Harmonized (affinity, attraction, aggregation). See its opposite 12.32 - Ionization
Russell's description of valency is short but packed with meaning and consequence. In short, valency is the degree of attraction or affinity, to use a Keely / Macvicar term. This measurement, as presented in Russell's [The Universal One], page 245, shows discrete degrees or steps of attraction / affinity as per each element. Each element is different but varies according to arithmetical relations of reciprocal proportionality as demonstrated in the Scale of Locked Potentials. Should we combine this attribute with Keely's morphology of three contracting and rotating shells or envelopes it is possible to address the "how" and "why" of attraction / affinity variances between elements by virtue of angle/plane of spin and its consequence: refraction or differentiation which refraction / differentiation is the splitting of a One Whole Unit into its constituent parts much like rainbow colors refracted from unseen 'white' sun light. See Bjerknes Effect. Hence, as in music, a scale's notes are 'split' or mathematically derived from their keynote or fundamental. Just so, the One Substance permeating the universe is refracted or differentiated into the myriads of elements of material appearance.
Attraction within itself or aggregation occurs in a given entity when the harmonic (syntropic) stream is predominant over the enharmonic (entropic) stream.
"valence as a power step-up in chemistry.." [Russell, Russells Optic Dynamo-Generator]
"Valency is purely an expression of gravitational variation" [Russell, The Universal One, page 130]
"This unnatural concept destroys itself by its impossibility to conform to the chemical law of valence, which gives equality and multiplication and potential to mate-pairs in each octave, instead of 92 consecutive multiplications which ignored the octave wave pulsation principle." [Atomic Suicide, page 226]

See Also
Negative Attraction
Russells Optic Dynamo-Generator