FOOT NOTES to the above sections.
1 - God: The word 'God' is herein used in a different context than generally used. God herein is not an anthropomorphic being, made in Man's image, sitting on a throne and passing whimsical judgement and punishment on sinners, his children. God is Love in the esoteric sense of being part and parcel of every thing that is, was or about to be. God is Pure Latency, Creative and fully aware of every thing everywhere. (see Sympathy) The connecting link between all that is is Love or sympathetic associative resonance whose velocity of propagation is instantaneous between sympathetic centers traveling on the High Neutral Streams of near infinite density and clarity. If you will, God is as "quantum entanglement" between all sub-quantum entities which connection being a sympathetic vibratory one.
'The eternally conscious entity - call it by whatever name we please - moves in cycles as eternal and infinite as itself; it oscillates and vibrates perpetually and is never unconscious of any present condition, be it pain or pleasure, joy or sorrow, shame or glory; like the pendulum of a clock or the sun, moon, or tides, it swings from the one to the other of these conditions, now in pleasure, now in pain, by its contact with the extremes of all varying conditions, like a child which throws up its head and laughing for joy exclaims, I KNOW I AM." [Keely in Dashed Against the Rock]
2 - Genesis of the Old Testament.
3 - Law of Assimilation: 'Every individualized object tends to assimilate itself to itself, in successive moments of its existence, and all objects to assimilate one another.' [Keely and His Discoveries] This law functions according to Keely'™s Law of Attraction: "Juxtaposed coherent aggregates vibrating in unison, or harmonic ratio, are mutually attracted." (Keely, pre 1894) See also Bjerknes Effect.
4 - Genesis of the Old Testament.
6 - The Secret of Light, page 50.
7 - Fundamental is also known as Major Ninth, tonic, octave, keynote and Infinite Ninths.
8 - Actually this is not Satan opposing God but Satan opposing Archangel Michael. God is the perpetually Undisturbed and Undifferentiated Divine Latent Mind Potential (see scalar) of the Void (quiescent Whole Mind of perfect sympathetic continuity wherein no division can happen or exist). God, being Love, has no opposite. Whereas once a portion of this Void appears to differentiate and individuate there are then two seeming polar opposite conditions come into being and activity - one Creative and one Destructive - seemingly forever warring with each other. Other analogies are St. George fighting the Dragon or St. Michael fighting a Dragon or the Egyptian Osiris (Sun) consuming/eating/killing Horus (Night). Without fundamental polarity or polarization there can be no materiality.

Fundamental: 1. The tones from which harmonics are generated. 2. Usually the lowest frequency component in simple waveforms, perceived as the "pitch" of the sound. 3. The lowest tone of a chord when the chord is founded on that tone; also, the lowest note in the harmonic series.
'One desire (of Mind) is for separation from Oneness into unbalanced multiplicity and the other is for voidance of multiplicity into balanced Oneness. One desire is for action and the other for rest.' [Russell, The Secret of Light] Illustrates the dual yet unmanifest nature of the fundamental tone. It 'wishes' or desires to be both expanding and contracting, yet does neither. It's offspring, the octave tones, do however manifest these two desires. The One fundamental Tone will divide and multiply itself into a multiplicity of tones of the octave and reabsorb that multiplicity back into Oneness. See Ramsay's The Scientific Basis and Build of Music to see how a fundamental builds into an octave series with overtones and reabsorbs them all back into the fundamental from whence they came.
8.2 - Dominant: ADJECTIVE: 1. Exercising the most influence or control. 2. Most prominent, as in position; ascendant. 3. Genetics Of, relating to, or being an allele that produces the same phenotypic effect whether inherited with a homozygous or heterozygous allele. 4. Ecology Of, relating to, or being a species that is most characteristic of an ecological community and usually determines the presence, abundance, and type of other species. 5. Music: Relating to or based on the fifth tone of a diatonic scale.
NOUN: 1. Genetics; A dominant element or trait. 2. Ecology; A dominant species. 3. Music; The fifth tone of a diatonic scale. [The American Heritage - Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.]
9 - page 179 of Keely and His Discoveries
10 - Mind: '...the cerebral being the high dominant, or compound etheric, the luminiferous proper." Keely. We could and probably should view this use of "Dominant" by Keely as the merging/averaging of the Octave Positions of the Celestial and Terrestrial being the Dominant Position where Man resides.

"The heavens and the earths of My curved universe are father-mother of My universe, each of each and each to the other one. Neither one can be save the other also be.
"Nor can one leave the other, saying, 'Sit thou here while I journey to the far reaches.'
"Nor can there be aught upon the earth without the fathering skies, nor in the skies without the motherhood of earth; neither man, nor bird, nor reptile, nor fish, nor beast of wild jungle; neither tree, nor flower, nor shrilly singing insect; neither tempest, wild tornado, nor gentle breeze of calm ocean; nor cloud, nor mist, nor dew drop for flower petal; not one of these things can be born of earth alone unfathered by the heavens, nor can heaven alone born them without the motherhood of earth.
.."Again I say: I, the Light, am One. But my thinking is two, for thought is two in every creating thing, two halves of One which never can be one. Always must they be two to go opposed ways from Me and back again to Me for reborning from the other one after finding rest in Me." - From THE DIVINE ILIAD; Russell, The Secret of Light, page 96-97]

See Also
11.07 - Idea plus Will plus Spirit - Manifestation
Celestial and Terrestrial Domains
Celestial and Terrestrial Forces in Iris Blossom
celestial attraction
celestial attractive
celestial current
celestial flow
Celestial Intermediate
Celestial Kingdom
celestial luminous
celestial mind flow
celestial mind force
celestial outreach
celestial propulsive
Celestial Radiation and Terrestrial Outreach
Celestial Radiation
celestial reflection
celestial space
celestial sympathetic outreach
Celestial Sympathetic Radiation
celestial sympathetic reflection
celestial sympathetic streams
celestial sympathy
celestial thirds
Evolutionary manifestation
Figure 11.04 - Celestial and Terrestrial Forces Come Together to Manifest as All That Is
Figure 2.16 - Alchemical Graphics showing Celestial and Terrestrial Realms
Figure 3.16 - Idea Preceeds Manifestation in Material Form using Cubes and Cones
Figure 3.25 - Celestial Seeks and Condenses at Center
Infinite Exciter
Law of Attraction
manifest them in your body
material manifestation
Mental Manifestation
Mind In Matter
Mind Over Matter
neutral terrestrial centre
polar terrestrial force
Sai Baba
sympathetic celestial streams
sympathetic celestial
sympathetic terrestrial flow
sympathetic terrestrial streams
terrestrial attractive
terrestrial center
terrestrial centers of attraction
terrestrial centres
terrestrial chord-masses
terrestrial concordant
terrestrial current
terrestrial envelope
terrestrial flow
terrestrial flows
terrestrial focalized centers
terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
terrestrial interference
terrestrial magnetic envelope
terrestrial magnetic sympathetic flow
terrestrial magnetism
terrestrial matter
terrestrial negative attractive center
Terrestrial Outreach
terrestrial propulsive
triple combination of the magnetic terrestrial envelope
triune sympathetic celestial stream
velocity of the positive and negative interchange of celestial sympathy
'God is Light. God is Universal Mind. Mind is Light. Mind knows.' [Russell, The Secret of Light]
[The above materials are from an article originally written by Dale Pond, 2002, 11/02.]