"Time marks the periods between events. Man divides his time by the periodicities of this planet's revolution around the sun and subdivides it by its rotation upon its axis. These periods are again divided to act as man's necessary time dimensions. The Universal One divides His time by the periodicities of His inhalations and exhalations, which together make one universal constant of energy, and subdivides it into four* exactly equal unit constants of energy. These periodicities, and tonal and mid-tonal subdivisions, measure the dimensions of His idea in the illusion of form, Space, time, sex, temperature and other periodicities.
"Energy accumulates during genero-active inhalation (syntropy) by rising potential, and is dissipated during the radio-active exhalation (entropy) by lowering potential. The periodicities of inhalation and exhalation in all mass are absolute." Russell The Universal One
- Four pairs one of which, the 4++, is considered as a single unit composed of a 4+ and a 4-.

"The constant of energy represented by a lever is not increased by changing the fulcrum of that lever. If the fulcrum is changed so as to increase the power the speed is decreased in the opposite universal ratio." [The Universal One]
"The Universal One divides His time by the periodicities of His inhalations and exhalations, which together make one universal constant of energy, and subdivides it into four exactly equal unit constants of energy. These periodicities, and tonal and mid-tonal subdivisions, measure the dimensions of His idea in the illusion of form, space, time, sex, temperature and other periodicities." Russell, [The Universal One]

Energy accumulates during genero-active inhalation by rising potential, and is dissipated during the radio-active exhalation by lowering potential. The periodicities of inhalation and exhalation in all mass are absolute." [Russell, The Universal One]
"It is the beginning of integration and disintegration of light energy into the appearance and disappearance of that which man calls "mass." It is the beginning of the electro-magnetic opposition of the two forces which accumulate and dissipate the universal constant of energy into the periodicities of gravitation, attraction, cohesion, radiation and repulsion of evolving and devolving mass." Russell, [The Universal One, Book 01 - Chapter 18 - Omnipotence]

Law of Molecular Synthesis and Combination - Organic
"The molecular pitch must be a derived harmony of the radicals.
Scholium: Reconstruction of electric units to represent pitches and amplitudes." [Keely, 1893]
FIG. 7 symbolizes the transient, created quantities of divided pairs of units of electric motion which emerge from the vacuum zero universe to manifest its qualities for timed intervals, and are then dissolved into its equilibrium for re-emergence. These seeming quantities are Electricity - Compression - Form - Light - spectrum - Expansion - Sex - Sound - Heat and Motion.
These multiple quantities seem to exist. They appear and disappear to again reappear, to simulate the qualities of life, energy and idea which they seem to be, but are not. This is the 'motion-picture' universe of simulation and illusion which dramatizes the idea of REALITY by electrically projecting the thought-imaged-forms of Mind-Idea upon the imagined-screen of space, which Nature is.
There is no life, energy, knowledge, idea, truth, intelligence or any other quality of Mind or thought, in the motion which man calls matter and substance, and mistakes for reality. It is time that man realizes that there is nothing, whatsoever, in this visible universe but motion, and that REALITY exists only in the vacuum from which motion emerges as heat to simulate the Light of Reality. [Atomic Suicide, page 85]
See Also
Figure 7B.05 - Triplet Forming a Unity
light units
Russell - Ether to Unit
units of motion
Universal Energy Unit
wave unit
White Light
12.02 - Universal Energy Unit Constant or Impulse
7B.04 - Triplets Form Larger Units of Unity

See Also
units of electric motion
7B.04 - Triplets Form Larger Units of Unity
12.06 - Mid-Tones and Neutral Centers