11.01 - Introduction
Scientific Basis and Build of Music
11.02 - Attributes of the Scale of Infinite Ninths
11.03 - Development of the Scale of Infinite Ninths
11.04 - Nature Dances to a Natural Music Scale
11.05 - Something from Nothing
11.06 - Something from Idea and Will
11.07 - Idea plus Will plus Spirit - Manifestation
11.08 - Matter is an Effect of Will Force
11.09 - Matter is the Recording of Thinking
11.10 - Matter is the Recording of Sequential and Successive Steps of Polarized Thought
11.11 - Explanations of the Scale of Infinite Ninths
11.12 - Hidden Powers of Numbers
11.13 - Dominant Conditions are Mated Opposing Pairs as Fifths
- Table 11.02 - Fifth is Double Tone (G = The Fifth, 4++ and Double Tone)
11.14 - Indig Numbers (Fuller)
11.15 - Indig Numbers - Inert Gases and Octave Position
11.16 - Indig Numbers and the Power of the Powers of Two
11.17 - FOOT NOTES
- Figure 11.03 - Archangel Michael Symbolically Slaying the Dragon
- Figure 11.04 - Celestial and Terrestrial Forces Come Together to Manifest as All That Is
- Table 11.04 - Scale of Infinite Ninths - its Music Interval Relations
11.18 - Keelys Dominant - Harmonic and Enharmonic
11.19 - Spirit is Dominant
11.20 - Scale of Infinite Ninths compared to Classic Scale
11.21 - Arithmetical Structure of Intervals
11.22 - Reciprocality of Dimensions and Music Intervals
11.23 - The Power of Two - Primes - Families and Differentiators
11.24 - Notes and Thoughts on Octave Structure
11.25 - Notes and Thoughts on Harmonic Scale of Ninths
- Figure 11.05 - Russells Scale of Locked Potentials - Centered at 0
- Figure 11.06 - Russells Geometry and Mathematics of Octave Waves
- Figure 11.07 - Note Frequencies fit into Magic Squares
11.26 - Definitions and notes useful in this section
11.27 - Origin of CsharpDbb note
11.28 - Ninths in the literature - Keely on Ninths
11.29 - Conventional or Standard Musical Ninths Intervals
- Table 11.09 - Notes and Counting Steps - Standard Scale
- Table 11.10 - Chord of Ninths Notes and Counting Steps
- Table 11.11 - Scale of Infinite Ninths - numerics
11.30 - Russells Locked Potentials Numbers
- Figure 11.08 - Russells Music and Locked Potential Scales
- Table 11.12 - Musical Intervals - Locked Potential Numbers - Elements and Factors
- Table 11.13 - Three Octaves of Infinite Ninths Scale
- Figure 11.09 - Eye of Horus - Egyptian Arithmetic
11.31 - Egyptian Fractions and Measurements see Egyptian fraction expansion
See Also
01 - The origin of a Musical Sound
04 - On the Pitch of Musical Sounds
06 - On the Intensity or Loudness of Musical Sounds
1.21 - It Really Is a Musical Universe
11.04 - Nature Dances to a Natural Music Scale
19.03 - Philosophy of Transmission and Rotation of Musical Sphere
19.05 - Excerpts from original Articles about Keelys Globe Motor or Musical Sphere
Etheric Liberator used with Atlin the Musical Dynasphere
Fibonacci is Music
Figure 1.12 - Naturally Occurring Frequencies Modes and Music Interval Relations
Figure 13.15 - Equilibrium as Musical Tonal Equivalents
Figure 14.01 - Overtones Developed Musically Showing Up as Isotopes along the Vertical Axis of this Chart
Figure 4.17 - Musical Relationships of Colors Tones and Attributes
Kepler Music of the Spheres
Kepler Music Theory
Laws of Music
music note or sound colors
Music of the Spheres
music theory
Musical Dynasphere
musical globe
musical scale
musical sphere
Musical Triplet
Part 19 - Musical Dynasphere - Historical
Part 20 - Musical Dynasphere - Current Research
Part 26 - Science of Sound Vibration Acoustics and Music
Periodic Table Set to Music
Scientific Basis and Build of Music
Scientific Basis and Build of Music - Index
Symmetry in Music