
Keely Sources

Some source materials. By no means complete.

  1. Bibliography
  2. Chronology
  3. "Investigations at the Keely Laboratory." Scientific American, February 4, 1899, pg. 72-73.
  4. "The Keely Motor Fraud." Scientific American, January 28, 1899, pg. 56-60.
  5. "Death of John Keely." Scientific American, December 1898, pg.354.
  6. Moore, Clara Bloomfield. Keely and His Discoveries, London: Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Inc., 1893.
  7. Moore, Clara Bloomfield. "Mr. Keely's Etheric Force." Lippincott's, 1887, pg. 249-254.
  8. Keely, John Worrell. "Latent Force." Lippincott's, 1891, pg. 639-644.
  9. Moore, Clara Bloomfield. "The Keely Motor Secret." Lippincott's, 1887, pg. 300-309.
  10. Encyclopedia Americana, 1973, pg. 333.
  11. Moore, Clara Bloomfield. "Who Is The Greatest Genius of Our Age?" Review of Reviews, July 1890, pg. 45.
  12. "The Story of the Keely Myth." Review of Reviews, April 1899, pg. 475.
  13. Moore, Clara Bloomfield. "Aerial Navigation". The Arena, August 1894, pg. 386-395.
  14. Moore, Clara Bloomfield. "Keely's Present Position." Lippincott's, 1891, pg. 797-803.
  15. Besant and Leadbeater, "Occult Chemistry". London: Theosophical Publishing House, 1919.
  16. "The Propeller Described," New Science Review, Vol. 1, 1895, pg. 46.
  17. Day, Langston, "New Worlds Beyond the Atom", London: Vincent Stuart Pub., 1956.
  18. Colville, William J., "Dashed Against the Rock", Boston: Colby and Rich, Publishers, 1894.
  19. Moritzen, Julius, "The Extraordinary Story of John Worrel Keely", Cosmopolitan, April 1898, pg. 633-640.
  20. Keely - The New York Times articles about Keely appearing in The New York Times.
  21. Theosophical Siftings
  22. Keely Chronology many original newspaper sources

See Also

Keely Chronology
Keely - Historical Documents

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday April 17, 2018 04:40:19 MDT by Dale Pond.