"The 3-space symmetry of energy flow equilibrium is actually between the energy we input (from its external environment) to the system, and the energy that escapes from the system back into its external environment, either in its losses or in its loads. As we stated, equilibrium condition is a balance between ongoing entropic and negentropic operations." [Bearden, Energy from the Vacuum]
"Any chemical combination ought always to be regarded as a state of equilibrium between the external forces which surround a body and the interior forces which it contains." [Gustave Le Bon, The Evolution of Matter, page 293]
"Of late years the notion has gradually arisen that any body whatever simply represents a state of equilibrium between the internal elements of which it is formed and the external elements acting upon it. If this connection is not plainly apparent in some bodies, it is because they are so constituted that their equilibria maintain themselves without perceptible changes within the limits of fairly large variations of the medium. Water can remain liquid in variations of temperature ranging from 0° to 100° C, and most metals do not appear to change their state within still wider limits." [Gustave Le Bon, The Evolution of Matter, page 304]
See Also
chemical affinity
chemical assimilation
chemical equivalent
chemical ether
Disturbance of Equilibrium
disturbance of negative equilibrium
Dynaspheric Force
electrically divided equilibrium
equilibrium level
equilibrium zone of pressure
Father-Mother Principle
Father-Mother Principle part 2
Fig. 2.12 - Male-Father and Female-Mother Forces
Figure 13.14 - Equilibrium as Reciprocal Forces
Figure 13.15 - Equilibrium as Musical Tonal Equivalents
Figure 13.16 - Compound Equilibrium States
Figure 14.04 - The Alchemical Light
Figure 2.16 - Alchemical Graphics showing Celestial and Terrestrial Realms
Law of Assimilation
Law of Atomolic Synthesis of Chemical Elements
Law of Chemical Affinity
Law of Chemical Dissociation
Law of Chemical Morphology
Law of Chemical Substitution
Law of Chemical Transposition
Law of Compensation and Equilibrium
Law of Electro-Chemical Equivalents
material bodies are but the recordings
Neutral Equilibrium
Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
sex division
sex interchange
sex principle
sex union
sex unity
sympathetic equilibrium
universal equilibrium
universal equilibrium level
13.12 - Compound Equilibrium
13.12.1 - Disturbance of Equilibrium