"The power of attractive vibration of the solar forces is the great coincident towards which the terrestrial magnetic sympathetic flow is diverted. This force is the celestial current that makes up the prime third of the triple association. It also induces aqueous disintegration and thermal concentration, the two prime conductors towards this coincident chord of sympathy with itself." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
See Also
Celestial and Terrestrial Domains
Celestial and Terrestrial Forces in Iris Blossom
Celestial Radiation and Terrestrial Outreach
Electromagnetic Field
Figure 11.04 - Celestial and Terrestrial Forces Come Together to Manifest as All That Is
Figure 2.16 - Alchemical Graphics showing Celestial and Terrestrial Realms
magnetic stream
Magnetic Universe
Magnetic zero center
neutral terrestrial center
polar terrestrial force
sympathetic attraction
sympathetic concordance
sympathetic field
Sympathetic polar negative transmitter
sympathetic terrestrial streams
terrestrial center
terrestrial current
terrestrial envelope
terrestrial magnetic envelope
Terrestrial Outreach
Triple Flows
14.18 - Law of Sympathetic Association