electric universe

"This shows how the heart beat piston operates between the vacuity of the Creator's Magnetic Light universe of Mind-energy and the potential of the electrically pressured universe to create cycles of two-way motion." [Russell, Atomic Suicide?, Chapter 4 - The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe]

"I instantly, and timelessly, knew the still magnetic Light which is the fulcrum of life and power, also I knew the heart beat of the electric universe which manifests love, life and power in matter." [Russell, Home Study Course, Unit One - Lesson 7.3]

"We herein print two diagrams to symbolize both ends of the compression-expansion pump, which this universe is. We cannot move our little finger without gaining the power to do so from the vacuum Source of that power. We do not know that fact yet. We do not yet know that we live, and breathe, and express our multiple desires only by constantly taking power for each cycle from God and giving it back to Him at each cycle's end. Man has not yet become aware of the fact that he is but the motion within the divine Cosmic vacuum tube which sparks its little light from out of its dark, and is, himself, that dark when his light goes out. When man is fully aware of the fact that he eternally lives in God's invisible Magnetic Light as One with it, and merely manifests life by action in the electric universe, he will then know that when action ceases it merely ceases without affecting him, even as sound ceases without affecting him who made the sound." [Atomic Suicide, page 82-83]

"Future generations of enlightened men will cease thinking of this electric universe as being matter and substance. They will know it for what it is, which is motion only. When the idea of substance has passed out of our thinking, and simulation of substance by motion will have taken its place, mankind will then comprehend his Mind-unity with the Universal Mind. And he will know his body for what it is - merely an instrument for creating form-images of Mind-thinking." [Atomic Suicide, page 83]

"God's electric universe must, likewise, be balanced in its rest, its actions, and in its givings and regivings." [Atomic Suicide, page 106]

"God, the One Father-Mother divides His sexlessness to extend father and mother bodies from His Oneness. The one desire of these separated male and female particles, or masses, is to unite to void their separateness. Upon this formula God's electric universe of motion is founded. [Atomic Suicide, page 107]

See Also

Figure 18.00 - Leadbeater Chart of Mind and Matter
Law of Assimilation
Power of Beat Harmonics
Universal Heart Beat
Heart Meditation

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