This is NOT a complete list.
Avogadro's Law Equal volumes of all gases at the same pressure and temperature contain the same number of molecules. (This hypothesis introduces the concept of molecules as the smallest particles of a substance capable of independent existence.) Avogadro, 1811
Bragg's Law When x-rays are scattered from a crystal lattice, peaks of scattered intensity are observed which correspond to the following conditions:
1. The angle of incidence = angle of scattering. 2. The pathlength difference is equal to an integer number of wavelengths.
The condition for maximum intensity contained in Bragg's law above allow us to calculate details about the crystal structure, or if the crystal structure is known, to determine the wavelength of the x-rays incident upon the crystal. (no source given)
Charles' Law "At a constant pressure the volume of a confined gas varies as the absolute temperature; and, at a constant volume, the pressure varies directly as the absolute temperature. "
Cosmical Law of Sympathetic Association "The cosmical law of sympathetic association, as set down in Keely's system of Vibratory Spiritual Physics, has solved this greatest of all problems — both psychical and physical — the problem of the human will." Bloomfield-Moore, Dogmatism of Science
Henry Law The system uses the "Henry Law" which states that the amount of gas that can be dissolved in a liquid is proportional to the pressure on the liquid. Raise the pressure - more gas can be dissolved in the liquid. Decrease the pressure - gas dissolved in the liquid releases the gas. This is exactly what happens when you open a can of soda; carbon dioxide gas is dissolved in the liquid and is under pressure in the can. Open the can, releasing the pressure, and the gas fizzes out. no source given
Joules Law The heat produced in an electric circuit is directly proportional to the square of the current, to the resistance of the conductor and to the time of current flow. (no source given)
KOHLRAUSCH'S LAW This law states that the rate of motion of each atom in a solution undergoing electrolysis for a given liquid is independent of the element with which it may have been in combination. Gernsback, Sidney; Radio Encyclopedia
Law of Affinities "In compiling from his (Keely's) writings, such are selected as seem to be the best, toward elucidating the mysteries which lie in the operation of the Laws governing the universal ether, so far as his hypothesis carried him. If matter without form preceded the creation of vitality, "it is only when the principle of life had been given," says Charpignon, "that the intrinsic properties of atoms were compelled, by the law of affinities, to form individualities; which, from that moment, becoming the center of action, were enabled to act as modifying causes of the principle of life, and assimilate themselves to it, to start with, that it will be well to remember; for, as in the hypothesis of MacVicar and the demonstrations of Keely, the law of assimilation is made the pivot upon which all turns, "providing at once for mind and for matter, and placing them in a scientific relationship to one another." Bloomfield-Moore, Keely and His Discoveries
Law of Action We must realize that the subconscious mind is the law of action and always expresses what the conscious mind has impressed on it. What we regularly entertain in our mind creates a conception of self. What we conceive ourselves to be, we become. Grace Speare
Law of Assimilation the cosmical law, see Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
Law of Atomic Heat Capacities The capacity of one gram-atom of an element in the solid state, i.e., the product of the atomic weight of the element and its specific heat under ordinary conditions is approximately a constant whose mean value is 6.2 (specific heat is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree). Law of Dulong and Petit, 1850
Law of Attraction "To acquire wealth, be it soul wealth or material wealth, one must possess desire, determination and the power of concentration. And it is according to the degree in which one possesses these three attributes of mind that one succeeds. It is so important to realize this fact that a repetition of it, in a slightly different form, may be excused, for it embodies the general principles which bring success.
To use the Law of Attraction successfully, therefore, one should:
First. Desire intently to possess a thing or quality. Second. Determine, or will to possess it. Third. Concentrate all mental and physical effort to acquire possession. This is mental efficiency.
Never yield to disappointment, for that is a counter force to the Creative. Never stop working to attain your object, but keep persistently at it until success crowns your efforts. By so doing you create a condition which cannot be ignored by men or by Law; for a pathway of invisible, magnetic cords stronger than steel is created between you and your object - if you choose to make it so by your power of Concentration." Ingalese, The History and Power of Mind
Law of Being (incomplete)
The higher the FREQUENCY the greater the ENERGY the greater the DENSITY the smaller the PARTICLE the smaller the MASS the shorter the WAVELENGTH the less SOLID.
The lower the FREQUENCY the less the ENERGY the less the DENSITY the larger the PARTICLE the greater the MASS the longer the WAVELENGTH the more SOLID. Dale Pond, 1995. See Part 12 - Russells Locked Potentials
LAW OF COMBINING VOLUMES In any chemical reaction, the volumes of all gaseous products and reactants measured at the same pressure and temperature may be expressed in ratios of small integers. (Gay-Lussac, 1808) See stoichiometry
Law of Compensation and Equilibrium
LAW OF CONSERVATION OF CHARGE One side of a Leyden jar charges or gains charge while the other side loses - the quantity of charge is always the same. Cohen, I. Bernard; Benjamin Franklin's Experiments
LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS In any chemical reaction the initial mass of the reacting substances is exactly equal to the final mass of the products. (Lomonosov, ±1700) See stoichiometry
LAW OF CONSTANT COMPOSITION Every chemical compound has a fixed and constant composition. (Proust, 1801) See stoichiometry
LAW OF COUPLES, RECIPROCITY See also Polar "Body and spirit, one at the fountain-head, when rising into existence, form, as it were, the first breath of creation; for, as Sir Wm. Thompson says: "Life proceeds from life and from nothing else." They are the opposite poles of being and constitute the two principles by the harmonious interweaving of which the beautiful system of creation is constituted, and its economy worked out. Such a view, far from being contrary to the canons of science, is even the necessary complement of science. That unity, which is the last word of science, must always include two objects, existing in contrast of all. The law of couples, of opposites, of reciprocal action between two contracted yet homogeneous and harmonizing elements, each of which opens a field for the other, and brings it into action, is of universal extent. In the organic world, also, no less than in the purely physical and chemical, all is framed according to the same law of couples. In the sphere of sensibility, in like manner, everything turns on the antagonism of pleasure and pain, and in the moral sphere of good and evil. Nor is the world of pure intellect exempt from this law, but on the contrary displays its influence everywhere. Hence faith and sight, identity and difference, finite and infinite, objective and subjective, Space and time, cause and effect, the world of realities and the world of ideas. In a word, every system of thought and of things, when complete, present as its basis two co-ordinate elements, the reciprocals of each other; or one parted into two reciprocally, and by the harmonious antagonism of both the beautiful web of nature is woven. If we are to be consistent, mind and matter ought always to be viewed as distinct, and the opposite poles of being; inertia, or unvarying submissiveness to the Laws of motion being the characteristic of the one; self-directive power the characteristic of the other."
The universal analogy of science sanctioned MacVicar in the characteristic he thus arrived at as that of animated nature, for if inertia, or the obedience to pressures and impulses from without, be the characteristic of matter, then that which is needed as the other term to complete the couple is just what has been insisted on, viz., self-directive power, the power to cause pressure and impulses. Here is shown the symmetrical relation in which this power, when viewed as the characteristic of the whole animal kingdom (which plainly points to man, and culminates in human nature), places the animal in relation with the vegetable and the mineral kingdoms. Of mineral or crystals, the characteristic is simply self-imposing or self-manifesting power. They are, so to speak, merely insoluble seeds without an embryo. To this, self-developing power is added in plants, and forms their acknowledged characteristic. While of animals the characteristic, according to the view here advanced (the same seed-producing, self-developing, powers continuing) is self-directive power superadded. This relationship between these three kingdoms of nature is as homogeneous and symmetrical as is necessary to appear to be legitimate, and is a true expression of the other of nature.
Granting these two principles, the inert and the self-directive, the necessary and the free, we obtain the materials for a universe, without disputing the fact of human liberty and bringing into suspicion even the possibility either of morality or immorality. If man be really free as well as under law, in this union of body and spirit, then in human nature heaven and earth truly embrace each other; and no reason appears why, as the ages roll on, our own free thought may not have the run of universe. . . . What study then can be more replete with interest, what researches can possess more of fascination, than those which Mr. Keely's discoveries are preparing the way for?
The discoveries of Mr. Keely (demonstrated - as he is now prepared to demonstrate them) cannot be disputed, though his system may be called in question. With the humility of genius he calls his theories hypotheses, and his hypotheses conjectures. The solidity of the principles, as laid down by himself, cannot be decided upon by others until he has brought to light the whole system that grows out of them. But it is time the public should know that the odium thrown upon him by the Keely Motor Company, he does not deserve. It is time that the Press should cease its sneers, its cry of "Crucify him, crucify him!" morally speaking, and extend to him that discriminating appreciation of his work and encouragement which the New York Home Journal, Truth, Detroit Tribune, Chicago Herald, Toledo Blade, Atlanta Constitution, The Statesman, and Vienna News have been the first to do. Let the Press contrast the past history of science with the present position of Keely, as Professor Dewar has done. Only such a man who knows from experience the labour, the difficulties, the uncertainties, attendant upon researching unknown Laws of nature is able to appreciate all that is now being concentrated in the single life of one man. It is time that capitalists should step from their ranks to protect Keely from the selfish policy of the managers of a speculative company, which has long since forfeited all claims upon him, to continue mechanical work for it, even admitting that it ever possessed that right; and, more than all else, it is time that science should send her delegates to confer with the broad-minded men who have had the courage to give testimony, without which Keely could not have stood where, this year, he stands for the first time, fearless of threats, pursuing his researches on his own line, to acquire that knowledge of the Laws governing his discoveries by which alone he can gain sufficient control of machinery to insure financial success. Meanwhile, are there no men who are able to feel an interest (without reference to commercial results) in a discovery which sweeps away the debris of materialism as chaff is swept before a whirlwind? - giving indisputable proof that, as St. Paul teaches, "we are the offspring of God;" or, as Aratus wrote, from whom he quoted:-
"From God we must originate, Not any time we break the spell That binds us to the ineffable. Indeed, we all are evermore Having to do with God: for we His very kind and offspring be: And to His offspring the benign Fails not to give benignant sign."
From New York Truth, 3rd July, 1890.
"I think it is safe, for even the most conservative and pigheaded of scientists, to admit that Keely, the condemned, the scoffed at, the derided, the man whom every picayune peddler called charlatan because he could not harness the hitherto undiscovered forces of ether in less time than one might hitch up a mule, is the most original and the most straightforward of inventors, and that in his own good time he will give to the world a power that will throw steam and Electricity into disuse, open the realms of air as a public highway for man, and send great ships careering over ocean with a power developed by sound. His theory of etheric vibration is now conclusively established, and it is only a question of time and material that delays its use as a servant to man. The fact is patent, so that he who runs may read, but the ox must have the yoke, the horse the collar, the engine the cylinder, and the dynamo the coil, ere they can work their wonders. While Keely was hampered by mere tradesmen, who only looked to the immediate recoupment of their outlay, men more anxious for dividends than discoveries, he could do little save turn showman, and exhibit his partial control of the harmonies of nature as springs catch woodcocks, and was forced to open his crude contrivances to divert the eternal will of the cosmos to work-a-day uses, that he might coax from the greed and credulity of mere mammon-worshipers the sorely grudged means to continue his exploration of the infinite. His genius was prisoned in a test tube, and only let out to play monkey tricks before muddle-headed merchants, who could see the effect, but not the means, and so the greatest discovery of the age was turned into a rare show, and the eternal music of the spheres was set, figuratively speaking, to play tunes to attract customers like a barrel organ before a dime museum." Keely and His Discoveries; Chapter X, Part II - 1881 to 1891, Summary
LAW OF DEFINITE PROPORTIONS "The equivalent weight of an element is the weight which will combine with or displace one part by weight of hydrogen. Elements always combine with one another in definite proportions by weight, depending on their equivalent weights." (John Dalton, 1806) See stoichiometry
LAW OF DILUTE SOLUTIONS The properties of dilute solutions vary in direct proportion to the number of dissolved particles, i.e., to the molecular (later found to include ions as well) concentration of the solute. (Raoult-Van't Hoff, 1886)
LAW OF ELECTROLYSIS The same quantities of Electricity liberate equivalent weights of elements, and 96,500 coulombs (26.8 ampere-hours) will liberate one gram-equivalent of any element. (Faraday, 1834)
LAW OF ELECTROLYSIS 1) The weight of a substance deposited by electrolysis is proportional to the quantity of Electricity passing through the solution and is quite independent of any other factors.
2) During electrolysis equal quantities of Electricity liberate equivalent quantities of substances from various chemical compounds. Faraday
LAW OF ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION Also known as the "Law of Generator Action" and as "Faraday's Law." If there is relative motion between an electrical conductor and a magnetic field, such that the conductor cuts flux, an electromotive force will be induced in the conductor. The amount of the induced electromotive force will depend upon the strength of the magnetic field, upon the speed of cutting, upon the length of the conductor cutting the field and upon the direction of motion between the conductor and the field. Thus the stronger the magnetic field, the greater the induced electromotive force. The induced electromotive force will also increase with increased speed of cutting and with increased conductor length. When the conductor cuts the flux at right angles, the induced electromotive force is maximum. If the flux is cut in any other direction, the induced electromotive force will be less. The induced electromotive force decreases from maximum to zero as the angle of cutting decreases from 90 degrees to zero degrees. If a conductor is of such length and moves in such a direction, and at such a speed, as to cut 100,000,000 lines of force in one second, one volt will be induced in it. Expressed as an equation the induced electromotive force (in volts) will equal the flux cut (in lines or maxwells) divided by the product of the time (in seconds) times 100,000,000. This equation refers to the average value of the electromotive force induced in a single conductor. If a number of conductors are used the same electromotive force will be induced in each. If the conductors are so connected that their electromotive forces add up, the total average electromotive force can be found by multiplying the above equation by the number of conductors. Gernsback, Sidney; Radio Encyclopedia 1927
Law of Electrostatics "The force of interaction between two electrically charged particles is proportional to the product of their charges, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers." Coulomb, 1785
Law of Etheric Compensation and Restoration
Law of Halogen Displacement There are five elements that make up what is known as the HALOGEN family of elements. The Halogen Law states that, "The Halogen element having the lowest atomic weight will ALWAYS DISPLACE another, within the Halogen group, whose atomic weight is greater."
Element         Symbol       Atomic Weight
LAW OF INVERSE SQUARE Radiation passing through a sphere twice as far away as another sphere has spread out so that it covers 2x2=4 times the area, n times farther away it covers n2 times the area. See Square Law, Inverse Square Law, Locked Potentials and the Square Law
Law of Love "Everything that is, is of everything else that is. Nothing is of itself alone. All created things are indissolubly united." Dale Pond, 1992 See also Law of Sympathetic Association, Law of Love
LAW OF MANIFESTATION OF MATTER "It is the action and activity of spirit in the form of adhesion and cohesion, or attraction and repulsion, that causes matter to manifest as it does." H. Spencer Lewis
Law of Mass Action "The rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the product of the concentrations of the reactants." Guldberg and Waage, 1867 See stoichiometry
LAW OF MOTION, NEWTON'S FIRST An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Isaac Newton
LAW OF MOTION, NEWTON'S SECOND The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. Isaac Newton
LAW OF MOTION, NEWTON'S THIRD "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Isaac Newton
LAW OF MULTIPLE PROPORTIONS "When two elements combine to form more than one compound, the several weights of one element that combine with a fixed weight of the second are in the ratio of small whole numbers." John Dalton, 1806 See stoichiometry
Law of Nature, First Is Order and Motion. (no source given)
Law of One The best definition of this law I've encountered is from Walter Russell.:
''God divides the stillness of His omnipresent Oneness into mated pairs, and simultaneously multiplies their power to simulate His omnipotence and omniscience through fast centripetal motion.
He then unites His mated pairs to simulate His Oneness, and simultaneously multiplies their speed of centrifugal motion until they disappear into His omnipresent stillness.'' Walter Russell, Atomic Suicide?
This law is echoed in Cayce's quote on the purpose of being (and many other of his quotes):
What, then, is the purpose of the entity's activity in the consciousness of mind, matter, spirit in the present? That it, the entity, may KNOW itself to BE itself and part of the Whole; not the Whole; not the Whole but one WITH the Whole; and thus retaining its individuality, knowing itself to be itself, yet one with the purposes of the First Cause that called it, the entity, into BEING into the awareness, into the consciousness of itself. That is the purpose, that is the cause of BEING. Cayce (826-11)
Becoming Christed (as Jesus did) and as we can also do through remembering or awakening to who and what we are thus "by fulfilling the law" we become as One yet part of the Greater One. This is the Law of One. In this event the issues often associated with Ego or body-mind cease to have relevance because they are of naught anyway. They are the illusory life. Hence things like karma disappear (grace) and all physical egoic or body-mind life becomes naught (neutralized) as per cause and effect. Dale Pond 10/01/2001
Law of Opulence To put this Law of Opulence into operation it is necessary to realize three things.
First. That everything you want exists now in Divine Mind. Do you want jewels, gold, silver? They are all in the market; besides, there are in the mines as yet undiscovered all these things in great abundance. All these things exist and you can put into operation the law which will bring them to you. The history of the world shows that every mental demand of man has been met. Man grew tired of walking and carrying things and the cumbersome ox cart was eveolved to supply his needs. But he was not satisfied with this crude vehicle and demanded something better. Then came the horse and a lighter wagon, and after that came steam cars, bicycles, and automobiles; and still man is not satisfied; he wishes to fly and flying machines are in process of evolution (written 1902). By degrees, from the boat made by burning out the center of an old log, has the modern steam yacht been evolved, and from the slow, tedious process of sending verbal messages by footman from place to place has been evolved the wireless telegraph. There is no lack of anything in the world; and there should be no envy or jealousy between men, because there is enough to everything for everyone who lives.
Second. Realize that all things belong to Deity and that you can only have a temporary use of them. We should not be so vainglorious as to think we own anything. We came into the world destitute of everything and go out of it with nothing except character - and some even go without that. While we remain here we may borrow of Deity something or nothing according to our manner of thinking.
Third. We should realize that all things are distributed by the Universal Consciousness according to law. One man is not poverty-stricken and another man a millionaire by chance, fatalism or caprice; but everything is distributed according to the law of mental demand, or of asking and receiving. Those of you who are Christians know what the Nazarene said on that subject. Everyone who stops to think knows that the successful man of business has always been, is, and always will be, the man who can demand - i.e., make a positive picture of what he desires. If you want anything, create it mentally, demand it and according to your faith be it unto you.
There are certain rules whereby you may hasten your creations whether you work with or without a center (business, etc.), and your experiences will demonstrate the accuracy of the rules.
Rule First. Meditate and ask Deity if there is any reason why you should not have the thing you desire to create.
This removes all uncertainty from your mind about the advisability of creating it. Uncertainty produces a negative condition, disturbs your aura and therefore delays the materialization of your creations. When you have received the answer from the Universal Consciousness that it is right and proper for you to have the thing that you desire, you are then in a positive condition of mind and can forcefully put the law into operation.
Rule Second. Having decided to create something make your mental picture of it and demand it unfalteringly until it comes.
A person after having received a favorable answer from Deity often commences his creations, but abandons them after a time because his objective mind suggests that he may have been mistaken about his answer from Deity, and it is not best to continue with his demands. Do not listen to the suggestions from your objective mind, but once having decided upon your creations go on with them to the end.
Rule Three. A positive demand accomplishes more and better results than a request or a petition.
The mental attitude while making a demand should always be reverential but very positive. The Lord's Prayer is an excellent example of the proper attitude of mind to be assumed while demanding and we will analyze that prayer. Jesus said: "After this manner therefore pray ye:
"Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven." The attitude of mind manifested by the Nazarene while making the first part of this prayer was reverential, and His words expressed His desire for perfect harmony between Himself and the Father. Having established harmony between His individual mind and the Universal Mind He proceeded to make His demands in this manner:
"Give us this day our daily bread: And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." After this manner therefore pray ye."
There is not one negative thought in this prayer. There is a positive demand for everything desired rather than a petition. We can almost say that the demand was a respectful command that the things desired should come, and you will find that those of you who ask of the Universal in this manner and with this mental attitude will always receive what you ask for.
Now contrast that mental attitude that the Nazarene Occultist had when He prayed, with the mental attitude of His so-called followers of the present day. He said: "When thou prayest thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing (kneeling) in the synagogues" (churches and cathedrals). "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathen do; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking" (chanting, litanies and masses). If you wish to witness the contrast between the Master's and the modern forms of worship, go into some of the Churches on or near Fifth Avenue and listen to the words of the modern prayers. On Sunday you will hear Public Confessions of sins something like this:
"We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; and we have done those things which we ought not to have done: And these is no health in us." "Health" is defined by the Century Dictionary as meaning in this connection, "natural vigor of the faculties, moral or intellectual soundness."
If we were to say about these same good citizens what they publicly admit about themselves - that they are morally and intellectually depraved and are secretly doing things they ought not to do - we should very likely be sued for slander. But we do not wish to say or to believe that these good people are guilty of what they unthinkingly say with their lips in their forms of worship. The illustration given is but a type of modern prayers, for they are all more or less self-depreciatory if not self-condemnatory. The thoughts behind them are negative and the prayers are repeated as a matter of form more than of faith. Many of these same good persons have their prayers answered, but the answered ones were not the formal prayers read from prayer books. They are those that were sent forth from the heart and were expressed in a positive form; they were whispered in the silence of the night when there was no one near to hear but God to whom they were addressed. These are the prayers that are efficious, for prayer to be efficious must be a mental and not an emotional act.
Rule Four. Demand specifically what you want.
Every word of this rule is important. First you must make a demand. Then that demand must be specific. Make your mental picture clear-cut. The clearer your picture the sooner will it materialize. Demand specifically what you want - not what some one else wants you to have, not what you think you ought to have, not what you believe it your duty to want - but what you, yourself, wish to have.
The converse of this rule is equally important. Never demand what you do not want. If you want money do not demand work, but always be ready and willing to work for it - if necessary. Almost everyone in the beginning makes the mistake of demanding what he does not want, because it is difficult to break the customs of many years. Unpleasant environment is the result of demands we have made in the past for things we do not want now. Diseased bodies and unhappy conditions of mind are but the realizations of demands made in ignorance.
This rule is very likely to be misunderstood by some metaphysicians. A local teacher of metaphysics who heard this rule given in last year's lectures said it was misleading; that if a person had a drug store, for instance, and wanted money, he should demand patrons because they would bring money. To an Occultist this is strange logic. The druggist might have a thousand patrons and sell his entire stock. If all his customers bought his goods on credit and neglected to pay for them afterwrds, he desire for money would not be fulfilled although his demand for patrons had been fully met. It is best to demand the specific thing you want and then you will make no mistakes.
A member of last years' class who thought she unerstood this rule, said to me several weeks after the lecture course that she had created a trip to Europe. When I asked her to describe her mental picture she said, "Oh, I just created a one thousand dollar bill which I shall use for my trip." She had not created a trip to Europe, but had created the money to pay for one. This was no surety of her getting the trip, because when the money came an infinite number of things might occur to prevent her going. She should have created the picture of herself on board ship crossing the ocean; and should have seen herself landing safe and well on the other side.
Rule Fifth. Demand only when your desire is strong.
When you feel the need of a thing your desire for it is strongest. Many students begin enthusiastically to make their demands, but soon grow lukewarm. A good way to intensify your desires is to think of the pleasure the possession of the thing would give you, and when the desire for it comes sweeping over you then make your demand for it. Do not demand because the hour set apart for demainding has come, or because you regard it as a duty you have assumed. Demands made under such conditions amount to nothing, and the time put into work of that kind is wasted.
Rule Sixth. Mind works best when the body is still.
If you are drumming with your fingers or swinging your feet while making demands, a part of your mental force goes into the physical motions you are making; and your forces being divided the mental work is robbed of much of its power. You should conserve your force. At intervals during the day you may think of your demands and you can hold them subconsciously in mind much of the time; and while this kind of picture making does not accomplish as much as when the body is at rest, yet it does have an effect.
Rule Seventh. Never demand when excited.
You may have a strong desire but no excitement. A demand made during intense excitement is always met forcefully. This is an important rule, the oberservance of which may save you much inconvenience. We are quite likely to become impatient at times and are often tempted to make violent demands. It is a dangerous thing too, as I shall show you in an illustration.
There was a student of Occultism in this city who had met with several misfortunes. Disasters follwed each other till everything he had on the material plane was swept away. But he was possessed of a great deal of force, and knowing how to make demands for what he wanted he commenced making new creations. He demanded ten thousand dollars, which to him was financial opulence. The demand was not met immediately, and the young man became impatient and finally angry. And when he wakened one morning to find himself without money enough to pay for his breakfast, he walked to the park, threw himself upon the ground and lay there for several hours with his teeth set, hands clenched and with the perspiration standing out all over his body, so intense was his excitement while making his demand for the money he had pictured. The next day he boarded a freight train and, after the usual delays and inconveniences attending upon transportation of that kind, the student of Occultism managed to reach a Western town. But he had no sooner entered the place than a cyclone came along and swept it off the face of the earth. When the young man of the violent demands came to consciousness he was lying on the ground some distance from the palce where he was at the last moment of this recollection. His body was a mass of bruises, and when he tried to rise to his feet he found one leg broken. Bodies of dead animals and men lay all around him, and wagon loads of debris were strewn in all directions; but just within reach of his arm lay a plethoric leather wallet. The young man reached his best arm out and got the wallet and immediately examined its contents. There were just ten one thousand dollar bills in it and not a scrap of paper or a card to tell to whom it belonged. He placed his prize in the pocket of this ragged coat and crept on his hands and knees for some distance till someone came to his relief. He was cared for and finally got well. The owner of the money could not be found, and the young man kept it as an answer to his violent demand, which so nearly cost him his life.
Please do not understand me to say that the young Occult student's violent demand created the cyclone, because it had nothing to do with its creation. But the student was drawn into the cyclone, and suffered the horrors of it, because of his own tempestuous mental condition when making a demand, which had to be met after the manner that it was made.
Rule Eighth. Always be deliberate and quiet but positive when demanding.
Never demand in a hurry. Mental perturbation engendered by hurry, delays the materialization of your creation.
Rule Ninth. Avoid speculating on the time when or the way in which your demonstrations will be made.
When you begin speculating about the ways and means by which your demnstrations will come, immediately your force becomes scattered or divided and a repellent expectancy arises. There is an expectancy that draws and also one that repels. The quiet expectancy, such as is used in meditation, is helpful in drawing to you whatever you have demanded. But the impatient expectancy of the objective mind is repellent, because it causes your aura to become disturbed and then nothing you want can reach you.
For example: You have made a demand and have commenced to wonder through whom that demand will be met. Your objective mind suggests Mr. Blank as the most probable person, and if you accept the suggestion when you meet Mr. Blank you are not mentally poised because of your impatient expectancy. Mr. Blank feels your mental condition and if he were inclined to form a business connection with you he would hesitate and become uncertain because of your perturbed condition; thus the ways and means that you expected to bring your demonstration would not be used because of your repellent expectancy. The person who violates rule nine is likely to make very bad investments.
Rule Tenth. Anger, discontent, envy and lack of self-control repel and delay a demonstration.
If you make a mental picture of a thing and hold it for a time it will materialize, but it will be delayed if you indulge in any of the mental attitudes just mentioned; because any of these puts your aura into a perturbed condition, which is repellent. Divine Mind may be likened to the ocean which is bearing a boat laden with your creations to you who are standing upon the shore. If you are perturbed your mind acts upon Divine Mind as the wind off shore acts upon the ocean. It is forever driving back the craft in which are the things you desire.
This rule is one of the hardest to observe, but like anything else it can be followed. It is the disregard of this rule which leads investigators and beginners too disbelieve in the law or power of mind, and which makes so many students finally abandon in despair their efforts to use the forces of nature. But if we do not use nature's forces then we shall be used by them.
Rule Eleventh. The earnestness with which a demand is made, the frequency with which it is made and the persistency with which the mental image is consciously held in mind hasten the demonstration.
In another lecture you were told how your mental picture becomes a matrix, and that from this matrix goes forth a vibratory force like a blue magnetic cord which connects with the thing you desire. The material thing is then drawn by this blue magnetic cord closer and closer to you every time you concentrate your thoughts upon your creation until the thing finally reaches you. The earnestness, the frequency and the persistency of your demands and concentration draw it faster and faster. An Occultist never destroys any of his mental pictures.
Rule Twelve. The realization that you are using an immutable law hastens your demonstrations.
Get out of the old theological belief that because you are good God is going to give you a reward. Get out of the thought that you are a chosen child of God and that He is looking upon you with special favor. Get into the thought that you are a student of Occultism and that by working with mental law you are going to be able to make quick demonstrations and a better environment. Realize that you are using an immutable law and that what you demand comes to you because you are using a law and that nothing can prevent its coming, that God Himself cannot prevent it without violating His own nature - a thing inconceivable.
Rule Thirteen. After your creation is made and you have demanded it, the declaration, "God has met my demand," hastens the material manifestation of the demonstration.
For example, suppose you have made a picture, have held it, have demanded that it should materialize and you have followed faithfully all the foregoing rules. But after a while your objective mind says: "That demonsration will never come." Then I would suggest that you change your form of demand, and instead of saying "Give me this," say, "God has met my demand. It is mine now." Claim it. You know your demand has been met on the mental plane, and since it is law that you are using, it is yours as much as before it has materialized as it will be afterward. This declaration gives you a positive realization of possession which has a tendency to bring more quickly your creations and removes anxiety and perturbation from your mind. Ingalese, The History and Power of Mind See Mental Manifestation
LAW OF PARALLELOGRAM OF FORCES no text. note says: See 'Harmonic Vibrations and Vibration Figures, page 38
LAW OF PERCEPTION The fundamental Law of Perception:
To the extent to which you value guilty, to that extent will you perceive a world in which attack is justified. To the extent to which you recognize that guilty is meaningless, to that extent will you perceive attack cannot BE justified. This is in strict accord with vision's fundamental law: You see what you believe is there, and you believe it is there because you WANT it there. Perception has no other law than this. The rest but stems from this, to hold it up and offer it support. This is perception's form, adapted to this world, of God's most basic law; that love creates itself, and nothing BUT itself.
God's Laws do not obtain directly to a world perception rules, for such a world could NOT have been created by the Mind to which perception has no meaning. Yet are His Laws reflected everywhere." (ACIM Chapter 25 The Remedy - The Fundamental Law of Perception)
Most people look very vague when asked about guilt, and would assure another they do not believe in or hold any guilt. Yet each time we make a judgment of another, that judgment is but a projection of our own belief in guilt, and is simply that the other is guilty, not myself, for what is occurring. Even today many do not believe they are fearful, and that the foundation of fear is the belief in one's own guilt. That denial is outpicturing daily on the television
Labels, such as Jewish, Christian, Muslim whatever, create separation of minds and especially beliefs. These REINFORCE that we are not ONE MIND outpicturing. A mortal mind, is one that is wholly cut off from who and what it is, simply believing it is a body, separate from other bodies, and keeps projecting this on everything it sees, from bodies, male and female, families, communities, religions, nations with borders, and the list goes on.... in believing it is solely a body, and must needs take care of this body, to avoid pain, suffering and death, and is the cause and outcome of its demise. This is simply a mind dreaming with a foundational belief in GUILT.
An Immortal Mind has recognized Itself, who and what It IS. It recognizes that the Mind of God mirrored itself into the Holy Spirit, the Christ Mind or the Child of God Mind. It is an exact duplicate. Thus the Christ Mind is not separate from the Mind of God. It is ONE. The simple belief that separation could exist is the foundation to guilt, to be separated from the Mind of God. And thus that separation is the foundation and outpicturing of this world, dreamed into being by a mind simply asleep to who and what it is, believing itself to be the opposite of what it actually IS, and falling into a deeper and deeper sleep based on that belief in separation.
A mortal mind lays the body down in death, to return to the dust of the earth from whence it was made. An Immortal Mind raises the frequency of the body turning the body into LIGHT and into the TRUTH OF ITSELF, for it is AWAKENED INTO LIFE, and throws off the veils of sleep shrouding its Mind.
These supposed two minds can never be compared, because one is an illusion of a dream, the other the ONLY REALITY. What is made by a mind of illusion, can never be made REAL. As we identify with who and what we are, and the Mind of Christ, the Child of God, we awaken and that awakening is observed as the veils of sleep lift off one by one, allowing more and more light to reveal truly Who and What We Are.
Thus in my simple language, Immortal Mind is totally identified with Christ/God Mind and is eternal creating eternally. Mortal mind is totally identified with the body, and is temporal making temporal things, such as the body and everything it strives to make real.
Immortal Mind knows Itself ONE WITH ALL THAT IS. Mortal mind believes itself separate to everything it sees. Therein is the lie it continues to tell itself. The Mind of God has NO BELIEFS for it has no need in the complete KNOWING of ITSELF.
"What, then, IS justified? What do you WANT?" (ACIM as above. from A Course in Miracles)
LAW OF PERCEPTION "No thing exists to us except through vibrations." HS Lewis
LAW of PERIODIC TABLE a) The elements, if arranged according to their atomic weights, exhibit an obvious periodicity of properties. b) The atomic weight determines the character of the element just as the magnitude of the particle determines the properties of a complex body. Therefore, for example, S and Te, Cl, and I, etc., exhibit very obvious differences as well as similarities. c) We must expect the discovery of many yet unknown elements, for example, elements analogous to Al and Si, whose atomic weight would be between 65 and 75. d) The atomic weight of an element may sometimes be amended if its analogues are known. e) Certain analogues of the elements can be foretold from their atomic weights. Medeleyev, 1869
LAW OF PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT I. For light of a given frequency but varying intensity the energy of photoelectrons remains constant while their number increases in direct proportion to the intensity of light.
II. For varying frequency of light no photoelectrons are emitted until that frequency exceeds a certain limit f0, which is different for different metals. Beyond that frequency threshold the energy of photoelectrons increases linearly, being proportional to the difference between the frequency of the incident light and the critical frequency f0 of the metal. no source given
LAW OF POLARITY Passage from Coleridge, The Friend: "EVERY POWER IN NATURE AND IN SPIRIT must evolve an opposite, as the sole means and condition of its manifestation: AND ALL OPPOSITION IS A TENDENCY TO RE-UNION. This is the universal Law of Polarity or essential Dualism... The Principle may be thus expressed. The Identity of Thesis and Antithesis is the substance of all Being; their Opposition the condition of all Existence, or Being manifested; and every Thing or Phaenomenon is the Exponent of a Synthesis as long as the opposite energies are retained in that Synthesis."
Hamilton notes on the above passage: "So far as I understand this principle, I would perhaps express it thus:- Power can be manifested only by its effects, that is, by overcoming Resistance, which is Contrary Power. Existence is manifested by the struggle between two opposite tendencies ... Each particular phaenomenon, or individual Manifestation of Existence, is determined to be such as it is, and no other, by the kind and degree of its producing Power, that is, by its own particular combination or synthesis of two opposite tendencies. The thought of Being or Existence general (a new name, the property of which may demand a special inquiry), as distinquished from phaenomena, that is, from individual manifestations of existence, arises in us along with, and as a realization or externalization of, our belief in a common ground, a hidden principle of unity, belonging to the two opposite tendencies." Coleridge
LAW OF PRIMARY PRINCIPLE "The Primary Principle back of all Creation is the energy called Spirit." no source given
LAW OF PROPORTION "One added to two to make one is equivalent to two added to one to make one; and in adding two to two to make one, or one to three to make one, the same law in its square is maintained by its conformity to the Law of Three; and every other multiple is a duplication of the original law." John Dalton See stoichiometry
LAW OF SOLUBILITY The solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to its partial pressure. Henry, 1803
LAW OF SUBSTANCE The law that matter and force are constant or unchanging in their quantity. Haeckel, Ernst; The Riddle of the Universe - at the Close of the Nineteenth Century 1906
LAW OF SUPERPOSITION "The LAW is strictly true only when the amplitudes are exceedingly small. When the disturbance of the air by a sounding body is so violent that the law no longer holds good, secondary waves are formed, which correspond to the harmonic tones of the sounding body." See Law of Cycles
"When two tones are rendered so intense as to exceed the limits of the law of superposition, their secondary waves combine to produce RESULTANT TONES.
"Resultant tones are of two kinds; the one class corresponding to rates of vibration equal to the difference of the rates of the two primaries; the other class corresponding to the rates of vibration equal to the sum of the two primaries. The former are called DIFFERENCE TONES; the latter SUMMATION TONES." (John Tyndall, Sound)
LAW OF SYMPATHETIC ASSOCIATION Earnest minds in all ages and in all countries have arrived at the same inference which Keely has reached in his researches, - viz., that the one intelligent force in nature is not a mere mathematical dynamism in Space and time, but a true Power existing in its type and fullness, - deity. You may say that such an inference belongs to religion, not to science, but you cannot divorce the two. No systematic distinction between philosophical, religious, and scientific ideas can be maintained. All the three run into one another with the most perfect legitimacy. Their dissociation can be effected only by art, their divorce only by violence. Great as is the revolution in mechanics which is to take place through this discovery, it has an equally important bearing on all questions connected with psychical research. Once demonstrated, we shall hear no more of the brain secreting thought, as the liver secretes bile. The Laws of "rhythmical harmony," of "assimilation," of "sympathetic association," will be found governing all things, in the glorious heavens above us, down to the least atom upon our earth. Leibnitz's assertion, that "perceptivity and its correlative perceptibility are coextensive with the whole sphere of individualized being," will be accounted for without depriving us of a Creator. "The music of the spheres" will be proved a reality, instead of a figure of speech. St. Paul's words, "In Him we live, and move, and have our being," will be better understood. The power of mind over matter will be incontrovertibly demonstrated.
"The requirement of every demonstration is that it shall give sufficient proof of the truth it asserts." This Keely is prepared to give, - mechanical demonstration; and should he really have discovered the fundamental creative law, which he long since divined must exist, proving that the universal ether which permeates all molecules is the tangible link between God and man, connecting the infinite with the finite, - that it is the true protoplasm, or mother element of everything, - we may look for a philosophy which will explain all unexplained phenomena and reconcile the conflicting opinions of scientists.
Vibratory physics, in the great cosmical law of sympathetic association, explains all phenomena of nature, and demolishes the barrier that skepticism and materialism - working together toward a reign of anarchy - had erected between matter and spirit, in proclaiming that the soul dies with the body, that nature rows and steers her own canoe; denying that there has ever been such a thing as revelation, or that there is any proof of design in the works of creation; and teaching that efficient causes are beyond our reach, that we must be satisfied with the knowledge of the facts and their actual connection - as we observe them - without trying to trace the events on which the connection depends. Bloomfield-Moore
LAW OF SYMPATHETIC ASSOCIATION The effects of the law of sympathetic association, which Mr. Keely demonstrated as the governing medium of the universe, find illustrations in inanimate nature. What else is the influence which one string of a lute has upon a string of another lute when a stroke upon it causes a proportionable motion and sound in the sympathizing consort, which is distant from it, and not perceptibly touched? It has been found that, in a watchmaker's shop, the timepieces, or clocks, connected with the same wall or shelf, have such a sympathetic effect in keeping time, that they stop those which beat in irregular time; and, if any are at rest, set those going which beat accurately. Norman Lockyer deals with the law of sympathetic association as follows: - "While in the giving out of light we are dealing with molecular vibration taking place so energetically as to give rise to luminous radiation, absorption phenomena afford no evidence of this motion of the molecules when their vibrations are far less violent." . . ."The molecules are so apt to vibrate each in its own period that they will take up vibrations from light which is passing among them, provided always that the light thus passing among them contains the proper vibrations." . . . "Let us try to get a mental image of what goes on. There is an experiment in the world of sound which will help us." . . . "Take two large tuning-forks, mounted on sounding-boxes, and tuned to exact unison. One of the forks is set in active vibration by means of a fiddle-bow, and then brought near to the other one; the open mouths presented to each other. After a few moments, if the fork originally sounded is damped to stop its sound, it will be found that the other fork has taken up the vibration, and is sounding distinctly. If the two forks are not in unison, no amount of bowing of the one will have the slightest effect in producing sound from the other."
Although physicists know that this extraordinary influence exists between inanimate objects as a class, they look upon the human organism as little more than a machine, taking small interest in researches which evince the dominion of mind over matter. Keely's experimental research in this province has shown him that it is neither the electric nor the magnetic flow, but the etheric, which sends its current along our nerves; that the electric or the magnetic bears an infinitely small ratio to that of an etheric flow, both as to velocity and tenuity; that true coincidents can exist between any mediums - cartilage to steel, steel to wood, wood to stone, and stone to cartilage; that the same influence (sympathetic association) which governs all the solids holds the same governing influence over all liquids; and again, from liquid to solid, embracing the three kingdoms, animal, vegetable and mineral; that the action of mind over matter thoroughly substantiates these incontrovertible Laws of sympathetic etheric influence; that the only true medium which exists in nature is the sympathetic flow emanating from the normal human brain, governing correctly the graduating and setting-up of the true sympathetic vibratory positions in machinery necessary to success; that these flows come in on the order of the fifth and seventh positions of atomic subdivision, compound ether a resultant of this subdivision; that, if metallic mediums are brought under the influence of this sympathetic flow they become organism which carry the same influence with them that the human brain does over living physical positions - that the composition of the metallic and of the physical are one and the same thing, although the molecular arrangement of the physical may be entirely opposite to the metallic on their aggregations; that the harmonious chords induced by sympathetic positive vibration permeate the molecules in each, notwithstanding, and bring about the perfect equation of any differentiation that may exist - in one, the same as in the other - and thus they become one and the same medium* for sympathetic transmission; that the etheric flow is of a tenuity coincident to the condition governing the seventh subdivision of matter - a condition of subtlety that readily and instantaneously permeates all forms of aggregated matter, from air to solid hammered steel - the velocity of the permeation being the same with the one as with the other; that the tenuity of the etheric flow is so infinitely fine that any magnifying glass, the power of which would enlarge the smallest grain of sand to the size of the sun, brought to bear upon it, would not make it visible to us; that light, traversing at the speed of 200,000 miles per second a distance requiring a thousand centuries to reach, would be traversed by the etheric flow in an indefinite fragment of a second.
These are some of the problems which Mr. Keely has had to solve before he could adapt his vibratory machinery to the etheric flow. The true conditions for transmitting it sympathetically through a differential wire of platinum and silver have now been attained, after eight years of intense study and elaborate experiment. The introductory indications began to show themselves about two years ago, but the intermissions on transmission were so frequent and so great as to discourage Mr. Keely from further research on this line. Then came one of those "inspirations" which men call "accident," revealing to him "the true conditions" necessary to produce a sympathetic flow, free of differentiation, proving conclusively the truth of his theory of the law governing the atomic triplets in their association.
Differentiation, by compound negative vibration of their neutral centres, causes antagonism, and thus the great attractive power that aggregates them becomes one of dispersion or expansion, accompanied by immense velocity of rotation, which carries its influence through the whole volume of air, 230 cubic inches contained in sphere, within its 33 1/3 chord of its circle of coincidence. By this wire of platinum and silver the current of force is now passed to run the vibratory disk, thus altogether upsetting the "compressed air" theory of Professor Barkes, Dr. Hall, and others of less note.
"In setting the conditions of molecular sympathetic transmission by wire," writes Keely, "the same law calls for the harmonious adjustment of the thirds, to produce a nonintermittent flow of sympathy. Intermission means failure here. That differential molecular volume is required, in two different mediums of molecular density, to destroy differentiation of sympathetic flow, seems at first sight to controvert the very law established by the great Creator, which constitutes harmony - a paradoxical position which has heretofore misled physicists who have propounded and set forth most erroneous doctrines, because they have accepted the introductory conditions, discarding their sympathetic surroundings. The volume of the neutral center of the earth is of no more magnitude than the one of a molecule: the sympathetic conditions of one can be reached in the same time as the other by its coincident chord."
Thus it will be seen what difficulties Keely has encountered in his persevering efforts to use the etheric flow in vibratory machinery. One by one he has conquered each, attaining the transmission of the etheric current in the same manner as the electric current, with this one notable difference - that, in order to show insulation to the sceptical, he passes the etheric current through blocks of glass in running his vibratory devices.
When Keely's system is finished, then, and not until then, all that is involved in his discovery will be made known to the world.
Five years after this paper on Etheric Force was written, Dr. Henry Wood, of Boston, wrote an article, which appeared in The Arena of October, 1891, having the title Healing through Mind. Dr. Wood says: "Truth may be considered as a rounded unit. Truths have various and unequal values, but each has its peculiar place, and if it be missing or distorted, the loss is not only local but general. Unity is made up of variety, and therein is completeness. Any honest search after truth is profitable, for thereby is made manifest the kingdom of the real. . . .
"We forget that immaterial forces rule not only the invisible but the visible universe. Matter, whether in the vegetable, animal, or human organism, is moulded, shaped, and its quality determined by unseen forces back of and higher than itself. We rely upon the drug, because we can feel, taste, see, and smell it. We are colour-blind to invisible potency of a higher order, and practically concluded that it is non existent," - Healing Through Mind. Bloomfield-Moore, Keely and His Discoveries
Law of Sympathetic Vibration
LAW OF THE ENERGY OF AMPLITUDE "The energy of a vibration is proportional to the square of the amplitude." For instance, a vibration which has twice the amplitude of another has four times the energy of the other. no source given
LAW OF THE THERMAL EXPANSION OF GASES If the temperature changes by one degree, the volume of a gas changes by 1/273 of its volume at zero. (also called Charles' Law) Gay-Lussac, 1805
Law of the Universe, Macvicar "The law of the universe is a distinct dualism while the creative energies are at work; and of a compound union when at rest." Keely and His Discoveries, Chapter XVIII, Part II, A Pioneer in an Unknown Realm
LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS, FIRST The first law of thermodynamics is the application of the conservation of energy principle to heat and thermodynamic processes:
The first law makes use of the key concepts of internal energy, heat, and system work. It is used extensively in the discussion of heat engines.
It is typical for chemistry texts to write the first law as DU=Q+W. It is the same law, of course - the thermodynamic expression of the conservation of energy principle. It is just that W is defined as the work done on the system instead of work done by the system. In the context of physics, the common scenario is one of adding heat to a volume of gas and using the expansion of that gas to do work, as in the pushing down of a piston in an internal combustion engine. In the context of chemical reactions and process, it may be more common to deal with situations where work is done on the system rather than by it. no source given
LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS, SECOND The second law of thermodynamics is a profound principle of nature which affects the way energy can be used. There are several approaches to stating this principle qualitatively. Here are some approaches to giving the basic sense of the principle.
1. Heat will not flow spontaneously from a cold object to a hot object. 2. Any system which is free of external influences becomes more disordered with time. This disorder can be expressed in terms of the quantity called entropy. 3. You cannot create a heat engine which extracts heat and converts it all to useful work. 4. There is a thermal bottleneck which contrains devices which convert stored energy to heat and then use the heat to accomplish work. For a given mechanical efficiency of the devices, a machine which includes the conversion to heat as one of the steps will be inherently less efficient than one which is purely mechanical. no source given
LAW OF TRANSVERSE VIBRATION "The Laws of transverse vibrations in strings are simple and easily demonstrable. It can be shown that the velocity with which they travel along a flexible chord is equal to the square root of the tension applied to it divided by the mass of it's unit length. The disturbence of any point in a string causes two pulses to start from this point and run along it in opposite directions. Each of these, on arriving at the end, is reflected from the support to which it is attached,and undergoes reversal as to side. It runs back thus reversed to the other end, and is there again reflected and reversed. When it arrives at the origin of the disturbence it has travelled over twice the length of the string, the other pulse arriving there at the same instant. The period of a complete vibration is therefore that required for a wave to travel over twice it's length" Stone, W.H., Stone's Scientific Basis of Music
LAW OF TRIANGLE "One added to two to make one is equivalent to two added to one to make one; and in adding two to two to make one, or one to three to make one, the same law in its square is maintained by its conformity to the Law of Three; and every other multiple is a duplication of the original law." John Dalton Same as the LAW OF SUPERPOSITION, LAW OF PROPORTION, stoichiometry
LAW OF VIBRATING STRING 1) The number of vibrations is inversely proportional to the length of the string. i.e.; 1/2 length = 2 x cps; 1/3 = 3 x cps, etc.
2) The number of vibrations is proportional to the square roots of the stretching weights. i.e.; 1 lb. = 1 cps; 4 lb. = 2 cps, 9 lb. = 3 cps.
3) The number of vibrations varies inversely as the thickness of the string. i.e.; 1 dia.= 1 cps; 2 x dia.= 1/2 cps; 3 x dia. = 1/3 cps
4) The number of vibrations is inversely proportional to the square root of the density of the string. i.e.; if density =1/4 of another string it will have 2 x cps, if density is 1/9 of another string it will have 3 x cps.
5) 3&4 together: The number of vibrations is inversely proportional to the square root of the weight of the string. John Tyndall, Sound
- LAW OF DUALITY See Principles, Law of Couples, Sex
- LAW of PERMUTATIONS See Law of Cycles
- LAW OF AFFINITY See Law of Affinities
Poiseuille's Law In the case of smooth flow (laminar flow), the volume flowrate is given by the pressure difference divided by the viscous resistance. This resistance depends linearly upon the viscosity and the length, but the fourth power dependence upon the radius is dramatically different. Poiseuille's law is found to be in reasonable agreement with experiment for uniform liquids (called Newtonian fluids) in cases where there is no appreciable turbulence.
Stokes Law When a phosphor or other luminescent substance emits light, it gives, in most cases, an emission according to a fundamental law known as Stokes' Law. This law states that the wavelength of the flourescent (emitted) light is always greater than the wavelength of the exciting radiation. It was first observed in 1852 in the memoir "On the Change of Refrangibility of Light" by Sir G. G. Stokes. In terms of energy the relationship states
e em < e ab
While Stokes' Law holds true for the majority of cases it does not follow in certain instances. In some cases the wavelength is the same for both the absorbed and emitted radiation. That is, the efficiency appears to be perfect or unity. This is known as resonance radiation. In the other case Stokes' Law does not hold where energy emitted is greater than the energy absorbed. This is known as Anti-Stokes Emission. In 1935 Prileshajewa showed that there is an energy difference as much as 1.1v between the exciting light and the flourescence of aniline vapor. This added energy is attributed to additions from the internal energy of the molecule. Thomas, Ralph H.; Ultrasonics in Packaging and Plastics Fabrication See Law of Cycles, Principle of Regeneration
See Also
Compendium L Keelys Forty Laws Laws Laws in the Cayce Readings Principles