1- Keely developed an entirely unique Quantum Physics/Mechanics before science had any concept that such a field of research existed.
2- He developed newtonian physics to a higher degree than was known at the time.
3- He developed a Bridge between the above two comprehensive fields. This is something modern Quantum Physics/Mechanics says is impossible to do. They are correct in that using their current understandings it is impossible to "get there from here."
In doing the above Keely developed a comprehensive vocabulary unique to his work. Of course such a vocabulary necessarily is vast and new (to us). Most people have a vocabulary barely sufficient to navigate life. To grasp Keely we must learn his vocabulary (and his nuanced definitions) which because of its volume of terms and phrases is arduous and time consuming.
Learning his terms and phrases is one of the important functions of svpwiki.com. His terms and phrases have been isolated and presented in his own words such that we may glean his peculiar use and contexts of use.
Because we are studying the science and philosophy of these scientists, explorers and discoverers of the past we are obliged to study them in their own jargons or word use. Each one had a unique jargon and point of view on nature and humanity. Yet they were knowing and presenting the same elephant so to speak. Therefore their own writings are extensively quoted within these pages. Where possible we have connected to more modern term usage or meaning equivalency. This compendium is not exhaustive. When logged in there is a word search box in the upper left of every page.
“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.” [Philip K. Dick]
Words Terms and Definitions used in this wiki.
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N |
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Q |
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See Also
1.22 - Definitions of Vibration
Compendium A
Compendium and Definitions
Compendium B
Compendium C
Compendium D
Compendium E
Compendium F
Compendium G
Compendium H
Compendium I
Compendium J
Compendium K
Compendium L
Compendium M
Compendium N
Compendium O
Compendium P
Compendium Q
Compendium R
Compendium S
Compendium T
Compendium U
Compendium V
Compendium W
Compendium X
Compendium Y
Compendium Z
Keely Definitions
Language of Light
Language of Men and Animals
Popular Definitions of the Word Mind
Resonance Definition - Chemistry
Sound and Vibration Definitions
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Table of Contents
Words Terms and Definitions