Law of Affinities

"In compiling from his (Keely's) writings, such are selected as seem to be the best, toward elucidating the mysteries which lie in the operation of the laws governing the universal ether, so far as his hypothesis carried him. If matter without form preceded the creation of vitality, "it is only when the principle of life had been given," says Charpignon, "that the intrinsic properties of atoms were compelled, by the law of affinities, to form individualities; which, from that moment, becoming the center of action, were enabled to act as modifying causes of the principle of life, and assimilate themselves to it, to start with, that it will be well to remember; for, as in the hypothesis of MacVicar and the demonstrations of Keely, the law of assimilation is made the pivot upon which all turns, "providing at once for mind and for matter, and placing them in a scientific relationship to one another." Bloomfield-Moore, Keely and His Discoveries

"There are two distinct laws which rule in astronomy - viz., masses and distances; and there are two distinct laws which rule in music - affinities and proximities. The notes produced by simple ratios as 1:2, 2:3, 3:4, etc., are attracted to each other by the law of affinity; notes which are beside each other in the octave scale and have moderately complex ratios as 9:10 and 15:16, are attracted to each other by their proximities. F and C, and C and G, and G and D are related to each other by affinity. C is related to the fifth below and the fifth above; G is related to the fifth above and the fifth below. F and C, C and G, and G and D are never nearer to each other than a fifth or a fourth, and in either case they [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 95]

See Also

Genero-Radiative Concept - Part 2
Law of Assimilation
Law of Compensation and Equilibrium
Law of Cycles
Law of Etheric Compensation and Restoration
Neutral Center
Universal Heart Beat

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday December 11, 2020 04:25:30 MST by Dale Pond.