How does the tenuous substance that is mind then become the condensed material universe? How does non-solid become solid? Russell gives a broad explanation as does Keely. Russell says that every atom of materiality is a "recording" or "casting" into form the Light (Mind / thought) of the Creator. This recording or casting process or fixing into form takes place through "electrical" action. (Electrical here means two unbalanced poles rhythmically interchanging with and through each other (waves of motion or vibration). This electrical state is self or mutual assimilative/ attractive. [See Part 16 Electricity & Magnetism)] These waves form standing vortex waves or oscillatory motion about a neutral center which resultant composite structure we then (mis)perceive as solid matter much as we misperceive spokes of a spinning bicycle wheel appear as solid. Keely and Russell held that neutral points or assimilative centers are infinite in number and extension (Keely) and atoms may form (and deform) around one or any of them anywhere at anytime. Atoms are an effect (recording or casting) of that electrical thinking but are not the thinking itself. Much like a wave is not the ocean but a manner of the ocean's expressionings of its being. Another way to see this is heat from a fire is not the fire but an effect of the fire, the heat's source. Vibrations and oscillations therefore are effects. We may know the vibratory and oscillatory composition of the universe by its numbers or rates of vibration acting upon and through our physical senses or instruments. Our five senses function like narrow band-pass filters allowing narrow ranges of vibration to be perceived. Therefore our sensorial awareness of our surroundings is a mosaic-like construct of the five narrow ranges of vibratory phenomena perceived through these five senses. It is a given we are NOT aware of the vast ranges of vibratory phenomena OUTSIDE of those five narrow bands unless through instrumentation of diverse kinds. Figure 1.8 lists some of the frequencies and their modes we interpret as sensual manifestations.
"For the material, at best, is only temporal, or temporary, while that which may be builded from spiritual desire, spiritual purposes, is eternal." Cayce (1971-1)

See Also
Chart of Locked Potentials
Etheric Elements
Etheric Vibratory Scale
Figure 7B.10 - Russells Periodic Chart of the first four octaves of proto-matter
Figure 9.16 - Russells 1-4 Octaves of Matter as Integrated Light - The Universal Constant
Figure 9.17 - Russells Ten Octaves of Matter as Integrated Light - The Universal Constant
Part 12 - Russells Locked Potentials
Scale of the Forces in Octaves
Scale of Locked Potentials
See Also
Truth as Force