
9.32 - Time

"Our souls traverse spaces in Life which are not measurable by Time, that invention of man." ~ Kahlil Gibran

Time is an interesting concept. I say concept because Time is not a thing - it is an idea - in the Mind wholly. The Rosicrucians, AMORC have a phrase in their philosophy that says "mind assigns dimension". In other words Mind (consciousness/experience) is the measure or metrology of that observed/experienced. In the case of Time we observe a sunrise and the Sun's path through our sky - which is to say - earth's orbit or journey around its primary (year) as also its rotation upon its axis (day). This phenomenon is divided into discrete parts dividing an open circle (spiral) into more or less equal parts. This method gives us a "Time Ruler" by which the progression or passage of events may be tabulated or marked.

More concisely the earth's movement around the Sun is an event. This event is divided into sections, parts, segments or spaces; i.e., so much Space covered in so much elapsed "Time". It has been said:

"Time, in its simplest definition, is the progression of events." [Dr. H. S. Lewis, The Rosicrucians, AMORC]

"Time is gestation, the distance between the seed and its fruit." [R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, The Temple in Man, page 58]

"The purpose of time is to enable you to learn how to use time constructively. It is thus a teaching device and a means to an end. Time will cease when it is no longer useful in facilitating learning." [A Course in Miracles]

This is an agreeable definition for the reasons presented. This definition may be extended to include the variability of the event so described. This being earth's orbit which is not circular but is elliptical where the earth, in its travels around the Sun, is constantly changing velocity resulting in days of variable lengths. Time does not compress or expand! But the Time Ruler length presents the appearance of compressing and expanding. We can say with accuracy the Time Ruler's length varies according to the reoccurence between similar events; i.e., sunrises or sun sets or some similar cyclical event. Or astronomically as the distance from the Sun of the earth changes so too does the Time Ruler's length. This of course is a relativity issue; relative to the earth and Sun. A Time Ruler on other planets would have other lengths because that planet's spin and orbit would be different. However there could be established a solar system "Railroad Time" where a clock could be set and all solar system Time Rulers would be expressed in that clock's time. Ordinarily astronomical years are expressed in so many earth years.

Walter Russell
"There is no motion in the Cosmic cinema. All of it is a radial projection from a zero fulcrum of stillness. It is the apex of an unborn cone. A radial projection from zero creates the illusion of a three-dimensional universe. ''Its sequences of pulsings create the illusion of time." [Atomic Suicide, page 245]

"Time decreases with potential. Time decreases with decrease in radius." Russell, The Universal One

"Even time has its backward flow to make time stand still on its zero mark." [Atomic Suicide, page 287]

Russell goes into this varying attribute of local orbits quite well and ties or locks these variations with other effective attributes such as alternating potential, rotation (spin) speed, radius (distance from primary) and orbital velocity, among other similarly related attributes. In Russell's manner of presentation of these forces as "locked" together we may see how all forces are indeed active as a single force having many attributes or variables; i. e., a wavefunction. All forces, i.e., events, are One compound and complex Event, inextricably locked together. To consider a single facet or attribute of force as an isolated event or measurement is to miss the true nature of the One Force creating One compound and complex Event omnipresently. Such a separatist and isolationist viewpoint is misleading at best and dismisses the wider more complete picture.

Given the many regularly varying attributes of earth's orbit it could be well said Time varies in a regularly, periodically or rhymically varying manner. Time compresses (days/hours become shorter) during the slower portion of its orbital velocity and Time dilates (expands) (days/hours become longer) during its faster velocity of travel. A Time increment (day, hour, minute, second) is less long during the earth's slow orbit and faster rotation while further from the Sun. A Time Ruler year increment is longer during the earth's fast orbit and (day, hour, minute, second) slower rotation nearer to the Sun.

Another repetitive event occuring in the Mind of Man is music. A cycle in practiced music is the bar and this bar is divided discretely into a measure of Time. The bar serves as Time Ruler for the playing and experiencing of the music progression from beginning to end.

"(1) The division of musical phrases into certain regulated portions measured with regard to the value of the notes with respect to the semibreve, which, in modern music, is held to be the standard of time. There are two sorts of time, duple with two, four, or eight beats in a bar, and triple with three beats in a bar. There is also compound time, or time formed of the union of triple with duple, and triple with triple, each having a distinctive time signature. (2) The pace at which a movement is performed is called its time." [A Dictionary of Musical Terms]

Notice the second defintion given above is substantially the same as Harvey Spencer Lewis' defintion. By substituting the word "movement" for "event" we see clearly the correlation.

It would be folly to separate Time from the events to which it is locked and of which it is the measure. Time is not a thing unto itself but an attribute of cyclical periodicity (change or delta). It could be described in a more or less scientific manner as the "degree of change" or "rate of change" (delta) or "rate of progression" of a rhymically occuring event. It is as Harvey Spencer Lewis points out the measure of the progression of the event. In this regard it is correct to state Time cannot be solely a "measure of space" although it can play a role in defining space quantitatively.

According to Russell (The Universal One) there are interlocking attributes (what he calls dimensions) affecting planets based on their relative radius from their primary which impacts on its mass by virtue of the primary's potential. Two of these dimensions are rotation upon its axis and revolution or orbit around its primary. In short the closer a planet is to its primary the greater the potential in which it exists. This close proximity increases its mass, increases its speed of orbit (revolution) and decreases its spin (rotation) upon its axis. The further a planet is from its primary the less its potential. This distanced proximity decreases its mass, decreases its speed of orbit and increases its spin upon its axis. So at a close distance days are longer and years are shorter. A further distance (long radius) days are shorter and years are longer. It is apparent from this scenario a primary has zones of potential beginning near its surface as high potential and decreasing in potential in direct proportion to radius. Cayce said this gravity effect behaves as octaves of force.

"Consider as an Octave or a vibration as would be set in motion by the very activity of the gravitation in its activity." [Cayce (195-54, A-12)]

Meaning gravity doubles per decrease of radius unit and increase of density / potential unit. It is assumed this potential increase is the same as the Inverse Square Law which reflects the octave concept. The energy twice as far from the source is spread over four times the area, hence one-fourth the intensity. Gravity, Electricity, sound, light and radiation obey the Inverse Square Law. We can assume this is correct because during falling velocity and potential force increases. Gravity then may be this potential coupled with the principle that low potential seeks higher potential in periodic proportion. Time therefore is an effect of revolution (year) and rotation (day). Each Time unit is an arithmetical relationship to/with each other. Time is not a thing or a constant but an effect and varies according to its localized system and perceiver of same. (My sympathies to the sci-fi writers.) An interval of time may be further divided. Notice these are not discrete quantities but are PORTIONS/Divisions of a WHOLE just as in Russell's Scale of Locked Potentials and Keely's Thirds, Sixths and Ninths. [see 9.33 - Time Intervals for time subdivisions]

Figure 9.12 - Scale of Locked Potentials over Time
Figure 9.12 - Scale of Locked Potentials over Time

Dialogue on Awakening
"It is only the sense of fear that gives meaning to time." Dialogue on Awakening, page 19

"...there is not time, there is no space, there is no way for us to be apart because the Mind of God is whole and within that wholeness lies the Mind of His Son and neither are separate from each other or from any infinite aspect of Itself as It is expressed." Dialogue on Awakening, page 143.

"To work on becoming Awakened now to avoid having to continue to return, gives validity to the concept of time and acknowledges its control over you which keeps it in your awareness and consequently in your experience. For you to remain consistently in the current instant, the concept of time takes on a different meaning until at last, it goes away. You are infinite. Time is but a figment of your imagination. It is at your disposal. Literally." Dialogue on Awakening, page 157.

Bruce Cathie found that by using a time based unit of 27 all of his harmonic equations 'fitted' together. Upon this discovery he was then told by someone close to NASA, that they too use a time based unit of 27 for their space program, which isn't public knowledge.
What then becomes interesting, is that the largest obelisk (twin) at Karnak has this same unit of measure built into it's length. So as the stone block tapers towards the top it's ratio is 1:27. Meaning for every 27 units it tapers by one unit based on it's height, thus giving a description in stone, of "time". [anon, unconfirmed]

See Also

9.33 - Time Intervals
12.23 - Time orbit period
12.24 - Time spin period
Chart of Locked Potentials
Exchanging Time for Power at Center or North
Figure 9.12 - Scale of Locked Potentials over Time
Figure 12.11 - Russells Locked Potential Full Ten Octave Gamut
Figure 12.10 - Russells Locked Potential Wave
Figure 12.04 - Locked Potential Points Relations and Descriptions
The Temple in Man chapter III
Time-Reversal Zone
Universal Constant
Vedic Time Cycles

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday September 13, 2023 23:51:10 MDT by Dale Pond.