
7B.10 - Light

Light here does not refer to photonic light familiar to orthodoxy. While lumiosity is photonic light such plays a minor role. There is another kind of Light sometimes called Undifferentiated White Light. It has no color, no heat and no detectible evidence of its existence other than it demonstrates itself by causing various effects. This Light is the Mind Force proper of the Compound Interetheric realm, fifth and seventh subdivision. See Celestial Radiation

"The only indivisible "element" is the luminous, the one from which all compound elements are formed, or aggregated; hydrogen being one of these compound substances. If hydrogen were a simple (not decomposible) it would assimilate with the high luminous. No molecular structure known to man can hold even the low order of the luminous as chemically liberated. Sympathetic physics classifies hydrogen as a compound triple element, with a metallic base. It comes under the order of the second atomic, both in vibration and in sympathetic outreach." The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit

"Why is this condition of ether always under a state of luminosity of an especial order? Its characteristics are such, from its infinite tenuity and the sympathetic activity with which it is impregnated, that it possesses an order of vibratory, oscillatory velocity, which causes it to evolve its own luminosity. This celestial, Latent Force|, that induces luminosity in this medium, is the same that registers in all aggregated forms of matter, visible and invisible. It is held in corpuscular embrace until liberated by a compound vibratory negative medium." Keely and His Discoveries

"What does this activity represent, by which luminosity is induced in the high etheric realm? Does not the force following permeation by the Divine Will show that even this order of ether, this luminiferous region, is bounded by a greater region still beyond? - that is but the shore which borders the realm, from which the radiating forces of the Infinite emanate; the luminiferous being the intermediate which transfers the will force of the Almighty towards the neutral centers of all created things, animate and inanimate, visible and invisible; even down into the very depths of all molecular masses. The activity of the corpuscles, in all aggregations, represents the outflow of this celestial force, from the luminiferous track, towards all these molecular centers of neutrality, and reveals to us the connecting link between mind and matter." [Pg 270 of Keely and His Discoveries]

"Jesus said, "GOD IS LIGHT", and no man of that day knew what He meant. The day is now here when all men must know what Jesus meant when He said, "GOD IS LIGHT."

For within the secret of Light is vast knowledge unrevealed to man. Light is all there is, it is all we have to deal with, but we do not yet know what it is. The purpose of this message is to tell you what it is.

Today's civilization has advanced far in knowing HOW to deal with matter but we do not know WHAT matter is nor the WHY of it. Nor do we know what energy, electricity, magnetism, gravitation and radiation are. Nor do we know the purpose of the inert gases & WHAT they are. Nor do we know the structure of the elemental atoms. Nor the gyroscopic principle which determines that structure. Nor are we aware of the fact that this is a two-way continues universe of balance in all effects of motion & not a one-way discontinuous universe. Nor have we even yet heard of or yet suspected the most important of all principles in physics, THE VOIDANCE PRINCIPLE and the mirrors and lenses of space which are the cause of illusion in all moving things.

Nor do we even consider the entire material electric universe to be the illusion which it is; there being no reality to it whatsoever.

Nor have we the slightest inkling of the cause of curvature of space, nor the voidance of that curvature in planes of zero curvature at wave field boundaries. No one now knows how crystals get their various shapes. It will amaze the world to know that those shapes of crystals are determined in space by the shapes of the wave fields which bound the various elemental structures.

Nor have we the slightest conception of what constitutes the life principle, nor the principle of growth, nor the simultaneous unfoldment-refoldment principle which repeats all patterns in nature sequentially and records and voids them as they are repeated. Nor are we aware of that recording principle by means of which the Creator carries forth the sum totals of every sequential cycle in His unfolding refolding universe unto the very end of its manifestations upon, one planet and its beginning on a new one.

Nor are we dynamically aware of the souls and seeds of things. These roots of universal repetition are now but metaphysical abstractions to religion and physical guesswork to science." - [Walter Russell]

See Also

Frequency Wavelength Light Energy
language of Light
Life Light and Love
Light and Sound
Light Created from Vacuum
Light of Mind
Magnetic Light
Pyramids Telescopes and Light
speed of light
The Secret of Light
White Light
14.19 - Dominant is Light
14.26 - Dominant is Light of Mind
2.20 - Let there be Light
7B.09 - Luminiferous Ether or Light
7B.19 - Light and Heat

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday November 28, 2016 02:40:47 MST by admin.