
negative charge

"Likewise, we hear constant references to negative electricity, negative charge, and negatively charged particles, which are as impossible in Nature as silent sound is impossible. [Atomic suicide, page 103]

"In this connection attention should be drawn to the salination of many mountain lakes, which is ultimately attributable to the activities of hydraulic and hydro-electric engineers. First of all, through the wanton clearing of forest the rivers were robbed of protection from Sun and heat afforded by the leafy canopy of the trees. In addition water-courses were subsequently subjected to regulation by mechanical means alone. Both events produced higher concentrations of oxygen in the water, which then sought out the coarse and fine carbones in the channel body, dislodging them from both bed and banks. Once this water reaches deeper and cooler lakes where the now-aggressive oxygen is concentrated and if the water is no longer able to retain the quantities of the now- dispersing carbones in suspension, the precipitation of salts then follows and freshwater is transformed into seawater. The reverse process happens at great depths in the sea, where strong concentrations of high-grade, complex carbones can eventuate. There the water is not only fresh, but also develops a highly potent negative charge, which under certain circumstances can trigger off violent electrical disturbances in the depths of the ocean." [Our Senseless Toil, page 37]

See Aslo

Figure 16.03 and Figure 16.04 - Electricity as Charged Life and Discharged Death
negative current
negative discharge
Negative Electricity
16.15 - Negative Electricity is Expansion
16.16 - Negative Electricity - Russell
16.17 - Negative Electricity - Tesla

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday July 28, 2024 08:08:19 MDT by Dale Pond.