"The condition of unstable equilibrium was born in each neutral center, that by means of this arrangement, the neutral center might become the connective link or controlling tendency, holding these two properties in balance and assuming either phase at will. Between the dispersing positive and the attractive negative it stands, the deciding factor, the Universal Will. Keely says: "The action that induces this property I call the connective link is sympathetic planetary oscillation." [Snell Manuscript] See Mind of God
"Clerk Maxwell seems, when theorizing on sound transmission by an atmospheric medium, not to have taken into consideration the philosophy attending the phenomena of the origination of electric streams in celestial space. Light is one of the prominent evolved mediums in electric action, and is evolved by corpuscular bombardment induced by sympathetic streams acting between the neutral centres of planetary masses, all of which are under a condition of unstable equilibrium. These unstable conditions were born in them, and were thus designed by the Architect of Creation in order to perpetuate the connective link between the dispersing positive and the attractive negative. The action that induces this link I call sympathetic planetary oscillation." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
See Also
attractive center
Attractive Force
celestial attractive
disturbance of negative equilibrium
Figure 13.03a - Showing receptive concussion of Positive and Negative forces at the Neutral Center
Figure 7B.03 - Dynaspheric Shells and Attractive Compressing Equators
harmonic attractive chord
law of negative electricity
Negative Accelerator
negative affinity
negative antagonism
negative attraction
Negative Attractive
negative charge
Negative Covariance in Russell and Keely
negative current
negative discharge
Negative Electricity
Negative Energy
Negative Entropy
negative hole which acts like a proton
negative oscillation of expansion pressure
Negative Refraction
negative resistor
negative ring
Neutral Negative Aggregation
Neutral Negative Attraction
nucleal attractive action
polar negative attraction
Polar Negative Attractor
polar negative disc
Polar Negative Harness
polar negative machine
polar negative stream
Positive Negative
Sympathetic negative
Sympathetic Negative Attraction
Sympathetic Negative Interference
sympathetic negative outreach
sympathetic negative polar stream
Sympathetic Negative Transmitter
sympathetic polar negative flow
Sympathetic polar negative transmitter
Table 15.01 - Negative Radiating Focalizing Bar
terrestrial attractive
16.15 - Negative Electricity is Expansion
16.16 - Negative Electricity - Russell
16.17 - Negative Electricity - Tesla
16.22 - Magnetic Flow is Negative Sympathetic Polar Stream
7B.18 - Sympathetic Negative Attraction
9.3 - Attractive