I AM DELIGHTED that the Rosicrucian Press, Printing and
Publishing Department of the Supreme Grand Lodge of the A.
M. O. R. C., has again decided to publish another edition of the
official Manual. I know that it is greatly needed and will be sincerely
appreciated. Years ago we issued a small, private Manual for our Lodges
but the issue soon became exhausted. The new Manual will take the
place of the older ones and will contain so much additional matter that
it will be truly a Guide to the Work and Studies of the Order.
Naturally such a book as this must be limited in its contents and
carefully worded.
I know that many benefits will come through this book to our
members as well as to general readers. It should be a weekly guide
to the lectures and lessons for every member, and a help to every
officer of our hundreds of branches throughout the North American
Jurisdiction. The many diagrams and plates have been carefully
prepared so as to make plain many points in the lectures of the various
Members and Officers will do well to recommend use of this Manual
to all members, for it will help in many ways to promote a better
understanding of the Order and its teachings, and bring about a better
agreement in regard to the terms, rules, regulations, and practices of
all our work.
Therefore, through the pages of this Manual, I again greet our
members and the student reader and wish them every success and joy
in the Glorious Search for Light, Life, and Love.
In Peace Profound,
Harvey Spencer Lewis, F. R. C., Imperator.
October 1, 1932