"Heat he [Keely] calls "thermal concentration." Of its origin he says "The celestial sympathetic streams (inflowing currents) percussing on the earth's dense atmosphere, wrest from atomic confinement by their infinite velocities the latent energies we call heat and light." The sun is the intermediate transmitter of these celestial streams."

"My researches lead me to think that hydrogen carries heat in a latent condition, but I do not believe it will ever be possible to invent a device whereby hydrogen may be vibrated with a velocity to induce heat."

"The origin of heat and light is easily accounted for by the action of the sympathetic celestial streams, when we consider the vibratory frequency of light as say 500,000,000,000,000 per second. Heat and light belong to the highest orders of the phenomenal and can only be accounted for by considering sympathetic streams under high velocity as being interchangeable both to and from focalized negative attractive centers."

"Heat and light do not exist in space. The percussion of the vibratory sympathetic streams emanating from the neutral center of the sun, evolves them from the earth's atmospheric envelope. The interchangeability of light and heat, which are in a certain sense, one and the same, has been a mystery. However, this is explained by the sympathetic etheric stream bombarding the dense portion of the molecular in seeking its sympathetic concordant focalized neutral center in the planetary or molecular mass."

"There is no thermal accompaniment to self-luminescence evolved by vibrational frequency of the ether (seventh subdivision) and yet, paradoxically, all thermal conditions emanate from those same etheric vibrations. This is accounted for by the tenuity of the ether. Only when the streams come in contact with crude matter is heat evolved from its latent state. Accompanying this evolved heat is a different order of light from the luminiferous ether, this being a translation through the neutral center of the molecule of the sympathetic streams into radiations of heat and light."

"The celestial current or etheric dominant which is also the prime third of the triune electric flow induces "aqueous disintegration" and "thermal concentration" and these two "prime conductors" display a "coincident sympathetic chord" with the celestial current. They are themselves the link between the terrestrial and celestial. The absence of the sun on one side of the earth and the absence of water on one side, would make terrestrial magnetism and electricity static the highest order of chaos."

"The heat generated by the electric stream is caused by the velocity of the triple subdivision at its point of dispersion as each component seeks its medium of affinity."

"Heat is a vibro-atomic element with a frequency at its greatest intensity of not more than 14,000 per second and is latent in all matter, visible and invisible. This element in varying degrees of intensity, is liberated together with light by the velocity of the sympathetic flow from the sun, the intensity varying with the angle of this sympathetic projectment in the terrestrial atmosphere."

"Thermal radiation (and its accompaniment, thermal vacuum or cold) comes below the first atomic" (probably atomic). Since its vibratory frequency is so low and its effects so considerable, it probably will be found to vibrate in the dominant mode.

"Radiant heat" is that property of the element heat, after its liberation from corpuscular imprisonment, by means of which it reaches out for reabsorption and return to its sympathetic environment.

"All moving bodies of visible matter produce heat according to their velocity. The flow of gases induces "thermal reduction" (transmutation to the thermal element) from molecular friction. The molecules never actually come in contact with, or rub each other, and no pressure, however great, can cause molecular contact. However, the molecular volume can be reduced by enormous pressure and the tension on their rotating etheric envelopes induces heat. This induction of heat is a positive proof of the wonderful rotating frequency of the rotating envelope. Were the molecules dead to sympathetic vibration and possessing no rotating etheric envelope, all molecular volumes would be compressible and thermal change in the slightest degree could not result from pressure."

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