
SVP Method XI - Letter to Werner Zimmerman

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Prologue -

Letter to Werner Zimmermann. June 20th 1936
From Spec. Ed. Mensch und Technik, Vol. 2, 1993, section 7.4.

Read "The Ox and the Chamois"[1] again. There you will find precisely the opposite preconditions, namely the release of energy through cold. Here heat


is first generated through friction. This heat is immediately absorbed by the water and in the process a physical vacuum is created, which then gives rise to the emergence of inner-atomic rays. Due to the absorbed heat, the free, dissolved oxygen still present in the water becomes aggressive and the emergent geospheric rays become aggressive owing to the presence of the vacuum. Through the encounter between the mutually opposed, contra-directionally propagated, excited rays, the precondition for the marriage is created. The child of this union is organic, or cold light.

Good seed in good earth produces a multiple of itself in fruit. The seed grows and its multiplication proceeds with the aid of contra-directional influences. These influences are higher forms of organisation stemming from the Earth and the Cosmos. Substances that are ripe must either fall upwards or downwards. When water is decomposed inner-atomically, then what finally remains is the substance - water, the H-substance[2]. This H-substance is the polarity, which strengthens itself through these influences. It is the ur-child that draws in essences and energies from above and below and in this way it grows.

The plus and minus elements dissociated from the water separate from one another. The small quantities of carbone present in poor quality water make their escape immediately, because they dematerialise themselves. The phos-elements[3] incorporated by the Sun disperse, enter the horizontal potential field, become highly aggressive, spread themselves over the active substances and await things now imminent. The 'imminent' is a geospheric gas, which is ingested with great cold.

With sudden cooling, carbones become highly aggressive. A marriage between the highly aggressive phos-elements and the equally aggressive C now takes place. The super-potentiated geospheric gas product evolving from this union binds the hydrogen through the emergent inner vacuum and rising rapidly, cools off and lands on an organic anode, whose upper section is extended into a cathode.

By means of mechanical diffusion this transmitter generates a horizontal potential field and rapidly cools the gas mixture. Having become highly

[1] See "The Ox and the Chamois" in Nature as Teacher, p.41, Vol. II of the Ecotechnology series. — Ed.
[2] H-substance: here refers to hydrogen or hydrogen-like substances. — Ed.
[3] Phos-elements: It is not quite clear what is intended here, but it may relate in some way to bioluminescence. However, the following three definitions are provided as an aid to interpretation.
PHOSPHOR: A substance which is capable of luminescence, i.e. storing energy (particularly from ionising radiation) and later releasing it in the form of light. If the energy is released after only a short delay (between 10-10 and 10-4 seconds) the substance is called a 'scintillator'.
PHOSPHORUS: P. Element. Atomic weight 30.9738. Atomic number 15. Occurs in several allotropic forms, white phosphorus and red phosphorus being the commonest. The former is a waxy white, very inflammable and poisonous solid. Red phosphorus is a non-poisonous, dark red powder, not very inflammable. The element only occurs in the combined state, mainly as calcium phosphate, CA3(PO4)2, Essential to life; calcium phosphate is the main constituent of animal bones.
PHOSPHATE: Salt of phosphoric acid H3PO4. Phosphates are used as fertilisers to rectify a deficiency of phosphorus in the soil. Note: The editor regrets that he cannot locate the dictionary from which the information was originally sourced.'


aggressive again, as soon as it is expressed this gas will be hungrily absorbed by the surrounding atmospheric oxygen. This O has H and C in tow, which have been drawn along with it due to centripetence. What is important here, is whether this process is permitted to proceed, 1. via warm, or 2., via cold oxidation.

In the first case a surplus of water is produced. In the second case a surplus of air results. In both cases, however, both products have evolved and grown, and hence the product of growth is a multiple of the original seed-form. The better the earth, the stronger the growth and the greater the abundance of the substance.

If air is produced, then water is in the minority. The increase in this case is the air mixture and the 4th dimension that emerges from it - motion as matter. Out of this motion the 5th dimension ultimately comes into being, i.e. the radiant product, the spirit. This spirit can materialise itself. Conversely, a solid, liquid or gaseous substance can of course be spiritualised as well. Whether one desires to produce one or the other intermediate product is merely a question of the dosing of the intermediate process. The dosing of either heat or cold. The organ that comes into being either in this way or the other is a result of the organisation.

Every organ is an aid or a means to an end that requires various supplementary energies in order to evolve. In its highest form, the developed product is a multiple of the ur-form, because the potencies in it have developed themselves. Potencies are nothing more than bipolar tensions, which de-stress one another and synthesise their desired form. This is the reason for the phenomenon of multiplication. The function of tensioning or de-stressing is heat and cold. The product is therefore a product of heat or cold. The impulse is produced by either a cold or warm mediatory process. The place of birth is the egg and the orifice. The fertilised eggs create orifices and conversely, eggs come into being from orifices.

Radiation is the bipolar unity, the ur-information, which metamorphoses itself into proteins. Since information is also bipolar, then the space, the irtter-space and the shell come into being in this way. The energy evolving within the shell is space-energy, which like everything else is also bipolar. The heat-potential gives birth to the form and the cold-potential gives rise to dematerialisation. The latter is elemental motion and the former is the elemental envelope, that is, the multiplied soul and the multiplied body.


Return to [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature]

See Also

7.3 - Law of Love - Reciprocal Interchange of State on Multiple Subdivisions

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday March 21, 2024 05:37:56 MDT by Dale Pond.