To show commonalities between the ideas of John Keely, Walter Russell and Edgar Cayce. This comparison will be a bit difficult to grasp as they each came at these subjects from different perspectives, with different intents, meanings and backgrounds and used their own unique language or jargon. These differences aside it will be shown their philosophies are in essence identical. Pay attention to the intended meaning and not so much the words. The following are but a few of the many examples where the ideas of these men coincide thus offering us an opportunity to glean a broader understanding of ourselves, nature and relationships between the two.
God is Mind or Consciousness
- "The eternally conscious entity - call it by whatever name we please - moves in cycles as eternal and infinite as itself; it oscillates and vibrates perpetually and is never unconscious of any present condition ... exclaims, I KNOW I AM." Keely, Dashed Against the Rock, underline added
- "The CREATOR is the all-knowing Mind of undivided still and unconditioned invisible Light of Mind. The CREATOR is Mind only." [Russell, Home Study Course, unit 6, page 397]
- ". . . ye are part and parcel of a universal consciousness or God - and thus of all that is within the universal consciousness, or the universal awareness.." Cayce (2794-3)
Vibration in Modes
- All manifestations of Energy are modes of vibration:
- 1: RADIATING - ENHARMONIC - POSITIVE ATTRACTION - CELESTIAL - Attracted to the external Universe.
- 2: FOCALIZING - HARMONIC - NEGATIVE ATTRACTION - TERRESTRIAL - The intensification of individuality or materiality of matter. Attracted to centers.
- 3: DOMINANT - That controlling tendency governing the ascendancies of the first two.
- All three of these must be present in every flow of energy and are always present in the ratio 3:6:9. [Keely, Snell Manuscript]
- "Nature has a different way of playing seesaw. Instead of oscillating upon a continually extended lever, the wave extensions of polarity withdraw into their fulcrums and re-extend by turning inside-out and outside-in.
- The constitution of matter cannot be known until this principle of reversals is comprehended.
- Nature plays seesaw with matter and space as opposite mates. It is though an ant and an elephant played the game. When they interchange, the ant swells to the elephant's volume and the elephant shrinks to the volume of the ant. Both are of equal potential, however, for the solidity of one balances the tenuity of the other.
- The cause of continued motion and sequential reversals lies in the two opposed conditions of matter. The compressed center heats and heat expands, while tenuous space cools and cold contracts. The necessary reversals of Nature's wave-lever, because of difference in volume between the ant and elephant, produce the same effect by throwing the players out of balance with their fulcrums." [Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, page 70-71]
- Q-8:...what is meant by the three different vibrations, back and forth, side, and circular?
- A-8: These are as the fundamental forces of vibration as it applies to the material and spiritual forces in all activities that become magnified in a material plane." Cayce (281-6)
Light (of Mind)
- "Luminiferous ether [light]," Keely writes, "or celestial mind force, a compound interetheric element, is the substance of which everything visible is composed. It is the great sympathetic protoplastic element; life itself." [Keely and His Discoveries]
- "Light is the living substance of mind in action." [Russell, The Universal One]
- "What is Light? That from which, through which, in which may be found all things, out of which all things come. Thus the first of everything which may be visible in earth, in heaven and in space is of that Light, IS that Light." Cayce (2533-8)
Law of Love connects and powers everything.
- "The ancients were far better schooled in spiritual philosophy than are we of the present age. Their mythological records, in their symbolical meaning, prove this fact. They recognized this latent element as the very breath of the Almighty; the sympathetic outflow of the trinity of force, the triple spiritual essence of God Himself. Their conceptions of Deity were greater and truer than our own. From them we learn that when God said 'Let there be light,' He liberated the latent celestial element that illuminates the world: that when He breathed into man the breath of life, He impregnated him with that latent soul-element that made him a living and moving being." Keely from The Veil Withdrawn
- "The Law of Love is rhythmic balanced interchange between all things. Upon the law of balanced interchange, this entire reciprocal universe is motivated with such exactness of balance that astronomers can calculate the positions of planets and suns to the split second. In this wise, the universe is dependable. It observes the Law. It cannot do otherwise where God controls all things." Russell, The Universal One, Preface
- ''"Well that the entity, or all, know that the law of love, or love as law, is cause and effect; or each impulse has its own corresponding reaction in thought, life, mental, physical and material. Not understood by some!
- "Each thought, as things, has its seed, and if planted, or when sown in one or another grounds, brings its own fruit; for thoughts are things, and as their currents run must bring their own seed." Cayce (288-29)
Centers about which forces circulate
- "The bridge of mist" he (Keely) writes, "which spanned the chasm between the two is gradually resolving itself into one of granite, which the nations of the earth may safely traverse, stretching between the two centers; the celestial and terrestrial. The visible one is the one of mist: the invisible one is the one of granite." [Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore]
- "Behold, I am within all things centering them; and I am without all things controlling them, but I am not those things which I center in them and control in space surrounding them. I am the center of My universe of Me, Everywhere I am is the center of all things, and I am everywhere." Russell, The Secret of Light
- "Gravity may be considered a negative force, for it tends to balance the positive forces. Gravitational forces are vibratory forces and might be defined as the centralization of vibratory forces ready to be changed into power by non-activity." Cayce (195-70)
First Cause
- "All foundations must be sufficient to bear their burden. Conceive then the Universe centered upon and resting the burden of its incalculable mass and kinetic energy on a vacuous interetheric point in space, so minute that it is actually INDIVISIBLE. This conception can only be fully comprehended by an infinite mind. Independent of time, because indestructible in its unity, independent in space, because through its properties space itself exists and without it would not exist, independent of matter because its properties in any external direction created all that we know as matter and gave it seeming permanence, the neutral center is that protean, uncreated, indestructible, forever-existing FIRST CAUSE. Without hands, without tools, without thought, without emotion, without love, without form, without substance, it, of itself, created all these. All that we see or can see in the objective Universe exists because of and by means of the properties and powers of the NEUTRAL CENTER." [Keely, THE NEUTRAL CENTER - Snell]
- "All effects and dimensions of first cause begin with the birth of each light unit.
- "Each point in the universe is the center of the universe. Each point is the beginning and the end of each ten octave swing of the cosmic pendulum.
- "Each new-born corpuscle, or light unit, is a center of disturbance from which the entire universe responds to its alternating electromagnetic pulsations.
- "Motion, once started, never ceases until it has run the entire gamut of the ten octave range, from which point it begins again.
- "The light unit of the highest octave and lowest potential eventually becomes a light unit of the lowest octave and highest potential.
- "Light units are omnipresent throughout the universe.
- "All effects of thinking are omnipresent throughout the universe.
- "Nothing is which is not universal.
- "Light units are the beginning and the end of that super-majestic illusion which man calls "creation."
- "They constitute all that man calls "created things," which in truth are creating, evolving things.
- "The creating of these corpuscles is as continuous as thinking is continuous."The Universal One, page 63
- "Hence it [First Cause] is the force that is called Lord, God, Jehovah, Yah, Ohum (Ohm?), Abba and the like. Hence the activity that is seen of any element in the material plane is a manifestation of that first cause. One Force. And, as seen and stated above, a record in a phonograph is made up of elements of a certain combination of that which has become in manifested form in certain movements in relation to the first cause, for the projection (and does project) by natural Laws; as the physical or material Laws, then, are the reflection or shadow of spiritual Laws. See? And these then make for, under certain Laws, certain words, certain regulations, the retaining of that (through one of these elements or attributes of consciousness) which has passed before it; or that has been indented upon this element in this rate of activity of a first cause or first principle that is in movement, and unless in movement is not capable of being manifested in a material world. For, the movement itself (to make applicable another law) draws about a nucleus the positive and negative forces as to bring into visibility from one sphere or realm to another that force or power. Or it has lost that which makes for the raising or reducing of such vibrations as for the force, the power, the first cause, to become active in this or that or the other realm of consciousness. Cayce (254-67)
Mind is Deemed a Force
- "What does this activity represent, by which luminosity is induced in the high etheric realm? Does not the force following permeation by the Divine Will show that even this order of ether, this luminiferous region, is bounded by a greater region still beyond? - that it is but the shore which borders the realm, from which the radiating forces of the Infinite emanate: the luminiferous being the intermediate which transfers the will force of the Almighty towards the neutral center of all created things, animate and inanimate, visible and invisible; even down into the very depths of all molecular masses. The activity of the corpuscles, in all aggregations, represents the outflow of this celestial force, from the luminiferous track, towards all these molecular centres of neutrality, and reveals to us the connecting link between mind and matter. How plainly are we thus taught that God is everywhere, and at the same time in every place. It gives us a new sense of the omniscience and omnipresence of the Creator. In these researches I am brought so near to the celestial conditions that my pen is ready to fall from my hand while writing on this subject; so more and more sensibly do I feel my abject ignorance of its depths..." [Keely, Keely and His Discoveries, Chapter XVII, Part I - 1891, Keely's Theories]
- "These little rotating particles of light associate themselves into inter-revolving or gyrating systems which continue the motion given to them by the energy of thinking." Russell, The Universal One, Book 2, Chapter 1
- '"Mind is an effort, or an active force that partakes of spiritual as well as material import. Mind is an essence or a flow between spirit and that which is made manifest materially." Cayce (262-123)
New Era of Consciousness
- "The keynote of Christ's Gospel is in the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man; and this is the keynote which the revelation of Sympathetic or Spiritual Physics is about to sound. It will awaken a sleeping world to that "knowledge of God" which is (as defined by Pythagoras) "Truth clothed with light, or absolute verity." [What Electricity Is - Bloomfield Moore]
- "The new age of cosmic man which is now unfolding for the saving of mankind from self-suicide by the barbaric dealings of man with man is a transition from believers in a far-off God of fear, whom they fear, to knowers of a universal God of Love, Whom they love. [Walter Russell, Home Study Course, vol. 2, page 94]
- "Study more to understand that each at all times stands in the presence of that Power, that Force, that brings to each the power of knowing self in a material world. Each act, each thought of each body adds to the bringing about of His Kingdom in the earth, or adds to that which prevents it from becoming manifest in this material plane . . ." Cayce (911-6)