The disturbing thought of thinking Mind, or introductory impulse, the act of Will, is polar in nature and initates motion in two directions simultaneously; i.e., reciprocally and proportionately. These two conditions are One Force divided into two distinct directions or modes: to the center and away from the center. Should one be cancelled or changed the other is equally affected. They are One Force polarized having two poles, directions or offices to perform. The resultant motion is a switching or oscillating back and forth of any given particle from inward to outward. As one side moves towards the center the other side moves outward away from the center. This self-resonance is not of the particle as the particle is not a "thing". The self-resonance is of the dual forces "dancing" about a center of focalization whose combined polarity determine which preponderance to assume. The self-resonance is the in/out motion of these two tendencies as forces in reciprocal motion.

Figure 3.27 - Polar Switching (click to enlarge)
An impulse can be soft or hard or in between. In the case of a soft impulse such as a soft rubber mallet impacting a bell few harmonics are created. With a hard impulse such as a steel hammer on a bell the power of impact develops countless harmonics via the Law of Cycles. [see Syntropy, Principle of Regeneration]
In the following video we see what appears to be impossible. The idea portrayed is the introductory impulse given the sticks under tension is what travels throughout its length.
"When the proper impulse is given to induce the rotation with pure alternating corpuscular action, the conditions of action become perpetual in their character, lasting long enough from that one impulse to wear out any machine denoting such action, and on the Sympathetic Stream eternally perpetual. The action of the neutral or focalizing centers represents molecular focalization (syntropy) and redistribution (entropy), not having any magnetism associated with them; but when the radiating arms of their centers are submitted to the triple compound vibratory force, representing their mass thirds, they become magnetic and consequently cease their rotation. Their rotation is induced by submitting them to three different orders of vibration, simultaneously giving the majority to the harmonic third." [Keely in Keely and His Discoveries]
"Keely teaches that an unknown potency is held in the atom's tenacious grasp until released by an introductory impulse given by a certain order of vibration, depending upon the mass chord of the aggregation; which impulse so increases the oscillation of the atoms as to rupture their etheric capsules." [Bloomfield-Moore]
"The pressure of the violin bow giving the introductory chord impulse (focalizing chord) vitalizes the whole machine. The chords will all be set in progressive sympathy from the first octave to the fortieth." [MECHANICAL INVENTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS]
The vapor from the liberator, registered at 20,000 lbs. per square inch has a range of atomic motion of 1333 1/3 the diameter of the atmospheric molecule with constant rotary vibratory action. At 10,000 lbs., 666 2/3, at 5,000, 333 1/3, at 2500, 166 2/3, at 1250, 83 1/3, at 625, 41 2/3. The higher the range of atomic motion the greater its tenuity and pressure. The very evolution on the negative shows a vacuum of a much higher order than was ever produced before confounding all theory to analyze. The highest vacuum known is 17.999999, or not quite 30 inches, but Keely produced etheric vacuums repeatedly of 50 to 57 inches ranging down to 30 inches or 57 lbs. All operations of nature have for their sensitizing centers of introductory action, triple vacuum evolutions. These evolutions are centered in atomic triple revolutions, highly radiophonic in their character and thoroughly independent of all outside forces in their spheres of action. No conceivable power, however great, can break up their independent centers. These triple centers are the foundation of the universe, and mathematically considered, the respective and relative motion of these atomic triplets, gravitating to and revolving around each other, is about one and one-third of their circumference. The problem of this action, when analyzed mathematically, (taking it as the quadrature of the circle) would baffle mathematical science to bring it to a numerical equation. Every revolving body is impressed by nature with certain laws making it susceptible of the operation of force, which being applied, impels motion. These bodies never can approach nearer than a certain limit, nor farther than a certain point. They are, at some mean point, made perfectly equal, and may therefore be considered as one force and as one element. It matters not that other and disturbing forces exist outside or inside the space these bodies revolve in, because if this force must be considered as acting uniformly, applying itself to each of these bodies in a way to produce a perfect equation on all, it is as if this outside force were nonexisting. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
"Now, respecting the conditions regarding motor, and motive forces or powers in the activity of that as is set forth, both in that as builded and that as contemplated - while it becomes necessary for the stabilizing of the energy that is created in the active forces of the integration and disintegration of the elements, in the active force of gravitation produced in the motive energy that is to be expanded in motor - it is well that these be changed to meet the needs of such stabilization, and with the ability to control the force and power created. But to change from the chemism|, that brings the force to act with the expansion in gravitation, would be to defeat the purpose of that as being created. While the drawings, and the constructive force, may carry out the principle in action, there must be that motive power to create the first active force. And this will only act in the way as has been set up.
"Make the stabilizing power or element stable, and not to leave out the chemical reaction that must begin the activity from the place of the operating element. When one pulls, the other must pick up, and it must be as the gravitation in its action to create this." Cayce (195-61) [see Cayce Perpetual Motion Machines]
See Also
12.02 - Universal Energy Unit Constant or Impulse
14.27 - Mind being Dominant is Creative
3.11 - Introductory Impulse
8.28 - Creative
compound concordant impulses
concordant impulse
consciousness impulse
creative consciousness power
Creative Force
Creative Forces
Creative Impulse
Creative Intelligent Power
Creative Power Consciousness
Creative Power
creative process
cycloid motion
cycloid motive impulse
cycloid-space-curve system
Divine Creative Consciousness
Divine Creative Power
Divine Impulse
Divine Impulses
electro-magnetic impulse
electromotive force
Electromotive Series
Father Creative Consciousness
Father Creative Power
impulse frequency
impulse of activity
Impulse of Being
impulse of creativity
Impulse Response
impulse to move
impulses of creative being
impulsive force
Intelligent Creative Power
Introductory Impulse
Law of Force
life giving impulse
life impulse
magnetic impulse
mechanical motive impulse
mechanical starting impulse
Mind in Matter
Mind over Matter
motive force
Motive Pole
motive power
naturalesque impulse
New Concept - Regarding "Initial Impulse"
parenting impulse
PERFECT IMPULSES of Creativity and Love
positively surcharged motive
selfish impulses
starting impulse
sympathetic acoustic impulse
sympathetic impulse
system of cycloid-space-curves
The Practical Application of Cycloid-Space-Curve-Motion arising from Processes of Cold Oxidation
triple impulses
triple sympathetic vibratory impulse
Universal Creative Consciousness
Universal Creative Impulses of Being
Universal Creative Power
universal impulse
Universal Intelligent Creative Power