
diatonic thirds

"All hollow spheres, of certain diameters, represent, as per diameters, and their volumes of molecular mass, pure, unadulterated, sympathetic resonation towards the enharmonic and diatonic thirds of any, and in fact all, concordant sounds. In tubes it is adversely different, requiring a definite number of them so graduated as to represent a confliction by thirds, sixths and ninths, as towards the harmonic scale. When the conditions are established, the acoustic result of this combination, when focalized, represents concordant harmony, as between the chord mass of the instrument to be operated and the chord mass of the tubes of resonation. Therefore the shortest way towards establishing pure concordance, between any number of resonating mediums, is by the position that Nature herself assumes in her multitudinous arrangements of the varied forms and volumes of matter - the spherical. The great difficulty to overcome, in order to get a revolution of the same sphere, exists in equating the interior adjuncts of same. In other words, the differentiation induced must be so equated as to harmonize and make their conditions purely concordant to the molecular mass of the sphere. Example: Suppose the chord of the sphere mass represents B flat, or any other chord, and the internal adjuncts by displacement of atmospheric volume differentiates the volume one-twentieth, this displacement in the shell's atmospheric volume would represent an antagonistic twentieth against the shell's mass concordance, to equate which it would be necessary to so graduate the shell's internal adjuncts as to get at the same chord; an octave or any number of octaves that comes nearest to the concordance of the shell's atmospheric volume. No intermediates between the octaves would ever reach sympathetic union." [Snell Manuscript - The Book]

Keely does not give an analysis of the structure of the etheric, but from the fact that he was able to subdivide it through the same process of "triple subdivision" into "interetherons" we may assume that three interetherons, each with its etheric capsule whirling about it, existed within the envelope of the etheron, vibrating with an oscillatory frequency greater than any of the lower subdivisions.

The fundamental mode of vibration changes as we reach the fifth subdivision, to the dominant, the diatonic third of the mass chord, which controls the vibratory states of both etheron and interetheron. The awful might concealed in the depths of the etheric and interetheric subdivisions utterly transcends anything Science has ever known. Even the theoretical energy value of radium now accepted by Science, pales into insignificance in comparison to the energy value of an equal amount of water subdivided to the etheric or interetheric state. [Snell Manuscript - The Book]

See Also

diatonic thirds

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday September 27, 2022 15:52:26 MDT by Dale Pond.