
3.5.5 - Moving Into and Out of

At some point, it is agreed among the faithful, the Mind of God said/expressed/thought "Let there be Light." This statement is an idea or intent some say to experience polarized or differentiated Light. Thinking is polar and will initiate this process in complex ways that go to create one's life.

"The force called "thinking" which impels Mind into concentration and decentration in sequence is the only energy of the universe." Russell, The Universal One, Book 1, Chapter 4 See Law of Assimilation

"Mind is indeed the builder, it will see that what is held in the act of mental vision becomes a reality in the material experience.

Mind is the builder and that which we think upon may become crimes or miracles. For thoughts are things and as their currents run through the environs of an entity's experience these become barriers or stepping stones, dependent upon the manner in which these are laid as it were. For as the mental dwells upon these thoughts, so does it give strength, power to things that do not appear. And thus does indeed there become that as is so oft given, that faith is evidence of things not seen." Cayce (906-3)

Idea Preceeds Manifestation in Material Form using Cubes and Cones

Figure 3.16 - Idea Preceeds Manifestation in Material Form using Cubes and Cones.
(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
(click to enlarge)

See Also

material manifestation
Mind is the Builder

This first expressed desire caused a disturbance in the universal equilibrium or neutrality. The two balanced or neutralized states or desires became slightly unbalanced causing the two forces to move against or around each other in what we call vortex or gyroscopic motions. They must move AROUND each other as to move directly against each other would bring about a neutralization of forces. One polarization moves away from centralization (entropy) and the other polarization moves toward centralization (syntropy). The two directions mutually cancel one another (mathematically only) at the end of cyclical progressions. Therefore the thought that initiated the motion must be at right angles to this in-and-out direction. The in-motion is caused by mutual affinitization (sympathetic negative attraction) wherein the individualized centralizations (seeming particles) mutually approach each other as per the Bjerknes Effect. The out-motion is caused by mutual repulsion (anti-sympathetic positive repulsion) between centralizations (seeming particles) via discordant vibrations and oscillations. The cause of attraction then is concord or HARMONY (of number). The cause of dispersion is discord or ENHARMONY (of number).

"If concordance is established, even between unlike states - gases with liquids, liquids with solids, solids with gases - the structural conditions can be entirely adverse. The neutral center set up by sympathetic negative attraction always controls the entire volume of its sphere, be that volume homogenous or complex. Certain orders of vibration can equate all differential mass antagonism." Keely in The Snell Manuscript

Balanced (Symmetrical) Vector Tendencies/Motions

Figure 3.17 - Balanced (Symmetrical) Vector Tendencies/Motions.
(click to enlarge)

Created by Trene. Last Modification: Monday March 2, 2020 05:20:10 MST by dale.