
law of sympathy

where there stands an open door between the sixth and the seventh, these two having no note in common, it is easy and natural to slip out of the key into another, either in ascending the major or descending the minor octave; and in order to keep in the key, the two chords of these notes have to reach out to each other a helping hand, and compound in order to affiliate. This, however, by the law of sympathy and assimilation, which reigns in this happy, realm, they are always ready to do.1 [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 66]

Nine-tenths of a string, if stopped and acted on, gives a tone the ratio of 9:10, but if touched and acted on as a harmonic it gives a note which is three octaves and a major third above the whole string. If the remaining tenth of the string be acted on either as a stopped note or a harmonic it will give the same note which is three octaves and a major third above the whole string the ratio of 1:10, so that the stopped note of one-tenth and the harmonic of nine-tenths are the same. Indeed the bow acting on stopped note of one-tenth, on harmonic of nine-tenths, or on harmonic of one-tenth, produces the same note, as the note is the production of one-tenth in each case; for in the harmonic, whether you bow on the nine-tenths or the one-tenth, while it is true that the whole string is brought into play, yet by the law of sympathy which permeates the entire string, it vibrates in ten sections of one-tenth each, all vibrating in unison. This is what gives the harmonic note its peculiar brilliancy. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 92]

See Also

17.17 - Gravital Sympathy
9.6 - Sympathy
celestial sympathy
chord of sympathy
coincident chord of sympathy
Concordant Chords of Sympathy
concordant flow of sympathy
electromagnetic sympathy
equated sympathy
Figure 10.01 - Tuning Forks in Sympathy
gravital sympathy
Laws of Music
Part 10 - What Sympathy Is
play of sympathy
quantum entanglement
Sympathy Hillard
transmissive link of sympathy
transmissive sympathy
Tuning Forks Sympathy
Vera Vita the Philosophy of Sympathy
Vibratory Sympathy
What Sympathy Is

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday April 20, 2021 03:13:55 MDT by Dale Pond.