principle, one with this Mind, merged in this Eternal Source possesses the Philosopher's Stone—the true Elixir of Life. Such a one is in the highest sense of the term an Alchemist, knowing how to transmute the baser metals of the 'animal nature' into pure nature of Spirit." [Alchemy and the Alchemists, Part 2 by R. Swinburne Clymer]

See Also

Undifferentiated Mind

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday June 17, 2024 22:34:35 MDT by Dale Pond.