
Unified Field Theory

According to the article below "What is Unified Field Theory?" it appears as though Keely had a complete Unified Field Theory in that he not only intimately understood magnetism, electricity and gravity but he also built numerous machines that uniquely utilized these forces. [See Keely, Newton of the Mind]

"I include in the polar forces, magnetism, electricity and gravital sympathy, each stream composed of three currents, which collectively, make up the governing conditions of the One Universal Controlling Medium." [Keely, MAGNETIC ENGINE - Snell]

These streams and currents are more fully explained in Laws of Being, Laws of Being - Annotated

Standard Model
According to the current understanding of physics, forces are not transmitted directly between interacting objects, but instead are described by intermediary entities called fields. All four of the known fundamental forces are mediated by fields, which in the Standard Model of particle physics result from exchange of gauge bosons. Specifically the four fundamental interactions to be unified are:

Strong interaction: the interaction responsible for holding quarks together to form hadrons, and holding neutrons and also protons together to form atomic nuclei. The exchange particle that mediates this force is the gluon.
Electromagnetic interaction: the familiar interaction that acts on electrically charged particles. The photon is the exchange particle for this force.
Weak interaction: a short-range interaction responsible for some forms of radioactivity, that acts on electrons, neutrinos, and quarks. It is mediated by the W and Z bosons.
Gravitational interaction: a long-range attractive interaction that acts on all particles. The postulated exchange particle has been named the graviton.
Modern unified field theory attempts to bring these four interactions together into a single framework. Unified Field Theory, Wikipedia

Basic Universal Forces their causes, manifestations, effects and governing laws.

induction and the static effect of magnetism

What is Unified Field Theory
Question: What is Unified Field Theory?
Answer: Albert Einstein coined the term "Unified Field Theory," which describes any attempt to unify the fundamental forces of physics between elementary particles into a single theoretical framework. Einstein spent the latter part of his life searching for such a unified field theory, but was unsuccessful.

In the past, seemingly different interaction fields (or "forces," in less precise terms) have been unified together. James Clerk Maxwell successfully unified electricity and magnetism into electromagnetism in the 1800s. The field of quantum electrodynamics, in the 1940s, successfully translated Maxwell's electromagnetism into the terms and mathematics of quantum mechanics.

In the 1960s and 1970s, physicists successfully unified the strong nuclear interaction and weak nuclear interactions together with quantum electrodynamics to form the Standard Model of quantum physics.

The current problem with a fully unified field theory is in finding a way to incorporate gravity (which is explained under Einstein's theory of general relativity) with the Standard Model that describes the quantum mechanical nature of the other three fundamental interactions. The curvature of spacetime that is fundamental to general relativity leads to difficulties in the quantum physics representations of the Standard Model. About.com; Unifed Field Theory

In the early part of the 21st century, Myron Evans developed a new unified field theory which he called the Einstein Cartan Evans theory (ECE theory). The ECE theory showed the flaw in Einstein's theory of General Relativity. Not only can spacetime be curved to create gravity, it also spins to create all the electromagnetic effects. In fact ECE theory demonstrates that all physical phenomena can be explained with 4 dimensional geometry that includes spin and torsion and is a truly unified theory that unifies quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and gravitation. The ECE theory is explained at length at websites like www.aias.us and www.upitec.org

See Also

8.26 - Law of Force the various forces described
17.15 - Theory of Vibratory Lift for Air-ships
Celestial Radiation
Connecting Link
Figure 19.17 - Keelys Air-ship
Keely - Electricity from Space
Mind Force
Sympathetic Concordants

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday June 14, 2022 04:52:51 MDT by Dale Pond.