
Eric Dollard

Eric P. Dollard is an American electrical engineer and researcher, considered one of the few people to have successfully duplicated Nikola Tesla’s wireless power research. His energetic theories and corpus of work, linking the thought of Tesla, Viktor Schauberger, and Wilhelm Reich, represent some of the most important borderland material ever published, and has inspired a whole generation of alternative researchers to continue in their explorations and experimentations. [from https://borderlandsciences.org/cart/eric-dollard/]

Eric continues to give updates on http://ericpdollard.com and as far as I am aware progress is being made. Aaron Murakami who works directly with eric and owns a publisher business circulating several books eric has written. The most noteable the work on four quadrant theory and counterspace electrodynamics, and several interesting electrical effects discussed in Mallory and by the late Chris Carson in adoption of rotary electostatic convertor. There is so much eric and borderland sciences did, the problem is a lack of understanding and a concerted effort to destroy the systems designed by tesla in a post RCA america. Eric to which in this subject is a celebrated expert by those in possession of information contrary to popular belief, but to the popular relief of a minority of informed individuals familiar with the art - the work on tesla magnifier and sensitive electrical seismic equipment continues, depending mainly on overground and underground antennas. Eric's understanding of the alexanderson antenna and beyond and the theories of steinmetz produce a lot of evidence for non relativistic electrical discharges, specifically in comparison of dielectric and magnetic and the irregular treatment by scientific and mathematical bodies, erics work continues to be a great inspiration to my work, and his writings primary and secondary coils effectively provided a temporal understanding of transformer operation in sequential 3rd order systems, or odd resonant systems. erics work in this field is very important, since it produces several ideas.
1. electrical velocity is non existent
2. electrical quantity is a relationship not solely an existent object or current
3. infinitely compressable wave
4. energy storage in the dimension of time
5. wireless transmission thru the center of earths gravity
6. an apparatus capable of directly connecting to the wheelwork of nature
7. seismometers of inconceivable sensitivity and other pschical devices.
8. upgrades. [Adam Bull]

Eric's homepage: https://ericpdollard.com/

EPD Laboratories, Inc.
PO Box 10029
Spokane, WA 99209

See Also

Heaviside Equation - Dollard

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday March 28, 2023 07:01:25 MDT by Dale Pond.