
law of rhythmic balanced interchange

"Every mass is an aggregation of molecules each having its "neutral center" wherein are equated its component forces consisting of the three fundamental modes of vibration. The balanced activity of these vibrations at the "neutral center" without diminution of force, makes possible the permanence of form and matter.

Since the continuity of existence of all molecules and all masses depends on the three fundamental component modes of vibration being held in balance at the "neutral center" it follows that certain orders of vibration can, by their influence on this neutral center, break the balanced equation, divide the components of the molecules, and therefore divide the components of the mass." [PERMANENCE OF FORM AND MATTER]



"One of the greatest mysteries of science is the source of the sun's renewing energy.

At the present rate of solar radiation, the sun should have burned out long ago.

What keeps its fires burning? What is it that generates heat in the sun to keep it from cooling?

One theory is that its contraction generates it, for contraction supposedly heats.

But that is not the answer, for contraction does not heat nor generate. Contraction is possible only as a result of generation, not as its cause.

Generation must precede contraction. It does not follow it.

Heat follows as a result of contraction. Heat radiates. Radiation is the opposite of generation, and opposites act in opposite ways.?

Radiation expands and the resultant expansion cools; while generation contracts and the resultant contraction heats.

?Here again is the father-mother principle manifesting its law of equal, opposite and sequential interchange.

The cold of expanded space generates the sun’s heat by compressing large volume into smaller volume.

The high pressure of incandescence is born from the low pressure of vacuous blackness, in accordance with the law of rhythmic balanced interchange between all pairs of father-mother opposites." [Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, pages 187-188]

See Also

14.00.01 - Rhythmic Balanced interexchange between Attraction and Repulsion
7.2 - Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
Anatomy and Function of the Human Heart
Bjerknes Effect
Good Heart
heart beat
Heart energy
Heart Meditation
heart pulsation
heartbeat piston
Law of Assimilation
law of rhythmic balanced interchange
reception and distribution
RHYTHM - Snell
Rhythmic Balanced Exchange
Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
rhythmic universe
rhythmical interplay
rhythmical sequence
sympathetic outreach
tonal rhythms
Universal Heart Beat
universal rhythm

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday March 2, 2025 04:01:17 MST by Dale Pond.