
Universal Brotherhood

"In the heart of every man is the desire for love - for happiness, peace and prosperity. In the hearts of nations of men is the one-World desire for international unity. Universal Brotherhood is the ultimate world-goal. How far are we from that goal? The distance is far ahead for the human race. Its distance is measurable only by the yardstick of LOVE, and love has not yet entered the doorway of human relations, and will not until unity opens the door for it to come in." [Atomic Suicide, Part II - Prelude, page 77-78]

See Also

Book 02 - Chapter 13 - Expressions of Gravitation and Radiation - Universal Direction
compression stroke of the universal pump
expansion stroke of the universal pump
Figure 9.16 - Russells 1-4 Octaves of Matter as Integrated Light - The Universal Constant
Figure 9.17 - Russells Ten Octaves of Matter as Integrated Light - The Universal Constant
laws of universal direction
Mind The One Universal Substance
One Universal Controlling Medium
one universal spiral direction
stillness of universal energy
The Universal One
The Universal One Principles
The Universal Vacuum
unit of the Universal Being
universal attraction
universal balance
universal constant
universal constant of energy
Universal Creative Consciousness
Universal Creative Power
Universal Direction - page 149
Universal Direction - page 150
Universal Direction - page 151
Universal Direction - page 152
Universal Direction - page 153
Universal Direction - page 154
Universal Direction - page 155
Universal Direction - page 156
Universal Direction - page 157
universal direction of motion
universal division of sexed pairs
universal element
Universal Energy
universal energy constant
universal energy Source
Universal Energy Unit
universal equilibrium
universal equilibrium level
Universal Father Consciousness
universal fluid
Universal Forces
Universal Ground State
Universal Heart Beat
universal impulse
Universal Intelligent Creative Power
Universal Law
Universal Laws
Universal Laws Never Before Revealed - Keelys Secrets
Universal Laws Revealed: Keelys Secrets
Universal Mind
universal power
universal pump
universal ratios
universal rhythm
Universal Soul
universal space
universal stillness
universal vacuum
Universal Vibration
universal wave
12.02 - Universal Energy Unit Constant or Impulse
13.00 - Universal Rotation
19.01 - Introduction - Rotation is a universal phenomena

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday November 13, 2018 01:25:12 MST by Dale Pond.