
Chapter 6 - The True Nature of Electricity and Gravitation - IV, page 145

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It will be well to examine the reasoning process which led observers and research workers to determine that there must be two kinds of electricity. The idea of a universal vacuum never entered into the thinking or reasoning of early observers of EFFECTS of motion. Lacking that concept they lacked their first essential premise - the basic fact that Creation is a product of MIND. Secondarily they conceived heat to be the reality which caused motion, and considered cold to be just less heat, instead of cold being the eternal uncreated CAUSE from which heat was created as an effect. Instead of heat being the cause of motion the reverse is the fact. Heat is the result of motion. Both are abnormal conditions in this universe of rest.

Now it so happens that the early concept of electricity provided for a one-way direction which compressed to multiply potential, which simultaneously multiplied heat. The opposite flow was theoretical but necessary, for there are two poles, and

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two opposite conditions to every electrical effect. There is but one direction to motion, however. This is a two-way opening and closing universe, both of which are expressed in unchanging one-way direction.

The sex divided condition did not occur to these early observers. Such an idea never entered their thinking. To them sex was a function of organic life and most distinctly not a part of the atomic life of inorganic matter. Nor did the spectrum red and blue divisions ever become a part of their consideration. Nor did the idea of tensions ever enter into their thinking in relation to electricity, the tension of the spectrum division which desired unity by the disappearance of the colors of motion into the Magnetic White Light of universal stillness, or the tensions of sex division of Father-Motherhood into father and mother bodies which desired unity in sexlessness. Nor did they take into consideration that the two opposites of compression and expansion coincided with concentration and decentration - growth and decay - life and death - or the polarization and depolarization principle.

Then, in the turn of the century, Rutherford and Bohr conceived the idea of atomic construction as being based upon the firm belief in the Coulomb law, which says that matter attracts oppositely "charged" electrical matter, and repels similarly "charged" matter. Nothing could seem more convincing, for one pole of a magnet seemingly "attracted" its opposite and "repelled" its like. It never occurred to them that males and females do not unite with their own sexes. If the sex idea, in relation to electricity, had occurred to them there would never have been a Coulomb law, nor a nucleus in an atom. Nothing could be more convincing to sense-reasoning than the very self-evident fact that there must be two kinds of electricity - even if the electric current did run but one way, but with an unproved suspicion that it ran two ways.

Much confusion has also been caused by the fact that the two poles extended in opposite directions from their dividing cathode and approached each other from opposite directions to form an anode. This led to the belief in the opposite directions of the

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two kinds of electricity, one of which was assumed to attract and the other to repel. The answer to this is that polarity is not motion. It is the stillness of gravity which centers motion. It is the omnipresent zero. It, therefore, has no direction. Motion is confined only to the electric rings which are forever encircling gravity. Those rings have but one direction in their turnings around their omnipresent gravity controls, but they cause two separate effects. One of these effects is centripetal and the other is centrifugal. Because of these two life-death effects the universe may be described as a two-way opening and closing universe of but one direction.

Some new and important discoveries were made which proved that there were two kinds of electricity. We will recite one of these discoveries which clinched the belief in two kinds of electricity, one kind for each way. You can read it for yourself more fully, if you choose, in the Encyclopedia Britannica, under the heading of "Electronic Tube." It reads as follows: "T. Edison observed the passage of electric current in one direction from a hot filament to a cold metallic plate in an evacuated enclosure, as if negative particles were emitted from the filament."

Let us see how this fact was misinterpreted. There was nothing in this experiment which warranted the attention it received. The electric current which Edison observed was the radiation from a heated condition seeking an equilibrium. It did not need to be in an evacuated tube. It is the same effect which your hand feels from the rays of the sun, or your body feels from a hot stove in a room. It has always been known as radiant energy. Radiation creates electric current. So does generation. One compresses, the other expands, but it is the same electric current. Any movement of any kind creates a two-way electric current, which traverses the whole universe - even the movement of your little finger.

A hot iron at one end of a room and a block of ice at the other end will cause an electrical current to flow both ways, until the iron, the ice and the room are all equal in temperature. That will also happen if you put two hot irons at opposite ends of a room. Warm water rising into cold space creates an electric cur-

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rent, but that does not mean that there is one kind of electricity to make it rise, and another to make it fall. One might as reasonably say that there are two kinds of water, the kind which rises and the kind which falls.

Such a claim is like saying that there is one kind of electricity which makes a man live and another kind to make him die. Electricity is centripetal when it multiplies its potential by increasing its speed, and it is centrifugal when it decreases its potential, also by multiplying its speed.

Electricity is motion - any kind, or stage of motion. There cannot be two kinds of electricity. There is but one kind of electricity but that one kind multiplies its power to compress in the first half of its cycle and divides that power in the second half. Much confusion is caused by mistaking speed for high potential, and vise versa. For this reason it is well to exemplify our meaning by the following example: To create matter by the compression of four pairs of rings, projected from cathodes, the speed of the current around its shaft of gravity multiplies constantly and volume decreases as speed increases, until the collision takes place. Simultaneously the speed of rotation of units in the current slows down until the completed mass, after the collision, is its minimum. From that point on every effect is in reverse. Revolution around the shaft of gravity of each separate unit of the mass, including projections from it like planets and satellites, become increasingly slower while rotation of each mass upon its own shaft is increasingly faster. In this case speed results in a lowering of potential and a vast increase in volume.

To exemplify: Mercury and the planets beyond it, revolve centrifugally around their primary shaft of gravity in the sun with ever increasing slowness, while the speed of rotation upon their own shafts increases so greatly that they are rapidly disintegrated by their own increasing centrifugal speed. This is a characteristic of every electrical effect, whatsoever. It is the principle which we call life and growth, which reverses itself to become death and decay.

Likewise, there are not two kinds of motion. Motion is the same kind, whether fast or slow. Air is the same air, whether hot

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or cold. Motion makes believe it is many things and many substances, but these are but many conditions of the same thing. In all this universe we have but two basic fundamentals - rest and motion. Together these two are the pulsating cinema which constitutes both Creator and Creation. As the human intellect unfolds it gradually sees the universe thus simply, and gradually becomes less confused as man becomes more aware of the reality of Mind and less dependent upon motion.

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