"Every effect of motion, whatsoever, in this universe is an electric effect. Electric EFFECTS are multiple projections from One Magnetic Light CAUSE. As there is no other force which creates this miracle of Creation there can be no theory of motion, or of construction of matter, which is outside of the electric process. This entire electric process is completely demonstrated on just one cycle of the electric current. One cycle is the centripetal journey of a pair of divided units from their zero cathode to its multiplied amplitude, where pairs are united, and the return centrifugal journey to their cathode for rest.
That is all there is to the creative process. That process is the same whether in microcosmic or macrocosmic scale. There is not one process for atoms and another for stellar systems. That same process is repeated in every action-reaction of Nature, whether it be the lifting of an eyelash or the explosion of tons of dynamite - or whether it be one's breath cycle, or casting a fish line into the sea. Our first step is to depict that simple process which has no variation in Nature, whether its vibratory frequencies are six billion frequencies per second or one frequency in fifty billion years." [Atomic Suicide, page 129]
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"To discover your true SOURCE of BEING, I ask you to take stock of the unimaginable and indescribable complexity and diversity of purposeful work plainly evident in penguins and pigs.
Can the human mind replicate any of the most basic of activities within - say - the digestive system, which swiftly summons up the requisite enzymes and hormones necessary for digestion.
How dare the finite mind, which is incapable of perceiving clearly the true creative process governed by instinctual knowledge, presume to state unequivocally - defying contradiction - that it understands the true origins of creation and the forces out of which creation took form? What arrogance! These men can only think according to what their eyes tell them.
I view the present scientific ignorance with loving compassion, a degree of amusement, and a great all consuming passion to puncture their pride. For, until someone can penetrate their self-satisfaction and position of infallibility, a true mating of Eternal Verities and human scientific knowledge can never take place. But it must take place; otherwise human spiritual evolution will remain at a standstill.
The scientific mind is too full of 'finitely' devised book lore, accepted formulas and equations, and the need for their fellows' approval, to permit mystical penetration by Higher Intelligences.
On my behalf, I ask readers of these Letters, to form an association to challenge Science and ask 'at what point in the evolution of the 'material' world' is CONSCIOUSNESS first discernible?" [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 5, page 12]
See Also
8.28 - Creative
Creative Force
14.27 - Mind being Dominant is Creative
Creative Forces
Gods Full Process of Creation