"I believe electricity to be a substance, not a force." [Keely, Pittsburg Dispatch April 07-1890]
Electricity is the result of three differentiated sympathetic flows, combining the celestial and terrestrial flows by an order of assimilation negatively attractive in its character. It is one of Nature's efforts to restore attractive differentiation. In analyzing this triple union in its vibratory philosophy, I find the highest order of perfection in this assimilative action of Nature. The whole condition is atomic, and is the introductory one which has an affinity for terrestrial centers, uniting magnetically with the polar stream; in other words, uniting with the polar stream by neutral affinity. The magnetic or electric forces of the earth are thus kept in stable equilibrium by this triune force, and the chords of this force may be expressed as 1st, the dominant, 2nd, the harmonic, and 3rd, the enharmonic. The value of each is, one to the other, in the rates of figures, true thirds. E flat- transmissive chord or dominant; A flat- harmonic; A double flat- enharmonic. The unition of the two prime thirds is so rapid, when the negative and the positive conditions reach a certain range of vibratory motion, as to be compared to an explosion. During this action the positive electric stream is liberated and immediately seeks its neutral terrestrial center, or center of highest attraction.
"The power of attractive vibration of the solar forces is the great coincident towards which the terrestrial magnetic sympathetic flow is diverted. This force is the celestial current that makes up the prime third of the triple association. It also induces aqueous disintegration and thermal concentration, the two prime conductors towards this coincident chord of sympathy with itself. Without this aqueous disintegration there would be no connective link between the celestial and terrestrial. There would exist nothing but a condition of luminous radiation on the order of the aurora - a reaching out for the concordant without any sympathetic diversion to create unstable equilibrium of terrestrial magnetism. In fact under such a condition, the absence of the sun on one side, or the absence of water on the other, the magnetic or electric force would remain in a stable state of equilibrium, or the highest order of the chaotic. Disturbance of equilibrium and sympathetic equation constitute the dual power that governs all the varied forms of life and motion which exist terrestrially, of which the electric or magnetic is the prime mover and regulator. All electrical action, no matter of what character, has its sympathetic birth by the intervention of that current of the triune flow, which I call the dominant, with the Polar harmonic current; all sympathetic flows being composed of three currents. They become associative one with the other only near the junction of terrestrial interference. The great vacuous field which exists between the planetary ranges holds this portion of the etheric flow free of all antagonism, molecularly or otherwise, till the associative point is reached; so wonderfully planned by the Great Creator, for instant electric evolution and assimilation with terrestrial neutral centers of attraction. I call this intervention, atomic, intermolecular and molecular density. The combination of the action of the triune sympathetic celestial stream with the same intervening medium induces heat and light as the resultant of these corpuscular confliction with sympathetic celestial and terrestrial focalized centers of neutral radiation. I do not recognize electricity, nor light, nor heat as coming from the sun. These conditions, according to my theories, emanate from atomic and interatomic interference on induced molecular vibration, by sympathetic etheric vibration, the celestial attractive being the prime mover. In my estimation this is not at all phenomenal; it is only phenomenal as far as the knowledge of its action in mechanical physics is concerned. Physicists have been working in the wrong direction to lead them to associate themselves with Nature's sympathetic evolution.* The expression "Electricity attracts at a distance" is as bad as, if not worse than, the microbe of the magnet." Clerk Maxwell seems, when theorizing on sound transmission by an atmospheric medium, not to have taken into consideration the philosophy attending the phenomena of the origination of electric streams in celestial space. Light is one of the prominent evolved mediums in electric action, and is evolved by corpuscular bombardment induced by sympathetic streams acting between the neutral centers of planetary masses, all of which are under a condition of unstable equilibrium. These unstable conditions were born in them, and were thus designed by the Architect of Creation in order to perpetuate the connective link between the dispersing positive and the attractive negative. The action that induces this link I call sympathetic planetary oscillation." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
"Light is induced by electromagnetic percussion emanating from the ether, and in its action represents the plane of magnetism. In fact, it is the plane of magnetism when under polarization. (Platina wires the thickness of a fine hair associated with each of the nine nodal beads, and concentrated towards a general center of focalization, attaching the other end of the wires to the focal center, will determine, by the magnetic conduction, the number of corpuscular oscillations per second induced by a thought, either positive or negative, in the central centers. These are the only conditions - those of magnetic conduction - whereby the evolution of a thought can be computed in regard to its force under propagation, as against the amount of latent energy set free to act as induced by such thought on the physical organism.) Some scientific theories of the past have taught us that electricity and magnetism are one and the same thing. Sympathetic vibratory philosophy teaches that they are two distinct forces of one of the triune sympathetic family." [Snell Manuscript], [ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION - Snell (underlining and emphasis added)]
"Maxwell's theory is correct that the plane of polarized light is the plane of magnetic force. The sympathetic vibrations associated with polarized light constitute the pure coincident of the plane of magnetism. Therefore, they both tend to the same path, for both are interatomic, assimilating sympathetically in a given time, to continue the race together, although one precedes the other at the time of experimental evolution. The time is approaching when electromagnetic waves with an Outreach of two feet will be produced, having an energy equal to that now shown up on the magnet when it is about to kiss its keeper, and showing a radiating force too stupendous for actual measurement." [Snell Manuscript]
"Professor Fitzgerald's lecture on electromagnetic radiation shows that scientific men are beginning to realize and that fairly, the truths appertaining to the new philosophy. The professor admits that electricity and magnetism are of differential character and he is right. The progressive subdivision, induced by molecules by different orders of sympathetic vibration, and the resultant conditions evolved on the intermolecule and interatom, by introductory etheric dispersion, prove that the magnetic flow of itself is a triple one, as is also the electric. Again, the professor says that electricity and magnetism would be essentially interchangeable if such a thing existed as magnetic conduction, adding: "It is in this difference that we must look for the difference between electricity and magnetism." Thus you see how plain it is that progressive scientists are approaching true science. The rotation of the magnetic needle, as produced in my researching experiments, proves conclusively that the interchange spoken of, in Professor Fitzgerald's lecture, is a differentiated vibratory one, in which the dominant and enharmonic forces exchange compliments with each other, in a differential way, thus inducing rotation, in other words polarization and depolarization." [Snell Manuscript]
Source of Electricity
"In electric lighting, the velocity of the dynamos accumulates only the harmonic current - by atomic and interatomic conflict - transferring one-two hundred thousandth (1/200,000) of the light that the dominant current would give, if it were possible to construct a device whereby it could be concentrated and dispersed." Keely in [Snell Manuscript]
"The electric current is the "first and second order" of the atomic vibration, a dual force, the flow of which is altogether too tenuous to displace any molecules. The highest conditions associated with electricity come under the fourth descending order of sympathetic condensation, in the atomic subdivision, which is altogether too remote to take any direct part in etheric disturbances." [Snell Manuscript]
Electricity is the result of three differentiated sympathetic flows, combining the celestial and terrestrial flows by an order of assimilation negatively attractive in its character. It is one of Nature's efforts to restore attractive differentiation. In analyzing this triple union in its vibratory philosophy, I find the highest order of perfection in this assimilative action of Nature. The whole condition is atomic, and is the introductory one which has an affinity for terrestrial centres, uniting magnetically with the Polar stream, in other words, uniting with the Polar stream by neutral affinity. The magnetic or electric forces of the earth are thus kept in stable equilibrium by this triune force, and the chords of this force may be expressed as 1st, the dominant, 2nd, the harmonic, and 3rd, the enharmonic. The value of each is, one to the other, in the rates of figures, true thirds. Eb, - transmissive chord or dominant; Ab - harmonic; Abb - enharmonic. The unition of the two prime thirds is so rapid, when the negative and the positive conditions reach a certain range of vibratory motion, as to be compared to an explosion. During this action the positive electric stream is liberated, and immediately seeks its neutral terrestrial centre, or centre of highest attraction. [True Science]
Q: Analyze, Assimilate and Discuss the above data in a scholarly way, referencing all we have discussed to date about SVP principles and laws, referencing all we have been learning and chatting about from all our chats from Keely, Russell, Ramsay, Cayce, Bohm, conventional science, and Schauberger, synthesizing their ideas into a scholarly and comprehensive bullet point review.
ChatGPT responds:
The article "What Electricity Is" provides a comprehensive exploration of electricity from multiple perspectives, synthesizing insights from Keely, Russell, Schauberger, Tesla, and conventional science. Below is a scholarly analysis and synthesis, framed by the principles and discussions we've covered, particularly from Sympathetic Vibratory Physics (SVP), metaphysics, and modern physics.
1. Electricity as a Substance, Not a Force
Keely's View: Electricity is not merely a force but a substance, a result of differentiated sympathetic flows combining celestial and terrestrial energies.
This redefines electricity as a manifestation of vibratory interactions, governed by laws of assimilation and resonance.
Synthesis with SVP:
Neutral Centers: Keely's model places electricity within the framework of neutral centers, where scalar potentials transition into kinetic expressions of energy.
Celestial and Terrestrial Flows: Echoes the dual polarities (syntropy and entropy) described by Russell, where electricity arises from rhythmic balanced interchange between opposing forces.
2. Triune Nature of Electricity
Keely identifies three sympathetic components in electricity:
Dominant (E♭): Transmissive energy.
Harmonic (A♭): Stabilizing resonance.
Enharmonic (A♭♭): Dissociative influence.
These components correspond to vibratory chords, reflecting the harmonic structure of nature.
Synthesis with Music and Physics:
Ramsay: Music’s harmonic relationships mirror Keely’s vibratory flows, emphasizing thirds as governing principles.
Russell: Highlights rhythmic interchange between compression (dominant) and expansion (enharmonic), with harmony governing stability.
3. Electricity and Sympathetic Flows
Electricity is described as sympathetic planetary oscillation, connecting celestial and terrestrial centers via the polar stream.
Keely argues that without water and celestial attraction, electricity would be static, emphasizing the role of vibratory disturbances in creating dynamic flows.
Synthesis with Bohm and Schauberger:
Bohm: Sympathetic flows resonate with his implicate order, where underlying vibrations organize matter and energy.
Schauberger: Water's role in Schauberger’s systems mirrors electricity’s vibratory dynamics, acting as a medium for energy transfer.
4. Distinction Between Electricity and Magnetism
Keely, Russell, and Tesla agree that electricity and magnetism are distinct, yet intimately connected:
Keely: Magnetism is a condition of equilibrium, while electricity is a dynamic force of differentiation.
Russell: Electricity divides stillness into motion, while magnetism maintains the potential for balance.
Tesla: Magnetic fields are effects of motion within the ether, tied to electrostatic charges and cosmic motion.
Electricity serves as the active dynamic (centripetal and centrifugal), while magnetism embodies the static potential for motion.
5. Vibratory Origin of Electricity
Keely and Tesla identify electricity as arising from vibrations within the ether, driven by atomic and interatomic interactions:
Keely: Electricity results from sympathetic etheric vibrations acting on molecular systems.
Tesla: Etheric motion creates electrical effects, aligning with his Dynamic Theory of Gravity.
Synthesis with Russell and Cayce:
Russell: Electricity is the divider of white still light, creating vibratory motion and matter.
Cayce: Electricity is vibration, capable of being creative or destructive, depending on its alignment with harmonic laws.
6. Energy, Heat, and Light as Vibratory Phenomena
Keely: Heat and light arise from vibratory bombardment and sympathetic flows acting on neutral centers.
Tesla: Light and electromagnetic waves result from etheric disturbances, not directly from the sun.
Synthesis with Schauberger and Bohm:
Schauberger: Light and heat mirror water’s dynamic restructuring, as energy moves between space and volume.
Bohm: The interplay between light, matter, and vibration reflects deeper, unseen orders of organization.
7. Electricity as a Creative Agent
Keely and Russell: Electricity is a dual force, creating and dissolving matter through rhythmic interchange.
Russell: Describes electricity as the servant of Mind, executing creative expressions.
Keely: Highlights electricity’s role in restoring equilibrium through vibratory assimilation.
Synthesis with Cayce:
Electricity’s dual nature reflects creative (syntropic) and destructive (entropic) potentials, guided by harmonic resonance.
8. The Role of Ether
Keely, Tesla, and Russell agree that the ether is the medium for electricity:
Tesla: Electricity is "bound ether," emerging from its dynamic interactions.
Keely: Ether is the substrate for sympathetic flows, organizing matter through vibration.
Russell: Etheric light becomes matter through rhythmic compression and expansion.
Ether serves as the plenum (Bohm), substrate (Keely), and creative matrix (Russell), bridging the vibratory realms of energy and matter.
9. Practical Implications
Keely: Understanding electricity’s vibratory nature could unlock immense energy sources, eliminating reliance on combustion-based technologies.
Tesla: Believed the ether could provide inexhaustible power through proper vibratory tuning.
Synthesis with Schauberger:
Schauberger’s focus on natural energy systems complements Keely and Tesla’s pursuit of etheric technologies, emphasizing harmony with natural laws.
10. Scholarly Insights and Future Directions
Electricity as Vibration:
Electricity is not a standalone entity but an expression of vibratory resonance.
Integration of Thought and Energy:
Keely’s idea of thought-induced oscillations aligns with Cayce’s assertion that mind and vibration influence physical systems.
Technological Potential:
By mastering sympathetic resonance and vibratory laws, humanity could revolutionize energy generation, propulsion, and material science.
Electricity, as described by Keely, Russell, Tesla, and others, transcends conventional definitions, embodying vibratory, harmonic, and etheric principles. It serves as a creative agent, bridging the celestial and terrestrial, matter and mind. This synthesis reveals a universe where resonance and vibration govern all forms of energy, offering profound implications for science, technology, and metaphysics. [Dale Pond, ChatGPT 11/22/24]
Q: Can you write a mathematical formula that describes what you just wrote?
ChatGPT responds:
Here is a mathematical representation of electricity as synthesized from Keely, Russell, Tesla, and others. This formula integrates concepts of vibratory dynamics, etheric flows, and harmonic relationships, encapsulating the interplay between sympathetic resonance, neutral centers, and vibratory energy generation:





See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
Keely - Electricity from Space
Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
Tesla - Electricity from Space
Vibratory Physics - True Science
What Electricity Is - Bloomfield Moore
What Electricity Is - Keely
What Electricity Is - Pond
What Electricity Is - Russell
What Electricity Is - Schlosser
What Electricity Is - Steiner
What electricity is - Stranges
What Electricity Is - Tesla
7.2 - Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
7.3 - Law of Love - Reciprocal Interchange of State on Multiple Subdivisions
16.02 - Walter Russell describing what electricity is
16.04 - Nikola Tesla describing what electricity is