
SVP Method - Table of Contents - I


I      Introduction
          Prologue -
          A. Mind/Brain as source of Scalar Potential - Keely’s Mechanical Brain Device
          B. Fulcrum, Scalar, Neutral Center
          C. The Elements and 369 - Two Streams of Force
          Summary -

II     Brief Outline
          Prologue -
          A. Order and Method
          B. Etheric Evolution
          C. Liberation of Scalar Mind Force
          D. God’s Full Process of Creation
          Summary -

III     Polarity, Difference, Potential, Bias
          A. Origin of the Two Streams of Forces - 369
          B. Twos, Mate-Pairs, Opposites, Allotropes
               a) Two types of Water
               b) Two types of Movement
               c) Two types of alloys
               d) Two carrier-substances
               e) Two potentials
               f) Two substances
               g) Two threshold-substances
               h) Two frequencies
               i) Two States
               j) Two Arcs
               k) Two Temperatures
               l) Two Densities
          C. Difference

IV     Temperature
          A. T1
          B. T2

V     Pressure

VI     Movement
          A. First Motion that creates the Preconditions for Life or Death
          B. Second Motion that creates Life or Death
          C. Centripetal - Centrifugal Motion
          D. Separating the two bipolar substances
          E. Three Earth motions - https://youtu.be/AW_NFPb6WlI
          F. Cycloid Motions - cycloid-space-curve-motion

VII     Double Spiral Pipe
          A. Centripetal - Centrifugal Motion [see XIV Diamagnetism]
               a) Centrifugal Motion
               b) Centripetal Motion [see XIV Diamagnetism]
               c) Separating the two bipolar substances
          B. Various pipe shapes

VIII     Alloys
          A. Carbon
          B. Carbones
          C. Copper
          D. Hydrogen
          E. Inert Gas - see [Cosmic Bridge]
               a) Argon
               b) Helium
               c) Krypton
               d) Neon
               e) Radon
               f) Xenon

IX     Factor
          A. Factors
          B. Prerequisites
          C. Precondition
          D. Procedures

X     Mechanical Starting Impulse
          A. Scalar to Kinetic
          B. Tickling - Bearden
          C. Turn a knob - Keely
          D. Spark - Tesla

XI     Letter to Werner Zimmerman
          A. Letter to Werner Zimmerman

XII     Water
          A. Water
          B. Scalar to Kinetic - Cosmic Bridge
          C. Ethericity
          D. Water Vapor

XIII     Air
          A. Ennoblement
          B. Ethericity

XIV     Magnetism, Diamagnetism, Cavitation, Gravity
          A. Magnetism
          B. Diamagnetism
          C. Cavitation
          D. Gravity

XV     Energy Gain


XVII     ((Transformation|Transformations, Evolution, Reproduction, Development))

XVIII     Organic Synthesis

XIX     Heart Beat and Vibration Dynamics

XX     369

XXI     Multiple Subdivisions - Ur sources to Kinetic Motion

XXII     Schauberger Patents

XXIII     Glossary

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday March 21, 2024 05:54:51 MDT by Dale Pond.