noun: the belief that you can understand God directly by praying and meditating, or the practice of doing this
noun: a religion based on mystical communion with an ultimate reality
The practice of a mystic, who is as a walking question mark who persistently and consistently questions everything especially his own beliefs and all socially accepted beliefs, is in a never ending quest or search for Greater Truth.

Rosicrucian Manuscript
"“The time has come when merely reading about the mystical life has lost its value. We must become involved and dedicate our lives to some useful purpose or the opportunities of a cycle will pass us by. Whatever our goal in life, whatever our desires for achievement might be, the mystical life can make these possible. Living in harmony with the Cosmic reveals talents and abilities we little realized we possessed. We find that our minds and consciousness are uplifted and charged with a power and desire to succeed in all we do, and our hearts and total beings will be filled with a spiritual love for all humanity. Our thinking will be broader and our sympathies and feeling of compassion will grow stronger. Life will bring greater joys and happiness and we will sense a divine purpose for our mission in life which will bring the greatest gift of all.” [Rosicrucian Manuscript]
“THE TIME HAS COME when merely reading about the mystical life has lost its value. We must become involved and dedicate our lives to some useful purpose or the opportunities of a cycle will pass us by.
Whatever our goal in life, whatever our desires for achievement might be, the mystical life can make these possible. Living in harmony with the Cosmic reveals talents and abilities we little realized we possessed.
We find that our minds and consciousness are uplifted and charged with a power and desire to succeed in all we do, and our hearts and total beings will be filled with a spiritual love for all humanity.
Our thinking will be broader and our sympathies and feeling of compassion will grow stronger. Life will bring greater joys and happiness and we will sense a divine purpose for our mission in life which will bring the greatest gift of all.” [Rosicrucian Manuscript]
"Mysticism can heighten our creativity and help us develop the greater sense of confidence that comes from knowing how to tap into our inner wisdom to find answers to life's challenges. Mysticism is humanity's deepest quest for Self Knowledge." [Rosicrucian Manuscript]
"Mysticism teaches cosmic laws and principles by which we are brought into closer consciousness of our divine power. The mystical experience of union with the One imposes upon the mystic a moral obligation — to use this knowledge for the welfare of others." [Rosicrucian Manuscript]
"Mysticism can heighten our creativity and help us develop the greater sense of confidence that comes from knowing how to tap into our inner wisdom to find answers to life’s challenges. Mysticism is humanity’s deepest quest for Self Knowledge." [Rosicrucian Manuscript]
"The result of mysticism: Within us is found the key to our own bliss and the meaning of our own existence." [Rosicrucian Manuscript]
"The goal of the Rosicrucian student is to live mysticism and mysticism, by definition, is the practice of strengthening the bond that unites us with the God of our Heart. It is though this Cosmic Attunement, being of necessity harmonic and harmonious, that we can understand our origin, our nature, and the infinite powers that are conferred upon those who master it. You are therefore encouraged to expend every possible effort to live daily the harmonic rapport that unites you with the Divine so that, through conscious revelation and illumination, you become forever instruments of Cosmic Harmony and Universal Peace." [Christian Bernard]
MYSTICISM PASSES BEYOND FORMS and theories and reveals the inner way of union and communion with the Christ Consciousness within man through an experiential ascension of consciousness. Materialistic philosophy is the study of the interconnection of the sciences and their ramifications as part of an organic whole, and the theory of knowledge. Mysticism penetrates to the world of underlying spiritual causes and unfolds the rationale of all knowledge and phenomena. The essential difference between these objective and speculative interpretations and the method of mysticism is summed up in a luminous phrase of the Mundaka-Upanisad:
"It is not apprehended by the eye, not by speech, not by the other senses, not by devotion or rites; but he, whose intellect is purified by the light of knowledge, beholds him who is without parts, through meditation."
"This simple declaration brings the mind to rest in the basic method of mysticism, that of spiritual meditation which unfolds the inner nature of the soul and evolves that self-knowledge which reveals man as a spiritual entity in a world of silent and potent spiritual forces in which he lives and moves and has his being, to which alone he is responsible and through whose aid alone he can "attain the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." ["The Mystic Way" by Raymond Andrea F.R.C.]
"Mysticism teaches cosmic laws and principles by which we are brought into closer consciousness of our divine power.
The mystical experience of union with the One imposes upon the mystic a moral obligation — to use this knowledge for the welfare of others." [Rosicrucian Manuscript]
Is Mysticism an Ideal, or is it Practical?
"Mysticism is distinct, by itself. Mysticism is the art of knowing God. It is the possible way for us to know God within us, and it is God within us that is the other side of man.
There is the personality without. It is the "I". Mysticism, as the Rosicrucians know it, is a distinct, separate part of man and not merely the reaction of the physical side of man. Mysticism is practical, it is the divine side of man, and it is those divine laws of the universe that have allowed the existence of the material side of man. The material side of man is secondary.
It is true, mysticism is an ideal. Mysticism is the word, the law. It is the spiritual side of man that resulted in the objective manifestation of man. Therefore, if we study mysticism and thoroughly comprehend its laws, digest it, we are bound to know that it is practical, since it will teach us the proper purpose of man. It will teach us the limitations of the material side of man, and how the two, though distinct, must be worked in unity. Man does not know himself until he knows mysticism. When he knows mysticism he knows God, and he knows himself.
Thus it is easily seen that mysticism is practical, because if man does not know of the spiritual side of himself, he misses the purpose of his existence, fails to comprehend his place in the scheme of things, and cannot do justice to his existence in the physical world. Any means that will show man his proper place in the scheme of things certainly will serve a purpose, and a practical one." [Ralph Maxwell Lewis (1926)]
Arthur Edward Waite
"The alchemical states of the stone, when interpreted on a superior plane, reflect the external manifestation of conditions achieved within oneself. They are analogical to inward phases of evolution. Utilizing the analogical method unravels the complete inner elaboration, and solely through Hermetic or alchemical literature can one truly grasp this intricate progression.
Approaching mystic transmutation or spiritual chemistry from this standpoint unveils its initial process: the PURGATION, cleansing the heart's desires. There's the state of DISSOLUTION, where the soul transcends the exterior world for a transcendental union. SEPARATION follows, discerning between the subtle and the gross, akin to the alchemists' heat, symbolizing the desire for God. Then comes CONJUNCTION, gathering internal forces toward unity, partially achieved in spiritual CONGELATION, akin to the White Stone in alchemical allegories.
In this phase, the spiritual work progresses within, seemingly independent of conscious aid from higher realms. Subsequently, in CIBATION, the soul receives spiritual sustenance, elevating the entire being to a radiant whiteness. FERMENTATION ensues, augmenting the subject with the spirit of life. EXALTATION rectifies elements, leading to the MYSTIC UNION, the merging of God and Soul, resulting in a divine consciousness and the bliss of Nirvana—a perfect rest in God.
Nevertheless, retaining the distinctive Western Mysticism terminology seems more appropriate. While acknowledging the Masters of Azoth, their FIRST SUBLIMATION connects us with their brilliance and mystery. Each mystical condition of the inner being represents phases of ever-refined existence, but our focus is on the senses' sublimation—the initial stage of aspiration post-Regeneration. It's crucial to note that temporal order doesn't always align with the order of thought. Aspiration may precede or succeed actual regeneration and might even occur in those who never attain mystical enlightenment.
Addressing the first stage of mystical aspiration involves revisiting the significance of the physical self and the importance of conditions. Mysticism that disregards the sanctity of the human body appears artificial, aiming to belittle man in his own eyes. Some devotional practices oddly seek to exalt the Creator through disparaging His creation, portraying a peculiar reverence. Invoking the Lord should honor both His transcendence and His creations."
— [A new light of mysticism. Azoth; or, the star in the east, c. 1893 by Arthur Edward Waite]
See Also
Christ Consciousness
Cosmic Consciousness
Dialogue on Awakening
I Am
Masters and Mystics
Part 24 - Awakening Your Genius
Rosicrucian Order AMORC