"Matter is an abnormality. The normality of this universe is a condition of rest - an equilibrium. Matter is not an equilibrium. It is a created condition which divides a resistant equilibrium. That division results in tremendous tensions. Tensions are not normal to the universal equilibrium. Tensions have within them a great desire for relief from tension. Decay, death, discharge, explosions and flame give matter that relief from tensions which it desires. Bear this fact in mind. Remember that the first desire of all Creation is Mind-expression by division of the universal equilibrium. Remember also that the desire to again return to the normal universal equilibrium is equally intensive. To divide an equilibrium requires work. To return to the normality of the universal equilibrium does not require work. Bear in mind, then, that it is hard to live but easy to die. Radioactivity is making it harder for bodies to live by releasing the tensions which makes them die." [Atomic Suicide, page 15]
See Also
center point balance equilibrium fulcrum
Chemical Equilibrium
differential equilibrium
disturbance of atomic equilibrium
Disturbance of Equilibrium
disturbance of negative equilibrium
disturbance of sympathetic equilibrium
electrically divided equilibrium
equative centre of equilibrium
equilibrium exchange
equilibrium level
equilibrium zone of pressure
Figure 13.14 - Equilibrium as Reciprocal Forces
Figure 13.15 - Equilibrium as Musical Tonal Equivalents
Figure 13.16 - Compound Equilibrium States
forces in equilibrium
harmony of equilibrium
Law of Compensation and Equilibrium
multiplication of resistant pressure
Neutral Equilibrium
restoration of equilibrium
sympathetic disturbers of its equilibrium
sympathetic equilibrium
transformation of equilibrium
universal equilibrium
universal equilibrium level
unstable equilibrium
zero of equilibrium
13.12 - Compound Equilibrium
13.12.1 - Disturbance of Equilibrium