This is a universe of ONE THING. All matter which is electrically separated from that oneness seeks it. This is a fundamental principle and underlying desire of all Creation. It is as true of humans and their emotions as it is of matter.
We again repeat that electricity is a division of the One Light into two extensions of that Light projected through each other, each becoming the other alternately. The One Light is a pressureless and sexless condition. The two lights which are extended from the one are opposed pressures and opposed sexed conditions.
Thus there are but two conditions of matter - either expanding from stillness or contracting toward stillness. Each condition arises from the other. The instant it becomes its own opposite it gets as far away from that opposite as is necessary to find balance in a like condition. It seeks its like condition to find rest in a balanced condition and not because the matter of it is attracted by the matter it seeks. A log floating down stream is seeking a balanced condition and is not being attracted by the dam or by other logs.
These opposites represent the compression-extension father-mother principle which integrates light into solids and disintegrates it into vapors and gases. [Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, pages 155-156]
See Also