Karma, reciprocity, action/reaction.
"CAUSE can never be known by the study of its EFFECT in motion. Cause is in knowing Mind, not in sensed-body. Cause lies within the invisible universe which does not respond to the senses, and not in the senses which can but sense motion and can never know." [Atomic Suicide, page 98]
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"The Law of 'Cause and Effect', 'Reaping and Sowing' is the visible effect of what you call 'electromagnetism', and no one who has any knowledge of science would expect 'God' to set aside the laws of electromagnetism, which are those of 'activity-bonding-rejection'.
'Activity-Bonding-Rejection' or 'Movement-Attraction-Repulsion' are the fundamental IMPULSES of EXISTENCE and of HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS itself, which have brought about your visible forms in life, and are the only 'instruments' or 'tools' of creation. They are responsible for the formation of substance or 'matter' and also for the development of individualised forms and finally of personality itself in all living entities." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Christ Letters - Letter 3, page 1]
"Since I have diverged, I must now repeat: You can no more escape the most fundamental Laws of Existence regarding your thinking and feeling - sowing and reaping - than you can escape the laws of electromagnetism in your material world, for electromagnetism is the IMPULSE producing the Law of sowing and reaping just as electromagnetism produces form within the fundamental field of energy particles." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1, page 3]
"They should now be able to understand that whilst a strong conviction would bring about anything they might desire and imagine, they must also be constantly aware of their own mental-emotional condition. They must not harbour resentment against others but must swiftly forgive, otherwise they could do much damage to those they resented ... which damage would return to them, in due course, as a harvest of their sowing.
Furthermore, as one sows so does one reap. I knew that what I had done to the fig tree would inevitably return to me in one form or another." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 3, page 14]
See Also
Law of Love
One Balanced Whole and Two Reciprocating Dynamics
Reciprocating Proportionality
Universal Law
12.00 - Reciprocating Proportionality
13.14 - Principle of Reciprocity
3.12 - Reciprocating Duality