GOD is Light. And God is Love. And God is inexorable Law.
God is the invisible, motionless, sexless, undivided and unconditioned White Magnetic Light of Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Mind.
In all this universe of countless many things there is but One Light - which is Mind of God - and the two extended lights of His thinking, which His imagining created to manifest His Being in seeming action. There is naught else in all Nature than God's knowing Mind at rest and the motion of Mind-thinking.
God's knowing is Magnetic. God's thinking is electric.
God has but one IDEA, one DESIRE, one PURPOSE, one ACTION and one LAW.
His one idea is His unity in Father-Mother Love. His one desire is to think action, and rest from action, in sequential intervals. His one purpose is to think His knowing of what He IS, and what He KNOWS, into His own image. His one action is to give. His one law is that what He gives must be balanced by equal regiving.
His Law of Balance is the law of Love upon which His universe is founded, for God is Love - and the universe must reflect His image.
God's Magnetic Light universe is at rest. It is balanced.
God's electric universe must, likewise, be balanced in its rest, its actions, and in its givings and regivings.
God's One Law of Balance must be as inexorably obeyed as that part of it which is known as gravity, must be inexorably obeyed.
To think what He IS, and what He KNOWS, into imaged-forms to manifest Him by motion, God divides His still Magnetic Light into electric mate pairs. He extends these pairs which He has divided, to two measured Magnetic foci which He, likewise, extends to balance this division, and multiplies their power of control over action to manifest His Omnipotence in the ratio of their extension.
The two Magnetic foci, which are Magnetic poles in man's knowing, are extended from His fulcrum stillness, along wave paths of His eternal stillness, to control their manifestation of His imaginings from within all creating bodies, and to balance their separateness from without.
He, likewise, divides His Omnipresence by centering every particle of creating matter in His whole limitless universe with the still Light of His own PRESENCE. From each center where He thus stands, He reaches out his right arm to one pole, and His left arm to the other one, to form a shaft around which each separate unit of all Creation must move to manifest the cycles of His thinking. In this manner each Mind-centered body in all Creation has at its command, and as its inheritance, all-power and all-knowledge to draw upon in the measure of man's desire, and in the measure of the awareness of God's centering Presence within each unit.
Aeons pass before aught but sensation - then instinct - makes bodies aware of the centering Light of that Divine Presence. Long ages pass before thinking and knowing transcend sensation and instinct. When thinking begins, knowing also begins. More long ages pass before God's ultimate Creation - MAN - knows of his divinity through full comprehension of the whisperings of the Inner Silent Voice which forever says to him: "What I am you also are."
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