
8.0 - Introduction


And Why Knowing Matters

Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. - Hermes Trismagistus

See deeply enough, and you see musically; the heart of nature being everywhere music, if you can only reach it. - Thomas Carlyle

Like the musician, if we touch the strings that vibrate in harmony, we have melody - sweet music. If we set in vibration discordant tones, we have inharmony - confusion of sound. To understand and comply with the laws of harmonious attunement is the great need of humanity. Surely all will admit that this is decidedly a question of the highest importance. - [W. H. Williams]

There is a field of science so powerful and comprehensive it can guide humanity into a new and wiser world. As both philosophy and science, it enables us see our Oneness with each other and all of nature in a constructive non-detrimental way. As a working paradigm, it embraces all that is physical, yet reaches deep into the mental and spiritual dimensions of being. Its recognition and acceptance provides free reign to our creative powers while teaching us how to work in perfect harmony with nature's laws. It solves many of life's mysteries and brings beauty into the world. It is simple, yet profound. This paradigm in science is called Sympathetic Vibratory Physics. Surely, such an all-embracing science is worth knowing.


What is Sympathetic Vibratory Physics(1)? It is the science of Harmony, of Oneness. This physics teaches that the fantastic array of forces and phenomena which go to make up the universe are all related in a simple manner, through rhythmic vibrations and oscillations(2). At least as far back as ancient Egypt, it was known that everything in the universe exists in a state of ceaseless periodic motion or vibration. The study of the nature and dynamics of vibration takes us to the very foundation of nature and Man. Once we grasp the inner functioning of the laws and principles of vibration(3), we hold the keys to Universal Creative Forces which operate everywhere in space and time. Only this science brings together all the elements of life and the universe to form a Comprehensive Paradigm which can guide science and philosophy in their practical applications well founded in natural law. The immediate and future benefits for humanity and the planet are limitless. Unlike dogmatic, reductionist science, Sympathetic Vibratory Physics does not isolate phenomena, but starts with and demonstrates the interconnectivity existing between all forces and things.

The social implications of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics are no less far-reaching than its scientific implications. One person even suggested to John Worrell Keely(4), the father of vibratory physics, that he cease his scientific work and devote himself to the spiritual regeneration of civilization. Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is as important to mankind's moral and spiritual growth as to its understanding of the physical and dynamical universe. It has often been said this science cannot be fully mastered without first mastering one's self - a very metaphysical concept to be sure. The greatest pursuit of any man or woman is self-knowledge, for such knowledge connects him or her to all life. A heightened self awareness brings a sense of Oneness that defeats all thoughts of separateness and antagonism. It develops a sense of individual responsibility to self and the whole.

Dare we place in humanity's hands such fantastic instruments as this science appears capable of delivering without the requisite moral and spiritual development and understanding that will prevent a misuse of this knowledge to humanity's detriment? Technology is a two-edged sword. Its products can be used for humanity's benefit or destruction. How wonderful it is that this technology, which promises so much in the way of new discoveries and wise use of nature's forces, also contains within itself a moral guide to their correct use.

The understanding of vibration develops as a comprehensive organized science of vibration governed by laws and principles. Fortunately, a great deal of this work has already been done by great innovate thinkers and pioneers such as John Worrell Keely, Nikola Nikola Tesla, Walter Russell, Victor Schauberger and many others. We already have a well developed science of music thanks to such as Pythagoras, Bach and other gifted music theorists. Music is an organized art and science of sound and vibration encompassing the auditory range of the electromagnetic scale - a scale that is itself seemingly infinite and embraces all that we call matter, mind(4.1) and spirit(4.2). The same principles and laws which operate in and govern music operate throughout the whole of manifest existence, seen and unseen. One important branch of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics therefore is the study of music, its arithmetic, scientific and philosophical basis, and the application and development of its fundamental principles and laws to other fields of science and philosophy.

What is Vibration?

A vibration, in its simplest description, is a periodic expansion and contraction whether short or long in duration. These periodic and rhythmic motions can manifest as simple tones or complex chords. Everywhere in nature we observe a constant quivering, pulsating, oscillating, chattering, undulating, rhythmic, cycling, wavelike motion of the ubiquitous sea of energy. All ancient philosophies and religions point to a single Force, Energy, Intelligence or Substance, called 'the One Element' or One Substance in ancient philosophies, as the Root or Source of all existence. All that is manifest - not only matter, but thought, consciousness, spiritual aspirations, all of Life - comes into existence through specific ranges of vibratory activity or rates of vibration occurring within this sea of energy which makes up the totality of the life of the cosmos. What distinguishes light from sound, or a tiger from a bluebird, is its position in the infinite hierarchy of vibrating energies. The distinctive vibration, and its associated overtone chord, which gives each thing its existence is known as its keynote. Every life-form, atomic element, person, place on Earth, idea or action has its own keynote and distinctive vibratory signature or chord. That keynote gives it its base identity as its chord or signature gives its unique identity and places it in the great hierarchy and orchestra of life.

What distinguishes one frequency from another? Think of the differences between a baseball pitcher's slow ball and fast ball. What separates them? The force behind the throw! The same is true of vibratory frequencies. The faster the rate of vibration, the greater the force underlying and finding expression through it as also the media in which it vibrates. Slower rates of vibration represent weaker forces; faster rates, higher forces operating in a media of higher density(5). This any musician knows. A clarinetist must blow harder to produce high notes, notes vibrating to a higher frequency, than low ones. The guitarist must draw the strings of his guitar tauter, causing them to vibrate faster, in order to raise their pitch. Higher frequencies represent greater reciprocal forces at play. So in the vast scale of nature's hierarchy of vibrations, faster vibrations of shorter wavelength, always tell us a greater Power is working through them. It's interesting to note that as evolution proceeds, vibratory rates - even those of the atoms themselves - speed up, telling us the Creative Forces underlying nature manifests themselves ever more fully, if slowly and steadily, through an evolutionary progression as the aeons pass away. As a man or woman grows intellectually and spiritually, body and mind alike respond to higher energies and frequencies. Some people speak of attuning themselves to the spiritual realities through practices such as meditation or religious rituals. Whatever the originating Cause(6) of vibration, it is the underlying force which governs all life and manifestation throughout the vastness of the cosmos. It is the unifying factor of the Whole.

Where Vibration Can Take Us

Given vibration as the all-unifying factor, the hard distinctions we normally make between matter and energy, body and mind, the visible and spiritual dimensions of life diminish in importance. Just as the colors of the rainbow fade imperceptible one into another by way of slowly graduating changes in the vibrations inherent in the light spectrum, so do all the realms of life differ only by virtue of their vibratory frequencies. Add heat to water, which raises its rate of vibration, and it suddenly becomes steam. Slow it down enough and it becomes ice. Under the right circumstances, coal becomes a diamond. Later we will discuss this process of transmutation whereby one thing passes over into another.

Stories about John Worrell Keely's accomplishments in this regard point to new methods of engineering and building machines - methods which link the purposes of the human mind to the mechanisms of humanity's creations.

In 1913, Rudolf Steiner, the young friend of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, said of the 'West people' of the English-speaking countries, Great Britain and North America: 'They will develop new mechanical faculty. They will be able to create machines and mechanical devices which work with hardly any human effort; which work with the help of the "Laws of Sympathetic Vibrations(23).' These machines will do about 90% of all labor, and all social and material trouble as we know it will cease to exist. Steiner went on to say,

"The famous technology of our day will come to its end soon; because she will in a certain way wind up herself. The following phenomenon will then appear: Man will achieve the faculty to employ the fine vibrations of his ethereal body to impulse mechanical devices. The individual will be able to transmit his own vibrations onto the machine, and only he will be able to set the machine in motion, by the vibrations generated by himself. The men who are now practical technicians will soon discover that they are standing before a complete change as to what one calls practical, when man will be involved with his will in the objective feeling of the world."

In 1918 Steiner brought the matter up again from another direction:

"All searching in solid matter is nonsensical. One will at a certain time abandon it - and mankind will do this before the year 4000 - that searching in solid matter as underlying nature. Mankind will discover something totally different; he will discovery rhythms everywhere in nature, rhythmic arrangements. And when this knowledge about nature's rhythms is carried on, one will come to certain employments of these rhythms in technology. That is the goal set for the future technology of Sympathetic Vibrations, vibrations generated on a small scale, and then continued on a large scale, so that by this simple sympathizing, harmonizing, an incredible lot of work can be done."

As those of you who have studied Keely's work know, this is precisely what Keely accomplished more than a 100 years ago! In 1888 Keely said of his technology:

'My system, in every part and detail, both in the developing of this power and in every branch of its utilization, is based and founded on sympathetic vibration. In no other way would it be possible to awaken or develop this force, and equally impossible would it be to operate my engine upon any other principle.'

John Keely worked incessantly for more than 30 years to discover the simple laws governing naturally occurring and artificially generated vibratory phenomena. The result of this work was the discovery of 40 laws that govern all vibration and vibratory phenomena. These laws have been published in The Journal of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics(7). Much work has gone into the interpretation and application of these laws as they apply to modern physics and technology. Modern science is already using some of the laws unbeknownst to itself. The laser, microwave, radio, computer, quantum physics (chip design), and musical and audio component manufacturers are all using some of these laws in the design and construction of their products. Because of the differences in paradigms, however, it may be many years yet before Keely's laws are recognized for their true worth by mainstream science. As Harold Aspden noted, "Mankind has inertia just as has mass."

Modern science is based in concepts of mass vs. force and entropy (universe devolving into chaos) initiated by Isaac Newton and furthered by Albert Einstein. Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is based on the actions and interactions of polar and depolar vibrations, their resultant sympathetic associations and syntropy (universe is constantly recreating itself). It appears these actions are the causes of mass and energy. We believe a study of causes advances science more rapidly and to greater effect than the study of effects alone, and will lead to greater accomplishments.

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics focuses on the inner nature of vibratory phenomena. It is well known that vibratory activity contains within itself many differing characteristics - among these: amplitude, velocity, mode, sympathy, number and periodicy(8). While these aspects may be studied independently, an integral system of science requires they be considered parts of a whole. In a holistic paradigm each of these characteristics or components must be considered relative to the others. Nothing can be considered by itself alone as no thing in the Universe is isolated from interactions with, upon or from something else. The isolated study of any phenomenon apart from all others is one of science's greater mistakes. Until this error in thinking and practice is corrected, we shall continue to experience deleterious effects in all our scientific endeavors.

In the study of music and music's development we have an outstanding example of this relativistic paradigm. The fundamental principle in music is relationship. A simple frequency is nothing of and by itself. But relate that frequency to another and we instantly have two separate entities locked together with a fixed interplay between them. This relationship is always expressed as a ratio or relationship known as an interval. The same is true for all vibratory frequencies. The frequency of any given vibration is its active component, but the importance of this frequency can only be derived from its actions and interplay with other frequencies in that same environment. The interaction between discrete frequencies is known as the Law of Sympathetic Association(9): each force evoking a response, involving the laws of polarity and attraction, with their summed or difference tones as co-generated third, fourth, etc. partials, forces or reactions.

Modern engineering recognizes the value of and uses harmonic (2n) frequencies. Keely teaches us there are many more relationships between vibrations than just the fundamental and its harmonics. There are also Sixths, Thirds, Fourths and Sevenths as well as many others. It's a well recognized fact that several frequencies synthesized together form a complex wave form. If concordant frequencies are merged, we have one kind of vibratory force having specific characteristics. If enharmonic frequencies are merged, we have a different vibratory character. These differences can readily be seen or heard in the differences between a trumpet's middle C and middle C sounded on a piano or violin. The fundamental is the same pitch, yet the chordal tones produced are altogether different, and the auditory and psychological impact on the human organism is altogether different as well. It is this difference which can be understood and applied to mechanical devices. The vibratory tones of a string are more harmonious than the chord components of a brass instrument. The one can calm or bring quietude, the other discord or arousal to activity. Working along similar lines, activated atomic particles can be contained, controlled and used as a power source once this association of frequencies and their resultant chordal patterns are more fully understood.

Keely's 40 Laws of Harmony define relationships between electricity, magnetism and gravity. He demonstrated these relationships as thirds of 33 1/3, 66 2/3 and 100. Through their use Keely was able to liberate incredible forces from atoms in ways neither harmful nor deleterious and without producing the radioactive byproducts of our current nuclear energy generation systems. All atomic and nuclear forces are measured in terms of frequency, and these frequencies can be manipulated so as to liberate their forces or modified to bond them to form new products - in other words, vibration is the key to transmutation. Nature is subtle, and subtle means are required to awaken her energies. This science demonstrates that all things are related and that the resultant effects of a relationship are a consequence of the characteristics of that relationship. No function exists alone. There must be an active force, a receptive force and a neutral zone or zones of communication between these two forces. A concordant waveform, composed of harmonic frequencies, tends to pull subatomic particles together(10). Discordant waveforms tend to split or explode the particles or aggregate(11).

Sympathetic Vibration and the Laws of Attraction and Correspondence

As below, so above; as above, so below. - [Hermes Trismagistus]

Things that accord in tone vibrate together. Things that have affinity in their innermost natures seek one another. - [The I Ching]

Each entity vibrates as its own keynote or fundamental frequency. A primary example is a piano wire which sounds a primary or fundamental note or pitch, the one associated with it. At the same time it resonates with many partials above and below its fundamental tone. Therefore any vibrating entity has a chord of frequencies being its fundamental tone and its partials. These partials are related to the fundamental or keynote by definite mathematical ratios, the same ratios(12) which are evident in and used throughout musical theory(13).

Every vibrating entity has an unique identity. This identity is its total vibratory matrix, chord or spectrum. This chord or spectrum originates from a non-material idea of Mind(13.1). This idea manifests into materiality through progressive evolutions of partials derived from and by way of the fundamental pitch - from the high inaudible down through into the audible ranges of sound. This central idea is the vibrating entity's Neutral Center(14) - from and by way of which its material existence comes into being and is eventually - through Time (regardless of duration) - known through our senses and our surrogate detecting meters and instruments. Whatever the fundamental pitch exciting a neutral center, the potential Creative Force(15) that reaches from the core outward, is the pitch on which the entire aggregate and its components is based. The fundamental of the scale or harmonic series is the creator of the scale notes or partials derived from itself. The first partial created is its opposite - the octave harmonic - a doubling of itself. The third created is the Perfect Fifth between them which becomes the neutral or pivot point of the scale because this Perfect Fifth is coincident to the fundamental, its first and second octaves. The evolutionary progression of such a series of notes or partials is a result of adding, subtracting, multiplying and division. Included in the arithmetic tool kit for this process is the Fibonacci summing of two sequential numbers to create the third. This is a naturally occurring function of vibrations.

Note Frequency Interval
C1 = 1 fundamental
C2 = 2 first octave
G2 = 3 Perfect Fifth
C3 = 4 second octave
C4 = 8 third Octave

This arithmetical process may be compared to Quantum Arithmetic(16) which uses a basic fundamental number from which all the other derived numbers of a given set are produced and are related through subtraction, addition, multiplication and division.

It must be remembered that an harmonic pitch is a relative frequency and not just any number of vibrations or oscillations. It is a frequency derived much the same way musical notes in a scale are derived from the fundamental upon which the scale is based. The progressive divisions of wave length as represented by arithmetical intervals follows natural laws, known as The Law of Harmonic Pitch(17) and the Law of Harmonic Vibrations(18), and does not deviate from these laws. This principle can be seen in the diatonic music scale, where each note in the scale doubles its vibratory frequency (halving the wave length) in successive ascending octaves, or halves that rate (doubles the wave length) if viewed as a descending scale. Since the laws of Harmonic Pitch and Harmonic Vibrations holds true throughout nature, we may assume the fundamental (when considering any frequency) is coincident to its aliquot chords and arithmetical relations governing them. Herein lies the key to all molecular substance and may point to an element of the ancient secret of transmutation of elements(22). If the outer effect is a reflection of the inner cause, then to change the outer one must change the inner. Is not the same true for human beings, and how we think and perform in the outer world? An inner awakening always leads to outer transformations(22).

In ancient times, music was something other than mere pleasure for the ear: it was like an algebra of metaphysical abstractions, knowledge of which was given only to initiates, but by the principles of which the masses were instinctively and unconsciously influenced. This is what made music one of the most powerful instruments of moral education. [G. de Mengel, Voile d'Isis]

Note that A (set by committee(19) to 440 Hz) is doubled in the octave above (880 Hz) and halved in the octave below (220 Hz). (A on a naturally occurring series of harmonics would be 416.(20)) When a given tone is caused to vibrate, it causes its own harmonics (a doubling or halving of the frequency and wave length, respectively) to take place. This doubling or halving does not stop with the creation of just one or two harmonics but causes them all - all the way to infinity(21, 22) - to occur. Any tone being sounded will create a series of tones from the lowest to the highest frequencies imaginable (insofar as there is a media capable of vibrating at those rates). The progression of harmonics can and does create the higher tones or super harmonics (overtones) as well as the lower ones called sub harmonics (undertones). Cayce said over and over again that music is the bridge between the material and spiritual realms.

"For music alone may span the sphere from the sublime to the ridiculous - from the finite to the infinite - from the spheres of activity to realms of the divine. Music is like color, like tone, in that it is a destructive or a creative force - depending upon that to which it appeals, in its influence upon individuals." [Cayce (622-2)]

This helps explain why vibration possesses so much power and influence. Just as a string on a piano or guitar vibrates, so too do all the higher harmonics and partials vibrate relative to the fundamental tone, pitch or frequency of the string. I say partials because more resultant frequencies occur than just the doubling or halving of the fundamental frequency. Other ratios of vibration also rise up to fill the whole realm of motion. These can and do include thirds, sixths, sevenths, elevenths, etc. So when modern science refuses to recognize these odd or even partials and only focuses on harmonics, it is missing a greater view of the phenomenon under study.

This is no new revelation. It has been written about extensively in 100 year old books on music and vibration theory. To create really good music one must have a good background in vibration theory. Modern music is bereft of this greater knowledge which, for some reason, is no longer being taught extensively.

It is not known when electronic and other engineers began using harmonics in their work. (musicians have used it for centuries.) What is even more puzzling is why hasn't this well-known law of physics been identified as a law? When something always and invariably takes place as a result of a given action, it is without a doubt a law. A vibratory occurrence will always and at all times produce these harmonics. They can be calculated by doubling the frequency and the subharmonics can be calculated by halving the frequency. The Electromagnetic Scale commonly seen in school classrooms and engineering departments is based entirely on this concept. These scales begin with 1 cycle per second and double at each octave resulting in a sequence of numbers: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31, 64..

Using this knowledge, Keely was able to generate vibrating bundles of energy in his 'atomoles', which we now call subatomic particles. The harmonics and partials of rad-energy caused the inner particles of the atom to vibrate or change orbital characteristics such that the composite particle, the atom, changed its size, and sometimes its shape, without destroying the atom. These subatomic particles were not always affected equally by the influence of rad-energy. They will change their frequency rate in accordance with their degree of sympathetic resonance. What does modern science use to modify atoms and molecules? In most cases fire, the great agent of transmutation, sometimes in the form of heat from a Bunsen burner or a laser, and sometimes via chemical activities. And what is fire or heat but a means of raising vibrational frequency and energy density? A curious thing about heat is that it has little effect on subatomic particles. It mostly affects atomic and molecular aggregates. Therefore, to work effectively with subatomic and quantum particles, one must resort to the science of sympathetic association or resonance. If one desires to tap into the subatomic and quantum levels of matter, one must resort to frequency ranges far in excess of those commonly used as X-Rays, Gamma or ultraviolet band. One of Keely's remarkable achievements was that he figured out how to do this by creating a set of 40 resonant plates harmonically attuned so each set up a higher resonant vibration in the plate above it, and that again in the one above it. He claimed there are discrete gamuts of frequencies of 21 octaves each spanning a total range of 105 octaves(22). Imagine the subtlety of the forces generated by this means, which permitted him to tap into ‘etheric energy' of what physicists now assume is the zero point energy of least oscillation. His method was ingenious and has not been successfully reproduced to date, though we are constantly learning more about how he did it. The amount of energy available in the etheric or zero point energy field appears to be infinite, making it our best means of achieving an inexhaustible supply of non-polluting energy for the entire planet. Sympathetic Vibratory Physics holds the key to that future.

The Law of Matter and Force
There is not dividing of matter and force into two distinct terms, as they both are ONE. FORCE is liberated matter. MATTER is force in bondage. [John Worrell Keely]

If everything is vibratory in its inner nature, then we must look to the laws of vibration to explain their behavior and to understand them. In the late 1800s, expressing such ideas to the world was futile, and so it proved to be for Keely. Now, with quantum theory and theoretical work continually beating around the 'vibratory bush†so to speak, these things have a ready basis for credulity and application.

As infinite as are the forms and sizes of material objects, so too are the vibrations that make them up. Vibrations are the 'initiating forms' of all manifesting energies. Here of course, we run up against Albert Einstein and his school who claim the reverse is true, that matter is the beginning point of all energy. Take his famous E = mc2, which implies that energy comes from mass accelerated and the faster the acceleration, the greater the energy. Keely's first Law of Sympathetic Vibration(9,23), however, implies that energy is the origin of mass. For the disbelievers among you, read McGraw-Hill's description of quantum mechanics and the properties of atomic and sub-atomic 'particles': It is natural to identify such fundamental constituents of matter as protons and electrons with the mass points or particles of classical mechanics. According to quantum mechanics, however, these particles, in fact all material systems, necessarily have wave-like properties. Yet another McGraw-Hill definition of wave mechanics goes like this:

"The modern theory of matter holds that elementary particles (such as electrons, protons, and neutrons) have wave-like properties. In 1924 Louis deBroglie postulated that the same wave-corpuscle duality which was then known to exist in the case of light might also occur in matter; this hypothesis was subsequently verified experimentally. With contributions by the mathematical physicist, Erwin Schrodinger, Max Born, Werner Heisenberg, P. A. M. Dirac and others, this theory of matter has become the highly successful quantum mechanics of the present day."

These wavelets have frequency and hence an energy level commensurate with that frequency. Therefore, energy, in the form of vibrational wavelets, precedes matter and gives rise to what we call 'solids'. One must realize that if subatomic particles are wavelets of varying frequencies and all atoms and molecules, so called matter, are nothing other than 'quantized bundles of vibrating energy' whose existence is determined by laws of vibrating motion and not laws of 'classical mechanics', then Keely was right: When push comes to shove, what is the difference between 'pure' energy and 'pure' matter anyway? Simply the rate and mode of vibration.

The Law of Transmutation
A table of the intervals and harmonics of the normal harmonic scale will indicate the ratios in which the transformation of forces will occur. - [John Worrell Keely]

This law together with the Law of Transformation of Forces is a description of the process of the transmutation of forces and hence transmutation of things. It has been written that Keely was able to transmute elements into other elements and was thus able to create some exotic materials for some of his devices. One of these was his Trexnonar - a wire composed of platinum, gold and silver alloyed together in a special manner. It took Keely eight years to create this wire through which he transmitted without disruption or resistance his etheric force. Yet another material used in his magnets was reportedly strong enough to hold several hundred pounds in weight and could be turned on and off at will.

When a given frequency is caused to vibrate, it causes its own harmonics (a doubling of frequency or halving of wavelength) to take place. This double or halving does not stop with one or two harmonics but causes them to be reproduced all the way up into infinity. The progression of harmonics can and does create the higher tones or upper harmonics as well as the lower ones called sub-harmonics. Music is the bridge between the material and spiritual realms, which also explains how and why vibrations possess so much power.

Someday - hopefully in the not too distant future, human beings will come to recognize this principle of vibration which binds them to everything else. On that day a new consciousness, some call it Christ Consciousness, will usher in a new and extraordinary time. Nothing like it has ever been known in the history of the world. Toward this end all Creation strives in an endless search for perfect harmony.

Footnotes and References
1 - Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
2 - vibration and oscillation are not the same things
3 - laws and principles of vibration
4 - John Worrell Keely
4.1 - Mind
4.2 - Spirit
5 - density
6 - Cause
7 - The Journal of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
8 - Attributes of Vibration and Oscillation
9 - Law of Sympathetic Association
10 - Bjerknes Effect
11 - Dissociation
12 - Partials and Ratios
13 - Music Theory
13.1 - "An exact science of the One visible and invisible universe of Mind and the registration of all idea of thinking Mind in light, which is matter and also energy." Russell, The Universal One
14 - Neutral Center
15 - Creative Force
16 - Quantum Arithmetic
17 - Law of Harmonic Pitch
18 - Law of Harmonic Vibrations
19 - History of Musical Pitches.
20 - A = 416 on the natural scale.
21 - Infinity of harmonics means all media capable of vibrating as per those derived harmonics.
22 - Law of Transformation of Forces
23 - Law of Sympathetic Vibration

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See Also

AI Interpretations of SVP

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday February 2, 2025 03:46:38 MST by Dale Pond.