"Mother and father reverse their spectrum positions, however. The womb of the mother is on the inside and the father surrounds it by a ring, such as one sees in the Lyra Nebula. One can also see the birth of a new star in the very center of that great black cathode hole which the mother womb is. That is the way that God turns the anodes of His thinking inside out to rest, and outside in to again become anodes. God's process of creating bodies through sex interchange is based upon the sex urge of the divided color spectrum of light to void its color divisions and become the White Light of rest from which its tensions were extended." [Atomic Suicide, page 117]

"When God, the Father-Mother, divided the Light of His sexless Oneness into the red light of the father, and the blue light of the mother, He ordained that the father light must penetrate the light of the mother, and be forever within her womb to live, and without her womb to die. Thus it is that the red fires which center our father of earth, lie enfolded within the blue coolness of earth's crust, and the cooling blue oceans and atmosphere of the encircling mother womb. Thus it is that the compression of the mother womb generates heat to polarize and vitalize the father seed of life which is enfolded in that womb. That process of sex interchange between the blue and the red lights which beget life, continues to beget life to give back to its Source until the mother can no longer compress life into the father, and the father can no longer discharge heat into the mother to continue to beget father and mother bodies." [Atomic Suicide, page 116-117]

Viewed from a naturalesque standpoint, evolution or reproduction and further development should be seen as a sexual process. Only thus can the truth be established and practical progress made.[The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

See Also

Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
12.25 - Sex
Figure 7.8 - Gravity is the Life Sex and Power Principle
7.2 - Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
7.3 - Law of Love - Reciprocal Interchange of State on Multiple Subdivisions
Polar Interchange - Part I
Polar Interchange - Part II
Polar Interchange - Part III
Polar Interchange - Part I - See Also
Polar Interchange - Part IV
Polar Interchange - Table of Contents
Polar Interchange - Bibliography
Polar Interchange - Device Design
sex principle
sex division
sex unity
sex union
sexual process